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    photography.tropical fish
  • Occupation
    disillusioned S6

matsalleh's Achievements

Rising Star

Rising Star (9/14)



  1. Ikea is the last thing Sheffield needs. What is needed is a couple of(multi -cultural All welcome)gitmos and Boris with his water cannons!
  2. Open today and stocking up,but open Daily 0830 except Sunday.Fear the worst for them with those times. notice says open 0830 and they have pellets,also the section behind the counter is stocked and upstairs has mainly chairs
  3. Parson Cross used to be famous for a Subaru driven by a ghost.
  4. On the ball again.I hope our politicians use this vote to look inwards and try to sort this mess out that this country is in.I wish our politicians would would adopt the phrase "I will do what is best for my country.
  5. Typical of this council,getting something right and depriving people of a bit of pleasure.
  6. All this stuff used to be sold in small porcelain dishes in the market. I once saw a Chinese shop in Singapore advertising pig tail noodles.
  7. Have a read of this before spending money. http://www.yorkshirewater.com/the-big-transfer.aspx My apologies if this has already been said as i haven't read all the thread
  8. I didn't put my black bin out yesterday but it was emptied! I twas inside the gate,easy to see but only had a couple of non perishables in it.So who did it collector did some one put all their rubbish in and wheel it out? It's a mystery but who ever did the dastardly deed free to make it a regular occurance.
  9. They should just have a rolling 24 hours of Sheffield Forum threads
  10. As no one has answered my question I thought I would do some research in one of these places. When my hair regrows,I should be able to have it cut properly.
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