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  1. A good idea re keeping down crime figures in your area. I'm a curtain twitcher and if I see someone on our road I don't recognise, I watch them closely Have we any Neighbourhood Watch members reading this ?
  2. Good evening retep and thanks for a prompt reply Any answers please to my other questions ? Will look tomorrow, just off to bed
  3. Resurrecting this old thread, hope someone can help. There was a brewery on Bardwell Road, on the left going up to the bridge. Was it a Stones brewery, did the brewery have a name ? When was it pulled down ? Was it replaced by the brewery at the junction of Rutland Road and Neepsend Lane ?
  4. I enjoyed watching those lads up at the Ball Inn on a Saturday morning
  5. Now this post has been brought up again. I had a pal who I haven't seen for years, worked for Husbands, Rod Smith, lived at Edwinstow in N Notts for a while. Anyone know of him ?
  6. I was a very young kid playing in the street near the ground that afternoon. Couldn't understand why there was so much noise from the crowd
  7. A few years ago I cycled from Southport to Sheffield on the trail. Route finding was difficult due vandalism to the signage. I then later cycled from Sheffield to Hornsea. My first attempt at Southport to Sheffield was abandoned, the rain was bouncing knee high ! I think both rides took around 11 hours.
  8. My Father in Law hung himself from a tree in the hospital grounds !
  9. Good morning gaz 786. Now come on, you can't say that about some of the poor souls that were in Middlewood, including my Father in law !
  10. Remember the effect the weather had on our lawn, looked as though it would never recover, but it did. Like a fool, working outside with my shirt off !
  11. This morning, Monday 26/8 at 10-00 am, I sat on the decking outside a cafe at Humnanby Gap south of Filey with my wife, a cup of coffee and a bacon sandwich. The sun was shining, the sky was blue, birds were singing and there was the sound of the tide lapping on to the beach. I thought this is paradise and only 2and a half hours from Sheffield.
  12. 3 Beighton lads who were work colleagues of mine were the late Graham Leonard and his late brother Keith and Jim Sherit who I still see. Jim is 83.
  13. Good evening Wessex Druid ! I have traced the last known address of Albert and Sylvia I now believe Sylvia to have been the sister of Fred Auty I am in contact with Fred's niece and hoping to meet her soon. Thanks for your reply !
  14. That's a very bad thing to say about TC, a well respected bloke ! Are you an Owl ?
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