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Everything posted by peak4

  1. You didn't but did mention sub-judice, a Latin phrase, so I suggested adding ad hominem to start a useful list
  2. How about the former being spontaneous and attended initially be a few local response officers, whereas this shambles in Southport was known about in advance, so suitable preparations were made.
  3. I'm no expert on this at all; you checked the bios for the boot order and have C as the top level. Is the HDD still showing in the boot order, but at a lower level? Just wondering, when you boot the PC, is it looking for C, failing to se it as a bootable drive, dropping down the list to the HDD, and booting to that. Whilst the operating system isn't on HDD, is the boot file there, which then directs back to C for Windows boot. Was W10 originally installed from a boot image on the HDD?
  4. There's a good explanatory thread here, particularly about the reasons why terrorism isn't always mentioned. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1818201403715621014.html
  5. A decent article from a Searchlight magazine author who lives close to the area It's worth reading all of it, taking in and trying to understand the content in this evening's context. I seem to recall a recent tread here, about Harehills, when one poster suggested "the only solution is mass deportation of any non-UK citizen from the area" To where should we deport this shower? Southport – A Day Of Horror By Searchlight Team30 July 2024 MARK SCHOLL reports on events in Southport, Merseyside, and of being far too close to the tragic, awful events that unfolded… Also from Danny Tommo, according to Searchlights Twitter feed; I've not sought out the Youtube video myself Tommy Robinson's right hand man calls for riots over Southport stabbings Tommy Robinson's right hand man, Danny Tommo, real name Daniel Thomas, has posted a hate-filled video on You Tube tonight, calling for riots in British cities if the 17-year-old assailant in the Southport stabbings turns out to be a migrant. In a video entitled 'Get ready. We're making plans', Tommo sits in a car, going off on a hate-filled diatribe calling for riots. He says: "Every city has to go up. "Get prepared. Be ready. We have to. "It has to go off in different cites. "We have to show them we've had enough... "I'm ready to go. I know that a lot of you are. I'm speaking to other people at the moment. "We're ready to go. We are, literally, ready to go... "Just get ready..." Tommo, a former cokehead who now professes to be a Christian, has worked closely with Robinson for years. Yesterday he was online ranting about Robinson's arrest and charge under the Terrorism Act. But Tommo has been noticeably silent on that particular matter today, after Robinson skipped abroad to avoid jail.
  6. Which is why I suggested adding "ad hominem" to Cressida's list of Latin phrases yesterday 😉 " Wiki Have a read if you're not familiar with the phrase.
  7. My last one for the time being, as tea's almost ready; we eat late here. I appreciate yesterday's conversation about meme generators was all good hearted fun, and I hope everyone saw it in that light. However, this is how they are used for more nefarious means, deliberately to incite division and hatred.
  8. Obviously I don't know the truth of this next tweet, but I came across Bernadette Spofforth mentioning stuff yesterday, though I didn't screenshot it myself, as well as the post by Eddie Murray. I'm not linking to her account here; I suspect the author of this next article has deliberately misspelled the account name for the same reasons as me, but you can find it easily enough.
  9. I would suggest that is very low on their list of priorities. This is an example, pointing out what was being amplified, but from what I saw yesterday, I don't think "Channel3NowNews" was the originator, as alluded to part way down this Twitter thread.
  10. Deliberate misinformation circulated, claiming that the perpetrator had what looked like an Arabic name, was on an MI6 (sic) terror watch list and known to Merseyside mental health services. [ It would more likely be MI5 even if it had been true] Further to that, it was additionally claimed that the guy was 24, and the police have falsely said 17 to cover up his identity. There's a lot more to it I suspect, but it does seem orchestrated; various groups have been calling for some sort of action today. Lots on Twitter, and I presume other social media I don't use, as well as various other methods such as WhatsApp etc. This is why the police chief yesterday stressed that the arrested suspect came from Cardiff; she said that verbally, but confirmed in writing, was born in Cardiff. She was roundly condemned for pointing it out as disingenuous, or lying.
  11. Please don't have anyone jumping to conclusions that this is all locals. At least one fake name was been circulated yesterday, and later promoted by various bad actors for personal/political/religious reasons. This has been amplified by various extremist groups; some of it I've followed, so if I'm aware then the police, local and national, as well as security service(s) will be aware too. It's not as if the local police and people of Southport don't have enough on their plate at the moment. Out of respect, I'll refrain from posting anything on this thread.
