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Everything posted by the1

  1. Should just try and installed Windows 7 pmsl.... On a serious note, what about Windows 98?...
  2. I presum he is running a quad core at 3ghz?. I am in the middle of building a water cooling system for my processor & graphics card and should be able to overclock my AMD 9950 quad core 2.6ghz processor to at least 3.2ghz/3.4ghz. Theres a vid on youtube where someone has overclocked there 9950 to 4ghz (each core). IMHO its just overkill, but AMD are set to release 6, 12 & 16 core processors in 2010/2011. Link here: http://www.trustedreviews.com/cpu-memory/news/2009/04/23/AMD--12-Core-CPUs-Coming-Early-2010/p1
  3. I can vouch for overclockers.co.uk as a friend of mine bought a Gaming PC from there website last year with a 26" Samsung Monitor. Its fully water cooled with CPU & GPU water cooling & he's never had a problem with it and it runs like a dream . He did have a problem with his monitor last month & rang/emailed overclockers and they came the next day and replaced the Monitor with a brand new one there and then. Fantastic Service imho!. I have also bought a few few things from overclockers including my water cooled case, which I got a few weeks ago.
  4. They told all email account holders (including myself) a month or so before they were switching the service off & told everyone to back up there emails and contact details. Can't remember when, but it must have been around Febuary/March this year. I take it you never really used your account that much then? - otherwise you would have known. I don't think there's anything you can do other pay the money tbh.
  5. Have you tried updating you BIOS on your mo'board?. Long shot, but my Crosshair mo'board didn't support AM2+ until I updated my BIOS. Now I am running a AMD AM2+ 9950 Quad Core. Also what size PSU are you using?.
  6. Try leaving it for a good 5/10 minutes or so.... Mine screen went blue & nothing was happened, spoke to my bro who said leave it for a while and it worked.
  7. There website: http://www.bikesafe-sheffield.co.uk/
  8. My Dads a Bus Driver (has been with First 10+ years) & as far as I am aware you can take your PCV with First for free, but if you leave within 2 years you have to pay for the PCV Training that you got with First, which is between 1k-2k. I think you take the test at Rotherham?.... I wouldn't be a Bus Driver if you paid me £1000 a day lol, its that bad. Your hours are all over the place and you get nothing but hassel back from the general public & First. The wages are crap imho around £300 on 40 hours (could be wrong as its from memory?, but its around that.). First are always looking for opportunities to sack people to employ newer people as so they can pay them a lower wage and save money & there are sooo many drivers that are off work with Stress etc... its unreal with many drivers dying of heart attacks (although there's no prove to say its job etc... Could be other factors?, but still!). Alot of First drivers are leaving to go to Stagecoach, can't remember why though lol... Coaching maybe better as at least you can take people on a nice run to the Seaside without much hassle.
  9. TBH I think most Ghost walks etc.. should be taken as fun anyway imho. Although I have heard the Edinburgh Vauts Ghost walks are pretty good lol.
  10. Got it running on my PC & think its pretty good tbh.... Mind you, I would say that having had XP for a number of years. I will use it until the RC expires next year.
  11. TBH I tend to agree, but if you feel that strongly about making a claim then hopefully things will workout. My dads a bus driver and unlike some bus drivers out there tries to help the best he can, but to some people its never enough. There has been a few instances where my dad has witnessed (while driving the bus) parents allowing there child to mess about in the Luggage holders. Now, my father told the parent to remove there child as its dangerous & also health & safety and all he got for his troubles was abuse!. If my father had to make an emergence stop & that child got hurt the parent would have blamed the driver. By the sounds of your incident I am in no doubt that the driver is at fault, which is proabley why he was reluctant to give you his Driver Number. You don't really need that number as long as you know what stop you were at, time & Bus Number. As they can just check who was driving said bus as there duty. Should have also asked what board he was on as well, but never mind.... (normally 5 digits)
  12. Over the last 2 weeks or so the weather has been like April showers imho - one minute sunny, the next raining!. I want to wash the car, but there's no point if its going to rain an hour later.
