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Everything posted by peak4

  1. Regarding Albanians, yes there was a large peak, which may well have been due to the UK no longer being in The EU, but that peak fell dramatically after 2023 Rather than just holding them without considering their applications, apparently to act as a deterrent, then maybe more failed asylum seekers could have been returned earlier. Milestone reached in UK-Albania agreement on illegal migration Over 1,000 Albanian nationals have been returned since the UK-Albania joint communiqué was signed on 13 December. The actual numbers arriving, some of their reasons and the % granted are discussed here. Albanian asylum seekers in the UK and EU: a look at recent data 27 Apr 2023 Migration Observatory Key points In 2022, around 16,000 Albanian citizens applied for asylum in the UK, making up 16% of all asylum applicants. Albanian small boat arrivals fell dramatically in the last quarter of 2022 and the first quarter of 2023 after a peak in the summer of 2022. In 2021 and 2022, almost half of UK initial decisions on Albanian asylum applications were positive. The UK’s initial decision grant rate for Albanian asylum applicants in 2022 was higher than most EU countries but comparable to the rates in Ireland and Italy. The UK’s asylum grant rate for Albanian asylum applicants is driven by women. In 2022, 12% of Albanian citizens arriving via small boat were referred to the UK’s modern slavery system.
  2. Since this particular thread about Threads has deviated away from the dramadoc, maybe have a read up on; The Samson Option [Modern War Institute - Westpoint,] but plenty of other sources which all provide different perspectives. WIKI , The Progressive Magazine , Strategic vision Institute
  3. I was brought up in a Methodist household, which has still left me respecting the religions/beliefs of others, though I'm now personally atheist; my dad was a Sunday school teacher, but I wonder what he would make of some US evangelists were he still alive. This popped up on my feed earlier.
  4. Why the daft generalisations yet again? I'd consider myself centre left, certainly a pensioner, and have no interest in self loathing. No I probably shouldn't get a winter fuel allowance, though I think the limits have been set too low.
  5. Long Covid paper, available for free download, for those interested.
  6. Some of the art of politics is judging which companies are appropriate to hand over our country's infrastructure. This one, DP World, seems to be setting its eyes on dominating ownership of many of the world's ports, as well as shipping warehousing etc. in a similar way that China, as a country, seeks to control much of the worlds mineral resources. [Wiki link] I find it all a bit troubling that we, as a nation, are happy outsourcing so much of our main infrastructure to offshore corporations, energy, telecoms, water, ports, in this case etc. Bear in mind they also specialise in freeports. from previous Guardian link "The Dubai firm owns the port of Southampton as well as London Gateway, and was involved in the creation of some of the first of Rishi Sunak’s controversial freeports." Trade: freeports and free zones Institute for Government Freeports are a special kind of port where normal tax and customs rules do not apply. Do freeports risk increased smuggling and tax evasion? In April 2019, the European Parliament called for freeports to be scrapped across the EU as a result of a report on tax evasion and money laundering. The report argues that freeports provide operators “with a safe and widely disregarded storage space, where trade can be conducted untaxed and ownership can be concealed.” The lack of scrutiny on imports means that high-value items like art, for example, can be bought and easily stored in freeports without the kind of checks and controls they would normally face. Ministers let P&O owner back into bed months after sacking scandal Open Democracy. UK promised DP World ‘wouldn’t get away with’ firing 800 workers illegally. But months later, the love affair resumed This blog entry is also worth a read, as are the comments following it. https://www.taxresearch.org.uk/Blog/2024/06/23/freeports-are-dangerous/ As is this TUC Briefing to government https://www.tuc.org.uk/sites/default/files/2020-07/DIT Freeports consultation TUC response final.pdf The TUC is concerned that the government’s freeports proposals as they have been presented stand to undermine good jobs, workers’ rights and the delivery of quality public services in some parts of the country which may exacerbate, rather than address, regional inequalities. The TUC regrets that trade unions and the workers they represent have not been engaged by government in its freeports plans to date and there are no trade union representatives on the government’s Freeports Advisory Panel.
