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Everything posted by peak4

  1. That does look like a misunderstanding, onl;y you know whether it's deliberate or not; we have been able to measure fairly accurately, temperatures for a couple of hundred years, since the invention of the thermometer. Prior to that, current scientists need to estimate temperatures; i.e. a scientific estimate, not a number pulled out of a hat by someone with no direct training & research experience. Various methods can be used, coral growths, tree rings, microfossils, ice core samples etc. The latter are quite interesting as the contents can be analysed for the different ratios of carbon isotopes. Any cursory glance at the internet will yeild sites such as this https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidbressan/2017/07/12/scientists-compile-most-complete-climate-curve-of-the-last-2000-years/
  2. My highlighting in the quote Wrong tense for most of those people. Under EU freedom of movement, people were allowed to move to other EU countries for work; since we are no longer in the EU that freedom has ceased. However, the UK, unlike most other EU countries, failed to insist that folk who didn't/couldn't support themselves after 3 months, should leave the country. It was an issue for previous governments of all political colours; one can only speculate as to people they were not asked to leave if they couldn't gain legitimate employment here.
  3. Again, no idea of the authenticity of this, but I've no reason to doubt it I don't know where the Leeds Roma originate, so he may well be correct. Further down the post, he's civilly responding to Jayda Fransen
  4. Sorry, broken link in previous post; I'll report it and get admin to delete I've no idea as to the authenticity of this clip I saw yesterday before I went to bed, but it's worth viewing
  5. I've not seen anyone on here blaming Farage for the riots themselves, though he played straight into the hard/far right agenda with this post on Twitter. Bear in mind that there were lots of well known genuinely far right accounts falsely accusing a local Muslim councillor of being seen rioting, when in reality he was trying to prevent the rioters from adding literal fuel to the bonfire(s). Another female Muslim councillor was also being defamed on line, although she was working directly with the police to try and calm things down. Farage then comes out with this;
  6. Why would any polite respectful post, particularly if it contains verifiable links from trusted sources, get someone banned?
  7. It's a National plan though, not an English one National Risk Register Of Civil Emergencies 2017 edition
  8. Which has nothing to do with pre-pandemic planning. Arguably earlier harder national lockdowns may have been a better option, as they might have been shorter and paved the way for less damaging local ones in hotspots. It doesn't really have much to do with failing to work on the findings from the failings of Operation Cygnus (well before the pandemic); a pandemic we knew was coming our way following the problems in Italy; one of the highlights from Cygnus was the need for large PPE stocks to be held nationally, with a suitable fast distribution network in place. Those stocks should then be rotated to keep them all in date, which again failed on several counts. The committees working on the aftermath of the Cygnus failings were then partly disbanded for no-deal Brexit planning, and some of their findings covered up.
  9. I believe curfews, tags etc are being considered, but there are social work & probation staff shortages outside prisons too. It also doesn't help where the released prisoners have nowhere to go.
  10. I had it too, a one off pop-up advert for forum subscriptions, offering a free month as I recall. No requirement to subscribe, just an offer. The ad could be closed easily. Mine was a tall narrow, mobile phone portrait orientation shape, but in my case in the middle of a desktop monitor screen.
  11. I don't know where you live, but you might get some idea from the draft local plan. Not sure when it no longer becomes a draft https://haveyoursay.sheffield.gov.uk/draft-local-plan
  12. It clearly needs international co-operation with European countries and probably Iraq (as well as Iran & Turkey). A start might be to take up Macron on his offer of asylum processing centres on French soil, something previously rejected by the Tories. Decent article here with a downloadable pdf report for those interested in facts rather than propaganda. Small boats, big business Global Initiative Against Transnational Organised Crime. The industrialization of cross-channel migrant smuggling Report available here 34 page pdf. https://globalinitiative.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Small-boats-big-business-The-industrialization-of-cross-channel-migrant-smuggling-GI-TOC.Feb-2024.pdf
  13. Unfortunately, it's sometimes the councils who are responsible, though not strictly no fault eviction. The secret social housing scandal: when your parent dies – and you are evicted in days Guardian In 2022 I was contacted by a friend of a friend – let’s call her Tiana – who was distraught. Her mum had become sick a few months earlier, so Tiana, who was her mum’s only child, had moved out of her own house and into her mum’s flat in south London, to care for her. Then, in March 2022, her mum died suddenly. Before Tiana even had the chance to arrange her funeral, she received an eviction notice from the council, giving her only a few days to move out. Her mum had lived there for 20 years. Tiana asked them for a two-week extension on compassionate grounds, to give her time to sort through her mum’s stuff and figure out where she was going to live. They wouldn’t give it to her.
