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  1. Just thought i would bump this to try to get it renoticed . Love them days
  2. My girlfriend was a passenger in the hyundiA. She called me and i went to assist. To my knowledge the woman and 2 kids in the bmw were still waiting for the ambulance to arrive two hours after accident and my partner and her friend were very concerned for them. Just wanted some witness footage for insurance. Thanks. ---------- Post added 10-05-2018 at 14:04 ---------- Big thankyou to Rosso1980. Occupants of hyundia been to police station to give statements and seen footage. Police are going to email it to us for insurance. Will update outcome of this when sorted.
  3. Hey up Rosso1980. Any chance of saving the footage and sending it to me. Thanks.
  4. Hi. Did anyone witness what happened or have dash cam footage of the BMW crashing into the KIA yesterday ? Handsworth at traffic lights outside the turf pub. Any info appreciated Thanks
  5. PKN Rotherham make yre own mind up Reason i posted this is because i got excelent service for my year end and tax return. No imme not on commision or related. just giving my honest opinion
  6. Hi, I have repaired loads of these keys. What is the problem? cental locking fault or card not recognised? I repair both faults (same day if needed) but i am in Rotherham pm me if you need my contact details or more information. Regards.
  7. Hello again Brennen. Thanks i will go there, its been a long time but it feels just like yesterday. We are all novices at first, Just reply to any thread to get 5 posts. You now have 3. Best Regards Gllynn
  8. Hi Brennan. If only you knew how your reply has made me feel. I used to visit this thread regulary hoping for one reply in recognition of us Scissor/surgical instrument workers, but getting a reply from Pauls relatives, Wife. Well, I did not in my wildest dreams expect to get your reply. Your Husband Paul, Wow so many memories that have not even begun to fade, He was absolutely the best Gaffer, Friend (although he was old enough to be my dad) Yes i can say friend. He got me a motor scooter wich was a non runner, he knew i was interested in mechanics. You know what? I still have the original log book for it . It came from sombody called Melvin Briggs oops spelt it wrong, its MELVYN BRIGGS.Just looked at the log book Hope for more replies to this thread ps_ could i ask where i can visit Pauls resting place. Because i did not find out he had passed away until i went to visit him at Hallis and Wragg. Only Brian was there and thats when i was told. So many memories.
  9. Hiya steelcityuk. Could i ask what your farthers name is, by pm if you prefer. The name Wragg, i knew Paul Wragg, he was the most caring understanding bloke i have ever known, The first gaffer at my first job, i remember it like it was yesterday, and all my time at Eschmanns, I wish there were more replies to this thread. Regaurds Glynn
  10. Just remembered Terry Leachs brother = Ken Leach.... Dave (singing man) = Dave Harper (i think)
  11. Hi I worked at Eschmanns (on and off) from approx 1972ish up untill redundant approx 1975ish. As i remember there were 4 of us apprentices who started at the same time. Derrick Longley (HI DERICK if you read this, keep in touch pal) Someone called Gavin, and Me, I know thats only 3 but i cant remember who the 4th was, thats if there was a 4th. Do you remember the beermats that Eschman gave us with there products printed on em, ive still got mine My first wage was approx 4 pound (cant find the friggin pound sign on my keyboard only a $ key) yes still got my first wage slip I trained as a Backstand glaser, I remember next to me was Terry Leach then Alan Gott, I thinkTerries brother also worked with us but cant recall just now his name. Remember names time.. OK First name has got to be the best gaffer/friend anyone could hope for ( I remember my first day as if it were yesterday. First training / working day on the VIOTTO scissor blade grinding machine. My first Trainer/Gaffer/Boss was Paul Wragg RIP Paul . He was a great guy, many memories of Paul, i could be here all night but will save for onother post. Paul started a bussines with Brian Hallas, Hallas and Wragg. I worked for them too wonder where Brian is today. Regaurding the quote from above , I think Dave Wragg maybe Paul Wragg also Walt maybe Walt Wilson I lived on the same maissonette as Walt at Foxhill. I also remember another backstand glaser in our area (wich was at the side of the boxed in stairs wich went to the lower floor) his name was Dave, i think he was a singer in clubs, and every morning he came in and changed into his work trousers (wich he left at work) before he started work.. Well every time the ladies would run down and try to catch him with no trousers... but he was faster than them... Untill one day he tried to get em on quiker than the ladies could catch him,,,, It wasnt my idea to sew your work trouser bottems up honest ))))) EHH THE GOOD OLD DAYS Who cannot remember ADA in the canteen, she used to get our orders for our sandwiches or dipping cakes and go across the road to the steelworks canteen for us all Bless her. I also remember a guy who worked the rumbelers vibrating machine wich smoothed the blades etc) cant remember his name, wore glasses. Someone who loaned me loads of Bluebeat records cant remember his name? Rita Wallis (worked with my mum ) Audrey (My Mum Love You mum x) I could go on all night but i think ille CUTT OFF here ) (yes we made scissors) Nial hole, Farside n Back, Shank, Inside Bow Outside Bow Got to go Fairs here
  12. Hi Dennis, I think i know who your brother is (Derek.) Did he used to work at Eschmann Bros and Walsh on corporation street? now student accommodation, If so does he remember me (Glynn) and the Fair:) Imme still involved with the fair to this day Regards Glynn
  13. Hi Dennis Edited part Oooopps i pressed wrong key before i finished typing (see next post for full message)
  14. Hi I went to Hartley Brooke in the 70s. I remember the fire and the dungeons under the school. Names that spring to mind,, HeryEtta. Micheal ball.Steven ransom, Paul webster. Glynn Vaughan ( thats me HEE HEE ) Glen foulds. David henry (was that henry etta ? ) A girl whose uncle used to have a fishing tackle shop next to Law brothers petrol station.. second name Hutchinson i think ?.etc etc Do you remember the Death jump down at the brooke??. And cobbin it at dinner time. (share a small uncut loaf with your mate then rake out the bread, and ask the chip shop to fill it wi chips then push the raked out bread back in and MUNCH) MMMMMMMM I could go on all night but its late so byyyeeee for now Fairboyglynn
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