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About Draggletail

  • Birthday April 15

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    Just Dragglin'

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  1. Not a problem for me, Levi's 501's for many years, even now. Buttons, no zips. You have prompted a long forgotten memory though, of having got my foreskin trapped in my zipper when really young. I was really panicked and my Mum💜 sorted it out for me.
  2. That's what I thought. I just assumed that there had been a change in the law, as there were log burning stoves being sold, and used pretty commonly.
  3. Pleased that you found the experience 'liberating' 👍
  4. We all thought he looked like Hitler too 😂 Such an original song. They were brothers, weren't they? Surname Mael, or something like that.
  5. Yes, if the scammers send out enough texts there's bound to be people that the message resonates with.
  6. Nice strategy on your mum's part! 👍😂
  7. Some people see some colours differently to others. Reading the article I remembered when me and my wife always disagreed about the color of a t-shirt I had. Simple as that. Find it interesting though.
  8. I was reading this a few hours in the Guardian, but was rushing and couldn't find the link I've done the test and a bit shocked about my result - "Your boundary is at hue 188, bluer than 98% of the population. For you, turquoise is green" Really, why am I surprised, I have Aphantasia, completely unrelated. Aphantasia is the inability to visualise in your 'mind's eye' when you close your eyes. Long story short, if I close my eyes and try to visualise my children, or anything at all, I just see blackness. Brief and entertaining article about Aphantasia here: https://www.facebook.com/notes/2862324277332876/
  9. Good luck, and don't forget to pack a thong for your beachwear!
  10. Just a thought, you have good imagination and writing skills, if you get inspired why not write and post on the topic of commandos wearing or not wearing underpants? Seriously
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