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Everything posted by topflat29

  1. Due Limitations Act, if the CT bill is in your name, you can claim back for any mistakes going over the last 6 years direct from Council. But if the old agent has gone, then you have nobody to claim against.
  2. Contact a foam spray to underside of roof company and ask for quote. e.g edu-chem http://www.edu-chem.co.uk/solving-nail-fatigue-on-a-slate-roof/
  3. This website may give more up to date unit prices for extensions . £1200-£1500 per sqm https://householdquotes.co.uk/cost-of-extension/
  4. What you call "discrepancies" may be due to ignorance of the correct rules for statutory extension lease extension or not knowing the current market value You can google search for online calculator to get the cost for statutory 90 years lease extension for leasehold flat with 40 years term left.
  5. The Law Commission is calling for your comments on the Leasehold system : In England, properties are usually owned either as freehold or as leasehold. Leasehold is a form of ownership where a person owns a property for a set number of years (typically, 99 or 125 years) on a lease from a landlord, who owns the freehold. Flats are almost always owned using leasehold, but in recent years it has also increasingly been used for newly built houses. It is estimated that there are at least 4 million leasehold properties in England alone. However, we have been told that the law which applies to leasehold is far from satisfactory. The Government has said that leasehold has “far too many problems including disproportionate costs to extend leases; poor value property management; and a slow and costly sales process”. Respondents to the consultation on our 13th Programme of Law Reform also identified numerous problems with residential leasehold law. We have therefore been tasked with improving consumer choice, and with providing greater fairness and transparency for leaseholders. Our project will, in the first instance, address three issues: leasehold enfranchisement; the regulation of managing agents; and commonhold, which provides an alternative form of ownership to residential leasehold. The project may be expanded to address other concerns with leases. We will not, however, be considering the law relating to tenants who rent their homes in shorter-term arrangements. https://www.lawcom.gov.uk/project/residential-leasehold-and-commonhold/ The consultation is open for response from the members of public until 18 April 2018 .
  6. The FTT decision for Leasehold House in Southport should be your start of negotiation and link is given in post No. 48.: Price for Enfranchisement 16. The price payable by the Applicants for the Transfer will be £107.00, being ground rent of £6.40 @ 6% (16.66 YP). 17. Given that the ground rent was determined by reference to the perpetuity period the Tribunal determined that there was no reason to value the reversion which as Mr. Orme's calculations illustrated calculated at zero. Costs 18. The Respondent is entitled to be recover the reasonable costs of conveyancing and valuation under Section 9(4) of the Leasehold Reform Act 1967. The Tribunal assesses these costs at £250 plus VAT. If you cannot get these terms by informal negotiation , then instruct Jeffrey to serve legal notice on your behalf.
  7. If you have a leasehold house , you should be keeping aware of Governments direction to reform the leasehold system by reading the Guardian Newspaper report dated 21 Dec 2017: Leaseholders are to be freed from “feudal practices” in the property market, according to the government minister responsible for housing, with new rules to make extending a lease or purchasing a freehold “much easier, faster and cheaper”. Guardian Today: the headlines, the analysis, the debate - sent direct to you Read more Sajid Javid, the communities secretary, also said the government would go ahead with a ban on leaseholds on new-build houses first announced in July, and will force developers to cut controversial ground rents to zero for all new apartments and houses. The government will also write to all developers that have sold homes with “onerous ground rent terms” to ask them to provide “necessary redress”. Taylor Woodrow has set aside £130m to assist leasehold buyers but other developers have steadfastly refused to pay any form of compensation. Javid said: “It’s unacceptable for homebuyers to be exploited through unnecessary leaseholds, unjustifiable charges and onerous ground rent terms. It’s clear from the overwhelming response from the public that real action is needed to end these feudal practices.”
  8. Its not fake news . See what the Guardian Newspaper dated 21 Dec 2017 reported : https://www.theguardian.com/money/2017/dec/21/sajid-javid-promises-to-liberate-leaseholders-from-feudal-practices: Leaseholders are to be freed from “feudal practices” in the property market, according to the government minister responsible for housing, with new rules to make extending a lease or purchasing a freehold “much easier, faster and cheaper”. Guardian Today: the headlines, the analysis, the debate - sent direct to you Read more Sajid Javid, the communities secretary, also said the government would go ahead with a ban on leaseholds on new-build houses first announced in July, and will force developers to cut controversial ground rents to zero for all new apartments and houses. The government will also write to all developers that have sold homes with “onerous ground rent terms” to ask them to provide “necessary redress”. Taylor Woodrow has set aside £130m to assist leasehold buyers but other developers have steadfastly refused to pay any form of compensation. Javid said: “It’s unacceptable for homebuyers to be exploited through unnecessary leaseholds, unjustifiable charges and onerous ground rent terms. It’s clear from the overwhelming response from the public that real action is needed to end these feudal practices.”