  7. As I recall, the past actions of DP world were roundly condemned by most UK politicians, not just Labour. Whether Haigh's words/timing are good might be a moot point, but the original firing of the crews, and hiring of others allegedly below minimum wage, was likely one of the drivers for proposed legislation to protect worker's rights. P&O Ferries’ owner pulls news of £1bn port investment after ministers criticise firm Guardian, as that's what I was reading at the time. Transport secretary denounced DP World over mass sackings while bringing in protections for workers at sea As leader of the opposition, Starmer himself fiercely criticised the then prime minister Boris Johnson for giving further contracts to DP World after the P&O sackings scandal. He mocked Johnson, saying “DP World must be quaking in their boots,” adding: “Can the prime minister guarantee that these companies will not get a penny more of taxpayers’ money – or a single tax break – until they reinstate the workforce?” Johnson himself and the then transport secretary Grant Shapps also denounced the firm, with Shapps stating that the P&O chief executive, Peter Hebblethwaite, “would have to go” after admitting breaking the law. Hebblethwaite remains in post.
  8. So which part of that article states that the Mayor has allowed that advert, with no objections from him?? “I’m not aware of that advert, I’ll have a look at it as soon as Mayor’s Question Time is finished to see what’s gone on there,” Khan replied, according to MyLondon................ In response to the criticism, a spokesperson for Khan told MyLondon that the mayor was “clear that there is no place for hate in London” and “strongly condemns any language which divides London’s amazing diverse communities”. They went on to point out: “The mayor has no involvement in approving or deciding which ads run on the TfL network, and TfL’s policy reflects legal requirements.” A TfL spokesperson said the ad was reviewed and found to comply with its advertising policy.
  9. Read up around BDS who also have their own web site https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/israel-palestine-boycott-divestment-sanctions-bds-uk-ban-house-lords/
  10. Well worth making time to see him speak if you get the chance. We saw him at the Buxton International Festival last year, speaking about his book "The Making of the Modern Middle East: A Personal History" He did describe this incident . Terrible nightmares that meant reporter Bowen had to get help Wales on-line BROADCASTER Jeremy Bowen has revealed he needed therapy for post-traumatic distress after witnessing a friend being killed while on location. He was haunted by nightmares and flashbacks after he had watched helplessly as his friend and local fixer, Abed Takkoush, was killed right before his eyes, when his car was blown up by an Israeli tank shell in Lebanon in 2000, on the last day of Israeli occupation.
  11. I'm a little surprised no-one has mentioned this yet; clearly I'm not in position to verify any of it, nor am I passing comment of approval/disapproval. World reacts to alleged Israeli attack on UN peacekeepers in Lebanon Al Jazeera, but widely reported elsewhere The UN Interim Force in Lebanon says the attack on its peacekeepers was a ‘deliberate’ act by Israeli forces. Following this a couple of days ago Satellite Images Show Israeli Military Presence Near UN Base in Lebanon BellingCat UNIFIL released a statement on October 6 saying it was “deeply concerned by recent activities by the IDF immediately adjacent to the Mission’s position 6-52.” It stressed that it was “unacceptable to compromise the safety of UN peacekeepers”. UNIFIL’s mandate is not to enforce but to monitor peace in the area. It also assists the army of Lebanon in keeping the area free of any armed personnel. and this just previously Ireland and UNIFIL reject Israeli request to withdraw peacekeepers from Lebanon ReliefWeb In defiance of growing regional tension, Ireland, alongside the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), has rejected a request by the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) to remove Irish peacekeepers stationed near the Lebanese border. As hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah escalate, with the IDF advancing into southern Lebanon, the demand for the withdrawal of peacekeeping forces, including Ireland’s contingent, has been met with firm resistance. Hezbollah tells fighters not to attack Israeli troops near peacekeepers Arab News BEIRUT, Lebanon: The Iran-backed Hezbollah group said on Monday it ordered its fighters not to attack Israeli troops who recently moved behind a UN peacekeeping position near a Lebanese border village. The statement came a day after UNIFIL had warned Israel’s operations near their position at Maroun Al-Ras were “extremely dangerous” and compromised their safety, adding it had repeatedly informed Israel of their concerns. It ordered fighters “not to take action... to preserve the lives of the peacekeepers,” quoting a field commander in its statement. Israeli troops move away from Irish forces in Lebanon BBC Israel's armed forces have moved away from their positions near Irish troops in Lebanon, the Irish Defence Forces have confirmed. It comes after the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) expressed concern about the Israeli Defence Forces' (IDF) proximity to an outpost where a number of Irish peacekeepers are stationed.
