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About Abdul

  • Birthday April 6

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  • Location
    Dodging bullets in the 'hood
  • Interests
    Sheffield history + geography, world events
  • Occupation
    Systems Admin / Superhero / Professional Tea drinker

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  1. Right, let's have a look through my Outlook archives... we were investigating why OS9 iMacs were providing such relatively poor network performance (for the technically minded, they were operating in Half Duplex transfer mode) and we were fixing minor problems with our telephone / voicemail system. Hold on a minute, 09/11/2001 is 9th November 2001, isn't it (thank you George) so what was I actually doing on 11/09/2001... We were preparing to offload redundant computers to local schools, and seeing if there was a way to connect an external USB / Firewire CD burner to a PC running Windows NT4 Workstation (short answer: no). We were also saying goodbye to a staff member who was leaving work to travel across the world (not surprisingly, they didn't go in the end!)
  2. I always thought it was Protestant. You know those Orange Lodge marches they have in Ireland, when the Protestants march through the Catholic areas of the town to wind them up? We had something similar in Liverpool where the local C of E secondary school would have its annual parade past the Roman Catholic school I was studying at. My fellow pupils, despite not actively practising, or attending church, still got angry about the march.
  3. Don't tell timo - he'll tell you off for that I admire Leonardo da Vinci most of all. Not just a painter, but an architect, engineer, philosopher, mathematician and scientist. Many are happy today just to coast through life watching daytime television, breeding sprogs and picking up a giro, but he got off his backside, did everything, and some more. He's more of a role model that many of todays 'celebrities' Leonardo, we salute you
  4. Everything in the water there wants to kill you. Add sea snakes to the list, too.
  5. Don't accept lifts from strangers in the outback. Oh yes, and watch out for dingoes, especially if you have little 'uns.
  6. Right now, I'm listening to 'Bad Day' by Daniel Powter: Sometimes the system goes on the blink and the whole thing it turns out Wrong You might not make it back and you know that you could be well oh that Strong As Daniel said in an interview for BBC "It's not literally about having a bad day, it's more about not taking yourself too seriously and complaining about trivial things." Yep, been there
  7. Already been discussed here: Laser Eye Surgery - Anyone here had it done
  8. Sir, I have to take issue with both of these points: I've been to Sefton Park many times and saw nothing remotely sex-maniac related (but then, I did always visit in daytime or perhaps I'm just not as good-looking as I thought ). It's a lovely park, much prettier and friendlier than my 'local' park when I spent a decade in Liverpool, Newsham. I was climbing a tree in Newsham Park (as you do, when you're in your mid-twenties) and some inbred 'young, angry, unwanted' scouse girl walked to the bottom of my tree, and in that horrid nasal tone enhanced by a young lifetimes' worth of parental abuse screeched: "Worrer you lukhin aht?" "Er, nothing" was my surprised reply. Well, she probably had a very difficult childhood, what with her mum and dad being brother and sister. Is this the park at the end of Princes Road? That too is a lovely park. In the daytime at least. It's quite safe to walk through as well. Believe it or not, scallies and hoodies tend to stay away from parks, libraries, museums and other places that cultured and learned fellows such as you and I would frequent. And I do like that Salvador Dali at the Liverpool Tate, no matter what you think
  9. Yes, but I can't imagine Margi Clarke ever 'shimmying down Boldy' to experience its cultural delights... however I could imagine her waddling up Bold Street (from St Johns) to shop at its selection of £1 stores (and I believe there's still a 50p shop for the real peasants).
  10. And what were you doing in there, timo ?! Just taking a shortcut from Lime Street station to Bold Street yourself ?!
  11. I am surprised. I would've thought she'd have done a 'Cilla' and scarpered off to the relative security (ho ho) of a mansion in Berkshire or somewhere else like many other 'Professional Scousers'. No wonder that house prices in Liverpool are relatively good value for money!
  12. Have to agree with this. Isn't her mother a local councillor or something? Where did she go wrong Love the translation. Do you have anymore up your sleeve?
  13. I honestly sympathise with you. Several years ago they had a nutter of a headmaster who would actually enrol all the trouble-causing pupils that were excluded from other schools! What on earth was he smoking
  14. I would have been at Firth Park Secondary during the late 80s - early 90s, but my junior school was a feeder for Earl Marshal. I'm not being nasty for the sake of it, but Earl Marshal school did have a bad reputation in the 90s! I should know...many of my friends went there
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