  12. It seems where a crowd gathers many things are possible; I think these are all separate events. Watch: Shocking footage captures mass brawl at prestigious Ascot racecourse Irish Independent Royal Ascot racegoer left injured after brawl breaks out Bracknell News Fighting again on Saturday with incident at Ascot Diamond Racing Mass brawl breaks out INSIDE Ascot with racegoers throwing punches and slaps in new footage of the violence that marred weekend meeting Mail
  13. Not sure about that, but it looks like he did appear on Newsnight and was roundly condemned by the other panellists; I didn't see it personally. Wiki Choudary has regularly attended public marches and, following a protest march outside the Danish Embassy in London on 3 February 2006, held in response to the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy. As a member of a panel of interviewees on the BBC news programme Newsnight he claimed that the police had inspected and allowed the controversial placards used in the demonstration. Choudary was criticised by his fellow panellists, who included Ann Cryer (then MP for Keighley), Humera Khan (al-Nisa Muslim Women's Group, who accused him of demonising Islam), Sayeeda Warsi (vice-chair of the Conservative Party), Professor Tariq Ramadan (who claimed that Choudary's actions were designed to evoke a strong response from the media), and Roger Knapman (leader of the UK Independence Party).
  14. Yes, there's been quite a bit of research done on radicalisation inside our prison estate.
  15. “In Telford, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, better known as ‘Tommy Robinson’, has made a small fortune recounting the stories of young women sexually abused in the town,” he told Byline Times, citing findings from the biography he wrote on Yaxley-Lennon, Tommy. “No convictions have resulted from his exposés and several of the women have experienced severe trauma resulting from his films, with little or no support offered. Worse still, at least two of Lennon’s aides have had sexual relations with survivors in Telford, one becoming involved in a violent and abusive relationship.” And if they turned down the kind offers?? Dr Raw told Byline Times that a friend who had been subject to “years of grooming” was contacted by several prominent far-right figures with promises to raise money for her to receive therapy. When their political persuasions became apparent, she tried to cut ties. “At this point, these ‘caring’ and ‘victim-supporting’ people began to threaten her and say she should kill herself and that her children should be drowned,” Dr Raw recalled. “The far-right is cynically taking advantage of child sexual exploitation survivors. They are using victims to further their racist agendas.” From the other article; specifically about Lennon More controversially, critics have blasted his films as a money-making exercise. In May this year he belatedly admitted he was not providing any support for survivors he was meeting.
  16. Yes, a horrendous crime in Telford, for which there is no excuse. Speaking of Telford; Tommy Robinson and his followers targeted victims of Telford child abuse scandal Daily Mirror And Hull Special Investigation: ‘The Far-Right Is Cynically Taking Advantage of Child Sexual Exploitation Survivors’ Bylines Andrew Kersley spent five months speaking to survivors of child sexual exploitation and experts on the ‘grooming’ of vulnerable women by far-right groups to understand why it is happening
  17. Except of course that UK State Pension is legally defined as a benefit, unless it's changed recently https://petition.parliament.uk/archived/petitions/121267
  18. Generate one yourself here, amongst several other websites; pick your placard and enter your own text. It's a really easy way to get some people frothing at the mouth. https://imgflip.com/memegenerator/40951371/Blank-protest-sign
  19. I guess it depends on how you define "common knowledge", but the information isn't hard to find; it's even on another thread's embedded link on this forum. "His" mansion in the same way as one might say his hotel room. He doesn't appear to own it; I wonder who's paying the rental. Alternatively, since some folk will likely dismiss HNH as a source; OlivePress.es link below Exc: Tommy Robinson Uses British Billionaire’s Stunning €1.6m Villa On Spain’s Costa Blanca To Film His Podcast With A String Of Far-Right Extremists The former leader of the far right English Defence League (EDL) has been using the €5,000-a-month property of fashion tycoon Philip Day to promote a series of US and British extremists. Images filmed at the €1.6 million villa show Robinson – real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon – chatting with a string of white nationalist leaders and racists. They include Gavin McInnes, the founder of a white nationalist group ‘the Proud Boys’, which helped lead the shocking 2021 assault on America’s Capitol building. He also hosted Laura Loomer, an avowed Islamophobe so extreme that even former president Donald Trump was forced to distance himself from her. ........................................... According to public data from the Spanish land registry, the property is owned by EWM INVESTCO LIMITED, linked to British tycoon Day, 56, through his ownership of The Edinburgh Woollen Mill Group. The impresario – who used to own a string of high street names including Peacocks, Jaeger and Austin Reed – denies any involvement in the podcasts. There is no suggestion the Stockport-born businessman, estimated to be worth €1.3 billion, had any knowledge of Robinson using the villa, nor that he has any links with him. When contacted by the Olive Press, a spokesman said Day was ‘shocked’ and ‘furious’ that one of his properties was being used by Robinson. “[The management company] will take immediate action if they find that Robinson still has any access at all,” he said.
