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  1. We’re sixth in the country Wooohooo let’s celebrate - oh wait it’s the slowest city. https://www.thestar.co.uk/news/traffic-and-travel/traffic-sheffield-ranked-sixth-slowest-city-uk-where-takes-20-minutes-10km-4473302?fbclid=IwAR1CYpytoQYuyI8AEkKh3mTdTfBbsYeekeCVohAQu0q_qKB3-fasKs4tB9Q tomtom.com/traffic-index/ranking/ and according to Tom Tom. Our fair city is 67 in the world. Oh my I thought we were doing well
  2. Asking a genuine question here … what makes you say they are targeted ?
  3. I don’t think this will help the op. But I have taken this out which gives legal advice and insurance. Hoping this might help others. note there are various bands of cover. https://membership.britishcycling.org.uk/benefits I don’t work for bc btw.
  4. Given the state of the taxi drivers at the train station tonight - that day cannot come soon enough ! Whilst the roads aren’t the best design I don’t think that means taxi drivers can under take others on the approach road that passes the garage ? or even better drive onto the box junction heading into the station, drop their fare then attempt to do a u turn so blocking the junction. needless to say the was lots of car horns and consternation 😟 professional drivers my arse
  5. Re owners … I’m not sure if the national trust are the owners of the burnt land above Sheffield. I understand the reason for the burning is to provide the perfect environment for grouse. And the reason for the grouse being there is to provide targets for individuals who have fat wallets to shoot in August. source https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-67058489.amp I also believe there is a connection with some game keepers breaking the law harming raptors. imho - all a bit sick and pointless waste of life. But then we all have different standards and values.
  6. I noticed the camera pointing at me as I drove through. No flash. I don’t know if it snapped me 😀 also noted this morning they are also positioned further down abbeydale road near tescos. Again pointing at bus lane. They look to be mobile ones that are bolted to existing street furniture. The one I first noticed was bolted to the ‘end of bus lane sign’ they are defo not the detectors you mention.
  7. I think it’s new - I don’t recall it either. Might be a survey one. Might be lucky.
  8. Hello This morning I was driving down abbeydale road and turning left up Springfield road. There is a bus lane that ends quite close to the left turn at the traffic lights. I made the mistake of getting into the left lane too early. And got snapped by what I think is a new camera. Behind me - at least two other cars did the same - please learn from our mistakes and don’t get in the left lane too early. will post if I get a ticket.
  9. I thought they just liked music dancing and beer ? Sheffield Corporation.
  10. Sorry what has been said that is not true ? That it was a clean site and now it’s a right mess ? That the site was broken into ? That as tax payers we are going to have to pay to clean up the mess ? Assuming the council are on it 😀 That their behaviour is disrespectful. Not sure what you mean by revolting comments ? Could you site examples pls.
  11. I drove past last night. The piles of rubbish are coming along nicely. I also dread to think what’s happening to their black water. Maybe this was a relevant and reasonable way of life 100 years ago. But now ? I have no problem with people living in caravans or even van lifers but when they disrespect their env and expect others to sort their mess then - not great.
  12. This is a question I’m asking myself and I guess I ask every election. I have taken a look at Sheffield councils yearly plans (google it). There’s lots of great sentiment but what actual positive change has there been in the last 2 years or so ? I can see great plans for a nice park at the castle area of town. The local parks near me seem in a decent state. The litter bins on the roads seem to be being emptied. These are I guess quite small things but then I don’t really use services such as social care and social housing. So not able to comment. But then I look at some big ticket items. The city centre. In my work I visit other cities Nottingham. Manchester. Their city centres are vibrant places. Ours is well it’s grim. spending money wisely. errrmmm containers. Trust. errr trees ? Public Transport. All I hear is people saying it’s not great. On the rare occurrence I have caught a bus - on two occasions I was waiting longer than I was supposed to be. closing roads. I actually cycle little London road. I did before it had barriers. It’s quieter and nicer to cycle now but in totality is still an interesting route into the city. I also think if closing roads was about making positive inroads into pollution. Then my uneducated stance is that it’s made things worse. Abbeydale road is a nightmare to drive. Journeys are slower and sitting traffic causes more pollution. The simple fact is there are too many cars on the road. I believe there needs to be carrots and sticks to make journeys more green and quicker. I only see sticks. like I say my view is limited - so I’d love to see some positives. Of course budgets are vastly limited but other cities seem to be doing better. what do you think ?
  13. Interesting comment imho. I wonder if you would say that Emily Davison was also a criminal ? She went to prison a number of times so yes probably, even paid with her life in the end while trying to fasten a scarf to a moving horse. But she is not remembered for her crimes yet for her actions along with other suffragettes. Of course there were other events that helped their cause. My point is that sure she was labelled as a criminal by some but for many she helped women get equal rights. Then there’s my grand parents. They were normal hard working people but joined many others to undertake criminal activities in the now Peak District. Theirs and many others trespass lead to our access to the moors. They were criminals yet we don’t remember them as criminals - more they were people that stood up and fought for theirs and our rights. Imho they did good. May I also assume that the reason we dislike these criminals is because they stop us going about our daily business, trying to get to work etc. This being the case then should we draw parallels with striking train drivers ? There actions are also limiting others - well they did when I wanted to go to work. I guess in all this my view is that things are not black and white and perhaps we should not be so quick to judge. And please I’m not a clown 🤡
  14. I can see where you are coming from on lack of choice. But if there was a party who said in their manifesto - come what may we are not raising council tax - would you vote for them ? If enough people would then surely a party perhaps one that is blue would do it 😀
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