  12. It seems like there are a number of people looking to be offended by a company having a re-brand; something which many institutions undertake from time to time. Anti-Woke seems to be the current trend/bandwagon to some folk to jump on ; anti DEI seems to be catching on too. Personally I don't have an account with them, does anyone who's commenting? I'm not going to bother researching to see if members previously objected when they dropped "Building Society" from their branding, which is surely far more important. At that time though (early 80's?) "Building Societies" were still mutual, so the distinction may not have been so important to them. See Wiki for De-Mutualisation 1986 If I didn't know The Nottingham was a building society, I wouldn't have a clue from their old logo/branding. They've now re-instated "Building Society" amongst the other changes, which to me is good as it distinguishes them from other previous building societies which are no longer mutually owned, such as The Halifax, which became a PLC, Abbey National etc.. Several reports seem to miss the word "financial" out of their headlines when mentioning diversity and inclusivity; I wonder if that's to fit in with the anti-DEI trend at the moment? Why not visit the society's own website, rather than relying on news media? New look Nottingham Building Society Why are we changing? We've mixed our rich history with a modern twist. We want to reflect society as it is today. For us, that means championing inclusivity and celebrating financial diversity.
  13. I really do wonder if some contributors to this topic should go back and read the opening post from which the above excerpt is taken. After that also read a dictionary and understand the meaning of future tense. 😉 From a different authority; same agreement Mayor Kim McGuinness has backed Jamie Oliver’s ‘AdEnough’ campaign The commitment means any Mayor introducing bus franchising powers will ban the adverts, with the same ban introduced on Metro systems, over the coming years. Coppard's franchising proposals are publicly open for discussion, and I believe there is even a separate thread on here about it. Re. SYTM, yes I know it's a museum, have some understanding of its aims, visit occasionally, and have worked on a couple of members' vehicles there. Curious as to why it should need a 365 day bus service when it's only open to the public every second Sunday in the month. link to their web site, which provides details. When it is open, there certainly used to be a shuttle bus from Rotherham bus station; it's still advertised as such.
  14. Various campaigns are launched at a variety of venues, and this campaign and museum do have public transport in common. Maybe folk who feel strongly enough should take part in the consultation, rather than decry it from the outside, or complain about the conclusions after completion. Re the junk food ad, it's been explained before; It's not just about current advertising, and not just S. Yorks. It is also about future advertising, and this may be relevant as the various mayoral authorities seek to follow models such as Bee in Manchester. Partially explained here amongst other places. https://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/topic/492564-south-yorkshire-to-ban-junk-food-adverts-on-buses-and-trams/page/3/#comment-8872271
  15. A later update same paper as before Man arrested over Jewish memorial vandalism released on bail A man arrested on suspicion of vandalising a Jewish memorial has been released on bail while investigations continue. the 58-year-old man from Hove was arrested on (sic) yesterday on suspicion of racially/religiously aggravated criminal damage after footage of the incident was circulated online. Detective Superintendent Ben Newman said: “We understand that this incident has caused great upset within many communities, and we would like to reassure the public that our investigation team is working hard to gather all the facts and bring this matter to a positive conclusion.” The reply from "Justin Time" in the comments seems about right.