  20. I'll stand to be corrected as I'm no lawyer, but I think that sub-judice rules are different in Scotland to the rest of the UK. In the former, the rules apply immediately after arrest, where elsewhere it's after someone has been charged. ad hominem is another Latin term which might be relevant to some of this thread.
  21. I believe there was at least two uses of a tazer, one from a female copper which incapacitated the guy who was later kicked in the head and looked justified, though I'm no expert. The other from a male copper who hit someone with a tazer, physically, rather than firing it at him; even though that person had been violent previously, he looked compliant at the time. This thread is one I posted earlier, but quickly got driven several pages down the topic when some folk started blathering. It's written by an ex copper. Italicised summary below, but do read all the thread https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1817292197785375205.html If anyone is thinking that the more recent footage clears everything up - they need to appreciate the complexity of this. This is one of the most severe and public cases of use of force that we have seen in recent times. It's not just about being pro or anti police. 15/16 If anyone thinks that I don't know what I'm on about - I had to requalify for use of force year after year, 17 years. Every officer does. They make it very clear. I promise you this - nobody is taught to kick people in the head or stamp on people who are subdued. 16/16 PS - Richard Tice and Lee Anderson absolutely do not know what they are talking about. They do not know or understand policing. They are quite irresponsible and they absolutely have an agenda. Do not listen to them or pay them any heed whatsoever. ENDS.
  22. Meanwhile, back on the original thread topic. Family of kicked man concerned for hurt officers BBC The family of a man who was kicked in the head by police at Manchester Airport have said they are concerned for any injured officers after a second video emerged. Footage shared online showed a Greater Manchester Police firearms officer striking a man twice as he lay on the ground at about 20:30 BST on Tuesday. An additional recording sourced by the Manchester Evening News showed the lead-up in which a fight broke out between two men and officers. A source representing the family involved said: "If anyone broke the law they should face due process." On Thursday, their then-solicitor Akhmed Yakoob said Mr Amaaz was kicked in the head by a police officer. Mr Yakoob is no longer acting for the family, which has instructed a new lawyer. The family's new representative said Mr Amaaz was "traumatised" and due to have further scans. Their representative also said the family had "real concern for any police officer injured". Looks like they sensibly have found a new lawyer.
  23. Looks like it was Kent police responsible for the arrest; seems odd he was at the border, when he's due in court Monday; I wonder if he was heading for Spain on an Irish passport Tommy Robinson arrested in Kent under Terrorism Act Guardian Far-right activist detained by police at Channel tunnel in Folkestone and later released on bail Kent police said on Sunday night that a man, 41, had been detained at the Channel tunnel in Folkestone under schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act, which allows police to stop, examine and search passengers at ports, airports and international rail terminals. He was subsequently arrested “for frustration of a schedule 7 examination”, the force said, and was later released on bail while inquiries continue. Looks like it was schedule 7 as I guessed earlier Counter Terrorism Police Website Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000 provides police officers with unique powers to examine people who pass through the United Kingdom’s borders. It allows them to stop, question and when necessary, search and detain individuals and goods travelling through the UK’s borders to determine whether they may be involved or concerned in the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism. The examination of an individual under Schedule 7 is not conditional upon having grounds to suspect that person of being engaged in terrorism, but the decision must not be arbitrary. There are a range of safeguards and measures in place to ensure appropriate use of the powers. Around The World In 80 Lies: The Story of Tommy Robinson’s Libels, Lies and Luxury Lifestyle HNH In July 2021, after famously losing a libel case and being forced into bankruptcy, a High Court injunction forbade Stephen Lennon (AKA Tommy Robinson) from spreading his lies. He was categorically told that if repeated his libellous claims about a Syrian refugee schoolboy he could face prison. This is the story of how Lennon ignored the injunction and released his documentary, Silenced, all while living an impossibly lavish lifestyle in luxury hotels, private villas and secluded mansions around the world.
  24. Not sure about that; his supporters claimed he's been arrested under terrorism legislation (Section 7 maybe). Guardian link, but available elsewhere I think he was already due in court tomorrow and/or Thursday for contempt from the last time he showed the video. The MET have already confirmed that they weren't the arresting police force, and that they didn't know in advance that the video was being repeated. Not sure which force have arrested him, or if it's actually true anyway.
  25. No, the people who started fighting are the problem, however Tice and others are using it for their own agenda.
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