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  1. I agree Al, I find it deeply concerning that our comments are being dissected and analysed by Sheffield Forum and their obvious bias is being put on a public forum. Their lectures and brainwashing are very unnerving . This forum was interesting, sometimes annoying, some you agreed with some you didn't there was even jokes and laughter, now it's getting sinister and will probably lose you members.
  2. Not confused I just made a mistake. My apologies.
  3. It's my idea of a complaint but I don't expect the courtesy of a reply or apology.
  4. Sheffield Forum, Your personal comments about me are deeply offensive and untrue I am NOT racially or culturally prejudiced and resent your accusations made on a public forum. As I said previously I'm well travelled, all over the world not just here, I see and hear what is going on around me and form my own opinions. Maybe you re the one with the problem as you make personal attacks on something you don't agree with?
  5. But they're not coming together 'practising inclusion and tolerance' are they? I've no problem with other races or cultures (I've travelled widely) the problem is they will not integrate they come here 'for a better life' but want to carry on with the life they've left. We have a history and culture which we have to tone down/change to suit others.
  6. A bit late for that Delbow it's in the past, what's your solution for now? I haven't seen or heard about this or last weeks riot in the national press, I wonder why?
  7. I agree that he's not everyone's cup of tea but the point is my son and his wife like him and came home bitterly disappointed. This is what Silverglade5 originally asked.
  8. My son and daughter in law went and said the same thing. They said it wasn't 'new material' it was mostly what they saw and heard four years ago. I expected them to come home buzzing but they were very quiet and very disappointed.
  9. Passed over my house in Woodhouse, so low I thought they were dropping in for a cup of tea. Fabulous to see.
  10. I saw last nights Look North report. Carefully chosen figures spouted but not a word about all buildings, houses as well as industrial units, that have gone upon the nearby flood plains. The water has to go somewhere, it looks like it's diverting to Catcliffe.
  11. Probably working from home. The only flag flying from the Town Hall should be our flag - the Union Flag.
  12. There's a police car on it's side outside the Acorn at High Green. I don't know any details but I do hate that junction. Coming up Hollow Gate to turn left outside the Acorn is a nightmare, you need eyes in the back of your head. The extended pavement outside the pub forces you to swing out unnecessarily onto the main road, (Burncross Rd, I think). This junction is dangerous but I agree that some of the blame is on drivers who don't use it properly.
  13. Well said. The council waste the money on vanity projects while cutting essential work then blame the government cuts, Sorry this was reply to post 15
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