  16. Just had this pop up on my feed Looks like SYTM have an open day on Sunday https://sytm.co.uk/
  17. Why keep repeating the same comment, even though the disease affects far more than the respiratory system? The original proposition for this thread was about a possible different future pandemic, but even that somehow got diverted. I don't know how many people on here are participating in UK Biobank, I joined when it first started in Sheffield, but some of their recent data has been analysed in a US study by "Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology" COVID-19 Is a Coronary Artery Disease Risk Equivalent and Exhibits a Genetic Interaction With ABO Blood Type METHODS: Data from the UK Biobank was used to identify COVID-19 cases (n=10 005) who were positive for polymerase chain reaction (PCR+)-based tests for SARS-CoV-2 infection (n=8062) or received hospital-based International Classification of Diseases version-10 (ICD-10) codes for COVID-19 (n=1943) between February 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020. Clearly that, as a peer reviewed medical journal is a bit beyond most of us, certainly me, but this is a CNN report based on the research paper; Covid-19 may increase the risk of heart attacks, strokes and deaths for three years after an infection, study suggests Covid-19 could be a powerful risk factor for heart attacks and strokes for as long as three years after an infection, a large new study suggests. The study was published Wednesday in the medical journal Atherosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology. It relied on medical records from roughly a quarter of a million people who were enrolled in a large database called the UK Biobank. Then of course there's been the more recent studies linking Covid to Parkinsons, but most of the stuff I've seen it far to complex for non medics like me to understand. COVID-19 related neurological manifestations in Parkinson’s disease: has ferroptosis been a suspect? Nature
  18. The first post nuclear war film, which I still remember in parts, was the original film version of a Nevil Shute book, " On The Beach ". Wiki This is a decent article on Threads, by Duncan Campbell, who was involved in the original production, and well worth a read. https://bylinetimes.com/2024/10/09/threads-bbc-nuclear-aftermath/
  19. Surely the 700 K is total net, which sometimes excludes asylum seekers until they are granted refugee status, depending on where you source the numbers; I think that was about 40 k last year. The 700 K net total is either UK citizens returning, or work/study/family etc. who have been granted visas (about 1.16 million), balanced against those who have left the UK. It's HMG's choice how many visas they issue, and thus the number of immigrants arriving. https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/immigration-system-statistics-year-ending-june-2024/summary-of-latest-statistics
  20. Meanwhile, the crackpots are out in force; we've already seen the lies about FEMA This Does Not Bode Well for the Election The Slate The hurricane conspiracy theories spread by Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and Marjorie Taylor Greene are really bad, even beyond their obvious danger.
  21. Here's the result of a recent vote; both Egypt & Jordan voted for an end to the occupation, rather than abstaining. Something odd going on with the Pacific island states, though I guess they have their own internal politics to consider, as well as the wider picture. Pacific Island States Continue Disproportionate Support of Israel at the UN The Diplomat [4 free articles/month on Asia/Pacific] As the U.N. General Assembly overwhelmingly called for a ceasefire in Gaza, why were Pacific Island states overrepresented in opposition, abstention, and absence? Argentina and Paraguay is far to complex for me to pretend to understand, as I don't really follow South American politics, other than a brief read-up before we went to Peru. First two links are likely to be biased reporting, though likely still broadly factual, fourth one from a different continent Why is Argentina becoming a 'great friend' of Israel amid its war crimes in Gaza? MEE Paraguay consolidates its historical ties with Israeli colonialism and indigenous repression MEM The situation in the Middle East [item 37] and Question of Palestine [item 38] Argentine Government [supporting 2 state solution] Brazil and Paraguay take opposite sides regarding ICJ case against Israel South Atlantic News Agency
  22. I suspect most of the civilised world is against him, though the leaders of a small few countries, UK, US, & Germany amongst them, may not represent their respective populations.
  23. Why not? Arrest made over Jewish memorial vandalism Brighton & Hove News A man has been arrested after a Jewish memorial was damaged in Palmeira Square, Hove. A 58-year-old man from Hove was arrested on Monday, October 7 on suspicion of racially/religiously aggravated criminal damage after footage of the incident was circulated online. He remains in custody at this time.
  24. I do concur with your two observed "problems", but perhaps oddly, I remain unconvinced that he's actually a racist himself; what he's exceptional at, is manipulating the racism of others in an effort to achieve an undisclosed personal agenda. I'm absolutely sure he hasn't got yours, or my, interests at heart, regardless of our respective skin colours or races.
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