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Everything posted by peak4

  1. Facial recognition has come on considerably in the past few years, and from what I can gather, can often identify those wearing a mask, particularly if eyes/mouth are uncovered. An then there's this aspect 🙂 No idea how true it is. Big Brother watch seems opposed BIG BROTHER WATCH RESPONDS TO PRIME MINISTER’S PLAN FOR INCREASED USE OF FACIAL RECOGNITION BBW seem to operate out of 55 Tufton St In London, a hotbed of ultra-conservative lobbyists just a stone's throw from Westminster Le Monde The address where Eurosceptics and climate change sceptics rub shoulders Independent
  2. Unfortunately, that protestor, and several on this forum, have decided to use the term "illegal immigrants" rather than asylum seekers etc. It's also put about by some of our own politicians, and intended to to be pejorative language in order to inflame an already tense situation. In reality the number of migrants here on visas for work purposes hugely outnumber those crossing on small boats; under the last government, this has increased hugely. How can we send people "back to France" if France won't accept them? Macron has already offered to have UK asylum application centres on French soil, but was turned down by our previous government. Yes there is a mature discussion needed to address asylum applications without doubt, but our politicians and activists demonising the most vulnerable isn't the best place to begin; it ends up with the riots we're seeing at the moment.
  3. It might be what some people think from TV reports, and even more so if they shun conventional news reports (MSM) and get their information from far right Youtubers. Before the previous government claimed that not processing asylum claims was deterrent, about 80% of those arriving on small boats cross channel had their claims accepted as valid; lightly lower on first application, but higher after appeal. This was a higher % than most other forms of entry. People crossing the English Channel in small boats University of Oxford 93% of small boat arrivals from 2018 to March 2024 claimed asylum; of those who had received an initial decision by 31 March 2024, around three quarters were successful See also Understanding Channel crossings Refugee Council
  4. I hate quoting myself, but a bit of further analysis from the same author, more or less confirming what I was suggesting above. By replying to a tweet, Musk gives it a huge boost https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1820553801851707746.html
  5. Yes, when I previewed, only the first one was visible, so I hit submit and went for tea. oops. The article in the paper is well worth a read though and is far from MSM 😉
  6. Apologies for my previous post displaying so many tweets; I've reported it to Admin myself and asked to replace with a simple URL https://x.com/obbsie No idea what happened there, as the preview showed OK
  7. Sums up my thoughts really, though I suspect he might have grabbed the mic out of his way, not expecting it to come out of the holder. Still not a good look though. I did post this link elsewhere, but it soon got lost amongst the bickering; well worth a read, by an ex copper, who's been documenting London demonstrations for some time. Two Tier Policing-is it a Myth or Fact? Chris Hobbs, said he spent the best part of 4 days writing it, presumably on and off amongst his other activities. Quite long with a lot to consider, I think 5/6 thousand words, so all credit to the paper for publishing such a long article. For those with a Twitter account; he posts far better, and less biased, reports than some reproduced on here. He's regularly chastised when he points out that most of the pro-Palestinian marches he's attended are almost trouble free; some folk seem to want a different slant for some reason. Link
  8. Already arrested, charged and remanded into custody. As I mentioned earlier, it's often better just to do this, rather than arrest at the time, which takes coppers away from the scene when they are more valuable on location https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/clywwvkrpexo Sadly seems to have had previous form, which is why this radicalisation against minorities is so dangerous. https://www.hulldailymail.co.uk/news/hull-east-yorkshire-news/teenagers-plan-get-rid-europeans-2262107 A troubled teenager is set to receive professional help for his political beliefs from an anti-terrorism group after revealing to police how he wanted to “get rid of Europeans.”
  9. Indeed; Chris Rose complaining about lack of action from the police, but very often the safest tactic, if there is no immediate threat to life, is to identify and arrest later. There just aren't enough coppers to go in mob handed. Re the identification phase, if the police don't already know, they likely will do soon as anonymous are already asking for ID I don't agree with public identification; the possible IDs should be forwarded to the authorities, as I've said to someone on here who suggested outing an individual.. https://x.com/AnonymousUK2022/status/1820530514224418995
  10. Do you think perhaps he's seen this an going to offer the coppers some lunch?
  11. Fully appreciate that, hence some of my comments. The notable thing for me, which some folk might not have picked up, is that by replying to these deliberately divisive accounts, he's intentionally amplifying them; it doesn't matter that he's mentioned civil war, any comment would do the trick, "civil war" just provides even more publicity as we have seen today. A more responsible site owner might consider restricting them, but he's chosen to raise their prominence. I still wonder if it's about monetarisation, or something far more dangerous.
  12. Obviously Tice is using the news report video for a particular reason, but it's also being amplified elsewhere; The actual Twitter feed I was reading was another by Marc Owen Jones, rolled up here for on account holders https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1820521394134016197.html I was specifically reading it with reference to the earlier posts discussing Twitter since Musk bought it out, and the much publicised comments regarding civil war. I genuinely don't understand why he paid so much for the platform, and whether it was to make money, or for more nefarious reasons; there was obvious court cases involved too. This screenshot's from the end of the thread, but the whole thing is worth considering; RadioGenoa gets a mention too.
