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Enthusiast (5/14)



  1. It's high time the government brought back the death penalty. I would vote in favour of it. It shouldn't be by injection as it is too civilised and painless. In cases like this its not about justice its about revenge.
  2. Personal allowance will up to £10,000 which is good for that is all I care about. If benefits get cut it's just tough. I know where my vote is going in 2 years.
  3. The NHS seems to have a big obssesion with sexual health instead of real health issues. I remember a few months back reading in the papers about an NHS website aimed at teenagers that was informing them about strange sexual practices. It shouldn't be doing this it should treating real health problems.
  4. Children should be raised by a mother and a father. If 2 men or 2 women are to have a relationship they should accept they can't have children. It's simple biology really.
  5. I don't understand why she was banned from wearing her cross. This is a Christian country after all. Political correctness is a cancer which is killing this country. just look at how much time and effort the police have put into investigating a dead man like Jimmy Saville but did nothing about the Asian gang in Rochdale. keep Britain Christian.
  6. Tax allowances should be for people with kids only. Why should couples get allowances just for being married? Not everyone marries to have children. Couples already have an advantage in the housing market due to having 2 salaries. marriage is pointless anyway just a piece of paper. Single people are generally more open minded and pleasant people anyway.
  7. By heart bleeds for them poor souls. I am not getting a pay rise & I only earn £13,700 before tax with no top ups from the state. If workers are not getting rises why should shirkers? I won't be donating to charity anymore and I certainly won't donate to food collections. Every man & every woman for themselves. You have to look after your own & yourself.
  8. It is about time university students were made to pay full fare. They are adults after all. Only pensioners should get free fares and school children should get reduced fares.
  9. All you posters talk as if society is some abstraction that is separate from people. Society is individual people and the relationships between individual people. If individuals are happy then society is happy. Society can only improve if indviduals look after themselves and others around them.
  10. I would donate to children who are ill in hospital. Some people who are on benefits say they can't afford presents for their children but often smoke and drink. If they didn't they could afford presents.
  11. Events like this prove people don't have to be clever to get in to university anymore. The education system needs changing so people have to be as clever as Stephen Hawking to be accepted to university.
  12. The best film of the 80s is Raging Bull.
  13. I am currently reading The Godfather by Mario Puzo. Only 29 pages in but it is entertaining so far.
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