  14. As a follow-on from my previous comments by Henry Hill; Rishi Sunak ‘risked breaching legal responsibilities over prison crisis’ Guardian Exclusive: leaked letters said without urgent action the system in England and Wales would reach ‘critical failure’ Rishi Sunak was warned by senior civil servants a week before he called the election that he was at risk of breaching his legal responsibilities if he failed to take action over the prison overcrowding crisis, a leaked document reveals. The advice, sent to the former prime minister on 15 May, said that failing to make an urgent decision on prison capacity would mean the criminal justice system in England and Wales reaching the point of “critical failure”. The Cabinet Office memo, seen by the Guardian, warned that the administration of justice would become “untenable” to the point that the police and judiciary would no longer be able to exercise their legal duties. Senior civil servants felt that the prisons overcrowding crisis was so severe over the following weeks that the cabinet secretary, Simon Case, chaired emergency Cobra meetings himself on how to respond.
  15. Maybe worth a read Even With Trump, Kim Jong Un May Spurn Talks, Analysts Warn Six months after the collapse of their 2019 summit in Hanoi, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un sent a letter to then U.S. President Donald Trump conveying a sense of personal betrayal. “I am clearly offended, and I do not want to hide this feeling from you,” Kim told Trump in the last of 25 personal letters exchanged between the two men and shared with veteran U.S. journalist Bob Woodward. In Hanoi, Trump had rejected Kim's offer to dismantle a major nuclear facility in exchange for lifting most U.S. sanctions. Over the subsequent months, the talks reached a standstill, as each side backed away from the commitments made at their initial 2018 meeting in Singapore. In the letter, Kim expressed disappointment that the United States and South Korea were ramping up joint military exercises that had been scaled back as part of the talks. “If you do not think of our relationship as a steppingstone that only benefits you, then you would not make me look like an idiot that will only give without getting anything in return,” wrote Kim. Months after he sent the letter, Kim unveiled a major foreign policy shift to cope with what he called Washington’s “hostile policy.” The new approach, Kim declared, would emphasize self-reliance and a strengthened nuclear deterrent. Since then, North Korea has developed an arsenal of weapons that can fly further, faster, and more stealthily than ever. North Korea has enshrined nuclear weapons in its constitution – a status Kim called “irreversible.” Kim has also rejected offers of talks with the United States, instead expanding ties with traditional friends Russia and China.
  16. Yes, I've had them do several jobs for me over the last 20+ years, though not a full rebuild. They've done head and cylinder work and crank re-grinds etc for me, but I've done my own final assembly.
