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    bjj, boxing, MMA, free tibet, criminology/sociology, travel, music, films, books, fairtrade
  • Occupation
    childrens rights & advocacy, counselling & therapy

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  1. Given the level off maturity that he displayed, that wouldn't surprise me...I really don't understand the aggressive posturing and driving / riding off stuff - most motorcyclists are happy to give a nod to other folks on two wheels... ---------- Post added 26-07-2016 at 16:10 ---------- Just had a look at your contribution to ther forum...you should be on stage...
  2. Wow, someone did something and I felt the need to respond...wait a minute, have you not just done the same thing?!? Oh yes, you have...live your life...
  3. I certainly didn't - I was also on two wheels...(I do drive a car as well) ---------- Post added 25-07-2016 at 21:45 ---------- Sometimes car drivers do this to me when I'm on two wheels, but for some strange reason noone ever does it if I'm following a police motorcycle
  4. I honestly don't know - I'll always hold my hand up if I've made a mistake, but on this occassion I am at a loss
  5. You with the orange helmet - perhaps you'd like to PM me and explain your reasons for what appeared to be an unprovoked gesture? I would have happily discussed your reasons with you in the layby, but I suspect making gestures and then riding away is more your style.
  6. There are several reputable martial arts clubs in Manchester, including Thai boxing and Mixed Martial Arts. IF they run children's classes, then I'd check out the Straight Blast Gym International, but that's not to suggest that i think it's the 'best' - it would just be my preference.
  7. I'm assuming that the section i've highlighted is inaccurate given your use of the words 'prat' and 'muppet' - Mr Rogers would not be impressed methinks...
  8. That's the MAIN reason for martial arts? Are you suggesting that's why they came about initially? i think i've just woken up to the smell of manure! Respect is great, in fact it's integral to at least some systems, but to say it's the MAIN reason, which suggests it's above all other reasons, is, i'm afraid incorrect (at least according to the literature that i've read - i'd be happy to see anything to the contrary though).
  9. and leaving for london in the next ten days sadly!
  10. 2 seminars + 10 intense lessons? ok then!
  11. Oh, why do you say that? he's done a particular design that i'd like to have, hence why i'm trying to contact him, but having already got tattoos i'd rather go back to the places i know and try and get it done there if this guy's not all he's cracked up to be...could you pm me about your response? (if it's not approrpriate for the forum) thanks
  12. is he still there? i emailed him a few days ago with a link of tattoo that he'd done (and i'd like to have), but he's not got back to me yet
  13. Nice one Pete as long as you're enjoying what you're doing, that's great, and as long as you remind opne-minded, you won't go wrong. Don't be sucked into beleiveing that GKR is the be all and end all - it's not - but neither is any other system for that matter. i would and always do suggest to people that they try different styles and clubs before settling on one, and i have in the past (on this very forum) promoted clubs/styles which iv'e attended/practised, but on reflection, weren't all that good! if you stay loyal to YOUR aims and needs, rather than a style, and if you remain open-minded and enjoy your training, i can't see how you'll go far wrong (oh, and maybe drop the 'GKR' from GKR Pete' )
  14. I'm suprised at you Farhad - i thought you'd be more protective of your fighters. Have you any idea just how DANGEROUS GKR techniques are? :hihi::hihi: sorry Pete...the above's meant in good spirits... seriously, get yourself to geoff thompson's place - few people are more respected in terms of RBSD
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