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  1. About 2.30pm when I was in the areas traffic was at a standstill. Can't be due to loads of blok😊
  2. I liked Steve wright on the radio. Sad news.
  3. So you see yourself at the same level as these self apppinted judges and executioners. Shame in you!
  4. A child of the 60s you say? Had your own car for over 60 years. How does that work even if you was born in 1960
  5. The child abuse in our own counties has still not been fully resolved. Let North America deal with it. I think they will do a better job than the UK have.
  6. Why would these women you speak of want to manicure their nails on meeting the rapist? Should they also have their make up bag with them. You know mascara, eye shadow and nail varnish. 😃 .
  7. That says more about you than it says about the torture.
  8. Put me in your little black book as as weak person.
  9. Then there is not much difference between you and her.
  10. I hate the smell of it too. If a copper was to walk along the back of the Oasis on that path that runs along the river they would be giving cautions out every day. What is wrong with them. There are enough dumb asses on our street already. If it keeps them indoors and off the street we won't have to smell it.
  11. The owner of a new cannabis club where members would be free to smoke marijuana has said he wanted to break the "stigma" around the drug. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-68055040
  12. As we discuss, local authorities are the cause of untold damage from potholes to the cars of law abiding citizens, simply because the council fail in their duty to repair quickly enough. By the time the repairs are done the damage has ocurred. Not criminal but a more important issue than bus gates etc.
  13. @pittytom😂 You had a black face the other day. What face will you be using next week, a yellow one?
  14. But what percentage of the loss of fuel duty is down to electric vehicles?
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