  17. Maybe, Maybe not; depends on how one views groups like SPLC & Cambridge University Press How Trump Brought Nazis Into Republican Politics New York Magazine, via archive.ph Trump’s evocation of racist tropes is not Nazism, exactly. It is better described as Nazi-adjacent. He has activated and energized open white supremacists, who for the first time in decades have been given a president who reflects their values closely enough to inspire open defense. If you peruse Nazi propaganda sites, they contain defenses of Trump on such matters like the Russia scandal, and — when excised of references to Jews — read pretty much the same as the polemics found in normal conservative publications like the Federalist, Breitbart, and so on. White nationalist hate groups have grown 55% in Trump era, report finds Guardian reporting on SPLC White nationalist hate groups in the US have increased 55% throughout the Trump era, according to a new report by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), and a “surging” racist movement continues to be driven by “a deep fear of demographic change”. Nationally, there were 155 such groups counted last year, and they were present in most states. These groups were counted separately from Ku Klux Klan groups, racist skinheads, Christian Identity groups, and neo-Confederate groups, all of which also express some version of white supremacist beliefs. FIFTEEN EIGHTY FOUR Academic perspectives from Cambridge University Press “Hitler Did a Lot of Good Things”: Trump and the US Rehabilitation of Nazism BEN KIERNAN Resurgent Nazism and neo-Nazism have combined with a growing white supremacist movement. In 2020, the Department of Homeland Security concurred with the FBI Director that among domestic threats, “racially and ethnically motivated violent extremists – specifically white supremacist extremists (WSEs) – will remain the most persistent and lethal threat in the Homeland.” In March 2023, the Anti-Defamation League reported a five-fold national increase in white supremacist groups’ propaganda activities since 2018, including a 40 percent rise since 2021. Rising racism and ethnic persecution are clear indicators of potential genocide. The persistent recent evidence of the growing influence of Nazi and racist ideology in U.S. politics and society, and the various outbreaks of Nazism-inspired violence, are far from isolated. Without quick and effective counter-action to combat this dangerous, hateful, accelerating trend, there is only one direction that it can take. In October 2022, the Jewish Democratic Council of America published a digital ad combining images of the January 6 invasion of the U.S. Capitol, antisemitic graffiti, and the recent “Kanye is right” banner hung above a freeway in Los Angeles, all juxtaposed with images of rallies in Hitler’s Germany.
  18. And in today's news; See also from Yesterday Colorado reports avian flu infections in 5 people who culled sick poultry University of Minnesota
  19. This says a lot to me about the nature of the two candidates. Current president calls the widow of the chap who was killed by a bullet, aimed at Trump, to offer his personal condolences. She turns down the call as her husband wouldn't have wanted her to talk to a Democrat president. No contact to the family from Trump Corey Comperatore's widow shares his final words before he was fatally shot at Trump rally “He’s my hero,” Helen Comperatore told the Post. “He just said ‘get down!’ That was the last thing he said.” The Comperatore family attended Saturday’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, as CNN previously reported. Helen told the Post that she and Corey were childhood sweethearts who were about to celebrate their 29th wedding anniversary when the family headed to the rally to support former president Donald Trump. “Me and the kids were all there as a family,” she said. “He was just excited. It was going to be a nice day with the family.” “It was a bad day,” she added. Helen told the Post that President Joe Biden tried to call her, but she declined to speak to him since her husband “was a devout Republican, and he would not have wanted me to talk to him.” But she added that she does not hold the current president responsible for what happened to her family. “I don’t have any ill will towards Joe Biden,” she said. “I’m not one of those people that gets involved in politics. I support Trump, that’s who I’m voting for, but I don’t have ill-will towards Biden.” “He didn’t do anything to my husband. A 20-year-old despicable kid did,” she continued. The family has not heard from Trump, she added.
  20. Along those lines, some further warnings here What is Project 2025 And Why Is It Alarming? As The New Republic notes, Project 2025 is “a remarkably detailed guide to turning the United States into a fascist’s paradise.” The primary document of Project 2025, the magazine explains, lays out what is essentially a “Christian nationalist vision of the United States, one in which married heterosexuality is the only valid form of sexual expression and identity; all pregnancies would be carried to term, even if that requires coercion or death; and transgender and gender-nonconforming people do not exist.” It’s a terrifying vision of what American life could look like, but what’s most concerning about Project 2025 is its playbook for the first 180 days of a hypothetical second Trump term. “The time is short, and conservatives need a plan,” the playbook states. “The project will create a playbook of actions to be taken in the first 180 days of the new Administration to bring quick relief to Americans suffering from the Left’s devastating policies.” Among the numerous troubling suggestions laid out in the playbook is a detailed plan to essentially purge the federal workforce of tens of thousands of workers in favor of hiring ones who will adhere to the conservative principles of Project 2025. Paul Dans, a former Trump administration official who’s director of Project 2025’s Presidential Transition Project, told the Associated Press the 180 day transition plan is a “clarion call to come to Washington… People need to lay down their tools, and step aside from their professional life and say, ‘This is my lifetime moment to serve.’