  13. Things must have changed then now?. As when I was taught at home (13 years ago) most people didn't have access to the interent (well we didn't) & when the Devon Local Education Authority came to access us, it was basically "What are you doing to educate your children?", to which my mother answered "Researching through Library/Books etc.." & that was that in the entire time we were home schooled. They never mentioned anything about Groups, Activities or even an alternative for my brother to continue with his GCSE's!. Obviously my brother is now 28 & has thought about going to College to further his Career and maybe gain some much needed qualifications with GCSE's etc, but is currently doing fine in his Career. By the sounds of it, things have moved on for the better?. I can only speak from my experiences & obviously each home schooled case is different. My stituation may be different to most home schooled children as I moved from Sheffield to Devon where there wasn't that many children around to play with. As a child I also found it really hard to concentrate on doing the work, knowing that there were TV's, Games etc... in the next room. I suppose looking back it must have been hard for my mother to perpare the work, the night before ready to teach us the next morning & trying to deal with 3 children that didn't want to learn & just wanted to play around the house.
  14. Its good that you can teach your daughter at home as not all parents can, but at the age of 15 she will be nearing her GCSE's. Do you get help from the local Education Authority or is your source from the internet?. I was bullied through most of my School life (sadly for having red hair) and when I as 12 my parents decided to educate me at home with my 2 brothers for a good 6-12 months. I was accessed through the Devon Local Education Authority & then my mother went from there. Upon reflection (at the age of 26), I know she found it very hard to try and educate us the best she could, but in the end we all ended up going back to another secondary school, which we finished our education at. One thing I did miss was the lack of friends while I was home schooled. As we moved from Sheffield to Devon, we literally knew nobody & moved to an area in which there were little or no children to play with. So we became abit isolated & my mother was worried, so decided that we should try going to school again. My older brother has no Qualifications because when we were home schooled, he should have been doing his GCSE's at that time. Shame really, but its something to think about as it can effect your daughters chances of a Career.
  15. Don't think so?.... As I am not getting any benefits, I don't think I am eligible. As far as what sort of course, well something like word processing or the like, Spreadsheets etc... Office Applications really. I know there's guides how to do most things on the net, but really want a Certificate/Qualification at the end. Thought about having a word at the IT place that used to be called Square Mile at the Hillsborough Barracks, but not to sure whats its now called anyone?...
  16. Just wondering if there is such a thing on the net?... I am fairly competent with PC's, but other than a Distinction I got when I left School I don't really posses any Qualifications in IT. Monies abit tight, so can't really sign up for a College Course come August/September & as I am off Sick from work just thought I could do something constructive with my time.
  17. Installed the RC 64bit build 7100 and after spending nearlly 5 years with XP Professional & dipped in and out with Vista. It runs pretty well with my system (Quad Core AMD 9950, 8800GTX & 3GB Ram) and its a nice change coming from XP. Just a shame it expires March 1st 2010 .
  18. There's the stickers here if you want to have a look?: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1x-Colin-Mcrae-If-in-doubt-Flat-out-Sticker-Decal_W0QQitemZ120384632823QQcmdZViewItemQQimsxZ20090228?IMSfp=TL090228141002r2819 or http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Colin-McRae-Sticker---If-in-doubt,-flat-out._W0QQitemZ400044109649QQcmdZViewItemQQimsxZ20090418?IMSfp=TL0904181110004r1116
  19. That could why your paying £38..... I have been with Fitness First (Hillsborough) for 2 years and still only pay £23 off peak.
  20. I work for Royal Mail & do sometimes get live crickets etc... through... Not too sure about anything bigger though?.
  21. I don't think they do anymore?. We have had something similar & they wouldn't come out (although it was some years ago!).
  22. Could be?...... As most people in todays society (me included) consume too much food based on taste & forget that food is supposed to be for nutrition through the day. It sounds like she/he spends abit of time at takeaways, but far from me to criticise there diet!. TBH I would rather spend the money on something like a chicken & some breadcakes from Morrisons, just my 2p worth. If you don't like there portions go somewhere else... We should shop with our feet!.
  23. At last someone speaking with some common sense!. I have been playing games since I had a Commodore 64 & still do now at the age of 26. I have never felt like or indeed wanted to kill anyone just because I have played Grand Theft Auto or any other visual medium rated 18+. As we grow up we should know whats right and wrong from our parents & peers, but its so easy to blame a medium in which most parents haven't a clue on, with phase's like "its only a game!" being brandished about by some parents before they hand over a 18 rated game to "little johnny".
  24. John of Excel leaves on my road (Hawksley Avenue) & I know that he's been doing it years. He used to drive a Red Corsa a few years back, but now has a Black Corsa with Excel decals along the side of his car. I used Revlin School Of Motoring based in Stannington 5 years ago & passed first time, but not too sure if if he would go as far as S11... Could try him though?. His names Andy.
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