  9. 1. Yes , you are right , the previous LVT is now replaced by FTT ( First Tier Tribunal ). Leaseholders can make application to FTT for judgement on the reasonableness of demands in service charges and for determination on price to pay for freehold title etc. 2. Some freehold companies operate on the basis that they can make extortionate demands and ramp up the price when leaseholders ask to buy the freehold title of their leasehold house . Recently there was a case of oap reported paying £38K for what should have been around £6K. 3. That is why leaseholders need a solicitor like yourself to bring the price down to the proper level around 16.7 YP because the "leasehold game" is now controlled by companies registered in the British Virgin Islands. 4. You should be reporting every case to the local MPs around Sheffield and to HMRC for suspected money laundering. One UK company called Prox$ma has been receiving $10+ Mil to $15 Mil in ground rent annually since 2007 but has not paid much company tax due to losses imported from associates companies in BVI
  10. When you buy a "leasehold flat", you are holding the property as the tenant under a long term rental agreement ( called the lease ) and paying annual ground rent and service charges to the freeholder ( landlord). At the end of the 99 years or 125 years lease term, the property returns to the freeholder and the leaseholder has lost all of his/her investment in the lease. When you buy a house under freehold title , you become the legal owner of the property and there is no ground rent to pay because you are the legal owner the property. So make sure you all understand that leasehold system destroys the long term savings of the families buying into leasehold property and transfers their hard earned savings tied to the property lease to the bank accounts of the freeholder company. So its the responsibility of all citizens in England and Wales to lobby their local MP to support the leasehold reform and terminate feudal practices. So use your computer , tablet or mobile phone to inform all your friends and relatives, and grandparents in retirement homes everywhere to lobby your local MP. The website to follow is http://www.leaseholdknowledge.com
  11. Not so fast . The Government Minister Sajid Javid will be introducing new laws to end feudal practices including selling houses under leasehold title. See Guardian Newspaper issue 21 Dec 2017. https://www.theguardian.com/money/2017/dec/21/sajid-javid-promises-to-liberate-leaseholders-from-feudal-practices Sajid Javid, the communities secretary, also said the government would go ahead with a ban on leaseholds on new-build houses first announced in July, and will force developers to cut controversial ground rents to zero for all new apartments and houses. The government will also write to all developers that have sold homes with “onerous ground rent terms” to ask them to provide “necessary redress”. Taylor Woodrow has set aside £130m to assist leasehold buyers but other developers have steadfastly refused to pay any form of compensation. Javid said: “It’s unacceptable for homebuyers to be exploited through unnecessary leaseholds, unjustifiable charges and onerous ground rent terms. It’s clear from the overwhelming response from the public that real action is needed to end these feudal practices.”
  12. When you have a leasehold house paying small ground rent under a 999 years lease, after 2 years from purchase you should offer to buy the freehold title at 16.7 times the annual ground rent plus contribute to £250 + VAT to cover freeholder's conveyancing cost . See link below to recent LVT decision : https://decisions.lease-advice.org//...1-1000/959.pdf When you have a leasehold house under 99 years lease, you should extend before falling below 80 years unexpired term remaining because the compensation formula to pay freeholder includes paying 50% of the marriage value . You can get the free guide from LEASE which is an Advice Centre funded by the Government ( http://www.lease-advice.org }
  13. The Land Registry records for any property may have a "freehold title" and a "leasehold title" . The holder of the "freehold title" is the legal owner of the property including the building and garden land within the boundary fences. The holder of the "leasehold title" is the long term rental tenant with rights to occupy and use the property for 99/125 years etc under a lease which requires payment of annual ground rent and service charge by the leaseholder to the freeholder. So to buy the legal ownership of a house and terminate the ground rent obligations , the leaseholder must purchase the freehold title from the current holder ( who may be known as the "freehold reversioner" ). When the same person holds both freehold title and leasehold title, the leasehold title becomes invalid. You can download a free guide to buying the "freehold title" for leasehold house from http://www.lease-advice.org ---------- Post added 07-02-2018 at 11:04 ---------- When you have a leasehold house paying small ground rent under a 999 years lease, after 2 years from purchase you should offer to buy the freehold title at 16.7 times the annual ground rent plus contribute to £250 + VAT to cover freeholder's conveyancing cost . See link below to recent LVT decision : https://decisions.lease-advice.org//app/uploads/decisions/act67/1-1000/959.pdf When you have a leasehold house under 99 years lease, you should extend before falling below 80 years unexpired term remaining because the compensation formula to pay freeholder includes paying 50% of the marriage value . You can get the free guide from LEASE which is an Advice Centre funded by the Government ( http://www.lease-advice.org }
  14. You can check name of current freeholder in the records held at Land Registry Online and buy a copy of the freehold title for your property address . This cost £3 by credit card and you can download the copy to your email address. if there is no contact address, you can advertise in the local newspaper asking Joe Bloggs to contact you .
  15. msto25, Can you open this link for recent LVT decision on cost to pay for freehold title of leasehold house ? https://decisions.lease-advice.org//app/uploads/decisions/act67/1-1000/959.pdf Just submit your offer based on 16.67 times your annual ground rent rent plus £250 +VAT contribution to conveyancing costs and include a copy of the LVT report to justify your offer..
  16. If the leasehold house has 999 years lease and small annual ground rent, it may cost about 17 -18 times the ground rent to buy the freehold title and about £250 + VAT in legal expenses. Based on the FTT decision made last year : http://decisions.lease-advice.org//app/uploads/decisions/act67/1-1000/959.pdf
  17. You can find the cost of buying the freehold title for a leasehold house with 900 years lease and £6 ground rent from a recent decision in 2016 by the FTT decision ( First Tier Tribunal ) by Northern Residential Property Chamber under Ref: MAN/ooCA/oAF/2015/0033 . The cost came to £107 ( approx 17 x annual ground rent ) and the legal costs were sset at £250 + VAT. http://decisions.lease-advice.org//app/uploads/decisions/act67/1-1000/959.pdf
  18. If you still have 100 years left on lease ,make an offer to buy the freehold for 25 x the £35 annual ground rent = £875 . There is no 50% marriage value to pay . You can download a frre guide from http://www.lease-advice.org
  19. Here is a link to free guide to valuation for buying the freehold of a leasehold house : http://www.lease-advice.org/advice-guide/leasehold-houses-valuation-for-enfranchisement/ You need to use the annual ground rent and market value of house.
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