  13. By coincidence, I was just reading about this from a different perspective; screenshot about what I assume to be a local doctor's though I've not confirmed it To be clear, I'm in no way condoning anyone being out on the street breaking the law or threatening anyone. Then I also saw a Twitter post by Jess Phillips
  14. This is why we have the CPS to decide whether a case is likely to succeed, or is in the public interest. There are reasons why much legislation isn't overly specific, some of which is to prevent obvious offenders escaping prosecutions via loopholes; e.g. "Driving" isn't defined in mobile phone legislation. In reality the bar for prosecutions of "hate crime" is actually quite high; far higher than some idiots claim, so no-one is ever going to be prosecuted for flying the Union Jack because it's offensive to some minority group. Hitting someone over the head with it, whilst shouting obscenities, may well increase the penalties applied if the person is found guilty of assault for example, as it may be viewed as an aggravating factor; all that sort of stuff if published in sentencing guidelines. Broadly a useful safeguard might be that if everyone treats others, as they expect to be treated themselves, then there is little chance of being prosecuted. Lots of info here; https://www.cps.gov.uk/crime-info/hate-crime
  15. Not really, it's not about the political bias of people using the site, it's about the nature of the content. Under previous ownership, all manner of users etc were banned for extremist content. Amongst Musk's first actions were to remove many of the staff who used to be responsible for site policing and replace them with AI. Many of the banned groups and individuals were then re-admitted. The nature of the algorithms used feed more an more extreme content to users who interact with it most.
  16. I don't know how much of this report refers to Bolton; are you able to enlighten us please? Update following policing operation for protest activity around Greater Manchester GMP Greater Manchester Police ran a dedicated policing operation over the course of this weekend, 3-4 August 2024, strategically working with partners and protest organisers to facilitate peaceful and lawful protests. Officers made five arrests on Saturday and a further fourteen arrests on Sunday in relation to offences for being drunk and disorderly, possession of a weapon, assault, criminal damage, and violent disorder. A dedicated team of officers are currently working to bring charges against those arrested and investigators are carrying out work to identify further offenders who will become subject of police action:
  17. There was a couple of incidents of an attack on a single individual in Sheffield; might even be against the same one twice, I'm not sure. Patently it shouldn't have happened. It's a bit of a dilemma for both police, and genuine non violent protestors such as almost everyone in Barkers Pool. Peaceful folk do have a right to stand up and be counted against racism etc, and were instrumental in the demo at the Liverpool Mosque, where the anti-Islam group were outnumbered something like 10:1 without any violence or arrests; refreshments were however supplied to all parties and a dialogue followed, hopefully long term constructive. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/article/2024/aug/03/love-will-prevail-how-a-far-right-rally-in-liverpool-was-defused On the other hand, a potentially large gathering in Sheffield demanded a suitably large police presence, which might have depleted the officers available for the expected riot at Manvers. Only half a dozen of the other group turned up in Sheffield, five more than Doncaster by the sound of it, but the police probably weren't aware of numbers in advance. Statement from Assistant Chief Constable Lindsey Butterfield in response to disorder in Rotherham "It began yesterday around 11.30am, when a group of 250 arrived in the Manvers area of Wath-upon-Dearne. A further group of around 500 people arrived shortly after, who we believe held far-right and anti-immigration views. "At the same time, a large crowd began to gather in Sheffield city centre, diverting a number of force resources. "It was at this point, we began to see an escalation in violence in Wath. Hotel windows were smashed, and there was a concerted effort to cause damage to the interior and serious harm to those inside.
  18. Unfortunately there were a couple of incidents later at least; one seemed to involve the guy with the flag, who was on the receiving end, and one somewhere near the museum pub that I saw footage of. I don't know who started either of them, but still not good for what started out so well as a demo against violence etc. as originally shown in the photo above. I hope some of the peaceful protesters came to assist those who were assaulted, regardless of their reason for being there.
  19. I did read that extra prosecutors and judges have been laid on in advance due to the prior intelligence. This is another Tweet which is relevant; a real issue now though, is that the current government, where we like them or not, have inherited an overloaded prison system.
  20. Indeed, it seems to be a spectator sport. The arrest for torching a police car (Sunderland??) was an 11 year old according to police reports. The Police have issued a formal statement re Manvers; some commentators on here seem to disagree with the bit I've underlined. Update following disorder in Rotherham SYP Earlier today (4 August), several of our officers were injured during deplorable acts of violence outside the Holiday Inn Express Hotel in the Manvers area of Rotherham. We absolutely condemn the scenes of disorder we witnessed, with a total of around 700 people in attendance in Manvers Way earlier today. ................................... “The behaviour we witnessed has been nothing short of disgusting. While it was a smaller number of those in attendance who chose to commit violence and destruction, those who simply stood on and watched remain absolutely complicit in this. Those who choose to spread misinformation and hate online, also need to take responsibility for the scenes today. This was not a protest, just angry people, reacting to a false narrative, shared by people who have their own motivations for doing so.
  21. Correct yes, otherwise was difficult to highlight text, particularly when referring to another since deleted post. There should have been an initial explanatory line, but for some reason it didn't show, so I must have deleted it in error, and not spotted in the preview pane before posting. Essentially it seems we have someone suggesting that it's right to call out racist posts, but complaining when they do. It's sometimes difficult to work out exactly what agenda(s) are at play.
  22. It's obviously correct that everyone is entitled to have their own opinion, we can't police thoughts, but can hopefully provide education for anyone open to listening; sometimes when divisive opinions are openly voiced, it may well be appropriate for folk who want to live in harmony to call them out on it. We have already had at least one poster here complaining that there are too many non-white people living in London, without even considering their nationality or family history, and another suggesting mass deportation for all non UK citizens. It strikes me that such divisive comments may be openly and legitimately challenged.
  23. Wrong way round; there was an initial thread about the Southport atrocity, and a second one created about the riots, out of respect for the victims at the dance event; a few posts were moved onto the second thread. The latter thread was always going to spin off into wider issues, so it seemed appropriate to create a second thread.
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