  21. Trump is certainly worth listening to; in this case his niece Mary The Good in Us by Mary L. Trump Donald Thinks We’re Idiots The truth is that Donald Trump’s Project 2025 (which is how we must refer to it from now on) is terrifying—a real and perfect distillation and embodiment of all of the dystopian horrors Donald will visit on this country if he gets back into power. The whole point of the playbook is to consolidate power behind an imperial right-wing executive, rig the economy so it works only for the richest among us, punish political enemies, and force an extreme Christian Nationalist ideology on Americans while institutionalizing racism, misogyny and anti-immigrant hatred I've written about The Heritage foundation on here before, but with little engagement, so I imagine few folk have followed the links. This one is important to understand the motives of Donald Trump and his backers. I wouldn't expect anyone to read it all, as it's 900 pages, but this is the Heritage Foundation & Trumps plan for shaping the future USA, and some of the western world. Do read the whole page of Mary's substack though. Check out possible links between Heritage and our Institute for Economic Affairs. Project 2025 Mandate for Leadership The Conservative Promise - Presidential Transition Project Forget the bit from Mary L Trump if you will, but take Project 2025 seriously. Lots of stuff in there which should horrify many in this country, and over there too. e.g. I do understand that not everyone approves of gender ideology discussion and research/literature, but to class it at pornography and then suggest this as a consequence............ Page 5 The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered
  22. I came across this earlier, albeit written closer to the election date; I may not always agree with him on policies, but he does seem genuinely decent and a good commentator. Requiem for the lotus eaters July 5, 2024 Henry Hill Conservative Home Perhaps the most telling explanation for why Rishi Sunak made his bizarre decision to call the snap election now is the prisons crisis, and few issues better encapsulate how we have set and primed this political timebomb over the past 14 years. Since 2010 we have closed 17 prisons. Four of these are currently tourist attractions, as prisons. One of those, HMP Lancaster, was at the time of closure the second-best performing prison, in terms of recidivism rates, in the entire country. It was shut for no better reason than that Ken Clarke had wanted to close it in the 1990s, and didn’t think it appropriate to have a jail in a castle. This programme has been pursued despite the abject failure to build even replacements for the cells we were shutting. The scale of the failure of the prisons programme actually boggles the mind: “A 2015 commitment to invest “£1.3 billion to create 10,000 new prison places by 2020” has, according to the Public Accounts Committee, produced just 206 (with 3,500 on the way in some form).” Why was it so difficult? You guessed it: chronic refusal to bulldoze new jails through our insane planning system, and even the sternest of law-and-order Tory MPs shouting their heads off if ever it was proposed to open a new one in their constituency.
  23. I can't find whether Reform disavowed themselves from their supposed campaigner on this one. Reform UK supporters accused of using dead pensioners in campaign posts TLE Social media accounts promoting Reform UK have been accused of using dead pensioners to boost the party ahead of the General Election. Two posts have been identified by people on X (formerly Twitter) showing pictures of elderly people who claim to be siding with Nigel Farage’s party in the election to “stop Starmer”. But the images have been traced back to news stories concerning their tragic passing, much to the disbelief of people on the platform.
  24. Yes, and I've kinked to it several times previously on other threads which I guess you've missed. The Ridley Plan/Report, here helpfully scanned and converted to searchable text from the original typed document http://pont.ist/ridley-plan/ Report of Nationalised Industries Policy Group Orgreave Truth & Justice Campaign. (The Ridley Plan) In the 1970s when the Conservative Party was in opposition, they were making clandestine and ruthless plans to develop a more militarised police force to stifle dissent and attempt to destroy organised labour and the British Trade Union movement, introduce a mass privatisation programme and legislate against workers and human rights. In 1977, Tory backbencher Nicholas Ridley presented this report to Tory Party leader, Margaret Thatcher. The Ridley Plan was a detailed blueprint on how to provoke and win a battle against Britain’s Trade Union movement. The Ridley Plan is necessary reading to understand how we got to where we are today. See Also Thatcher’s civilising offensive: The Ridley Plan to decivilise the working class University of Winchester
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