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Everything posted by peak4

  1. What is ambiguous about the GMP statement? GMP link; perhaps there is a lawyer on the forum who could explain exactly what is ambiguous. The following statement can be attributed to a Greater Manchester Police spokesperson: “Following allegations about Angela Rayner MP, Greater Manchester Police has completed a thorough, carefully considered and proportionate investigation. We have concluded that no further police action will be taken. “The investigation originated from complaints made by Mr James Daly MP directly to GMP. Subsequent further contact with GMP by members of the public, and claims made by individuals featured in media reporting, indicated a strong public interest in the need for allegations to be investigated. “Matters involving council tax and personal tax do not fall into the jurisdiction of policing. GMP has liaised with Stockport Council and information about our investigation has been shared with them. Details of our investigation have also been shared with His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC).” They are surely quite correct in not detailing the allegations made against her, as they have decided that no action will be taken by them. Even the Tory MP concerned refused to say why he wanted the case(s) re-opening; maybe he was concerned about libel, who knows. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/tory-mp-complained-labours-angela-121900379.html The tax allegations widely reported in the press were well covered by the likes of Dan Neidle, in a New Statesman article, as well as his own website, (if the accusation was of deliberate fraud, the GMP might have it within their scope). Electoral fraud could be within the remit of GMP, which might well have taken some time to investigate, but I thought that there was a 12month time limit on that. Personally I would question whether this is appropriate use of police time, involving at least a dozen officers, for what would seem to be a political motive. Mirror link Tory ‘attack dog’ reheats failed ploy used against Starmer to go for Rayner Guardian; read the whole article, it seems to cover various aspects quite well.
  2. I must admit, I originally took it as satire, in view of a post I read a day or so ago; I guess you've not seen it, and unfortunately I can't find it now. It was regarding a bunch of allegedly Man City/United supporters somewhere in Harrow. This was the incident, but the specific report I was reading was either on Twitter or Facebook. [Evening Standard link] They were having a scrap in the road and blocking a bus, with one of them seemingly out cold. The comments following effectively excused the behaviour, as that's how proper British folk settle their differences; had it been ethnics, then most of them would have stabbed each other. Then followed the normal tirade(s) from a certain group of commentators.
  3. On a related note, a film showing, which I don't think I'll be able to make, though I saw Steven's talk recently Tuesday, July 9 FILM NIGHT - See Hawley Collection Films on 'The Big Screen' Eventbright for free tickets Location Kelham Island Museum Alma Street Sheffield S3 8RY About this event 1 hour 30 minutes Join us for an evening of films, your opportunity to see some of the Hawley Collection films about knives and knifemaking on ‘the big screen’. Get yourself a drink from the pub downstairs and settle in for the main feature. Some of the featured films will include Stan Shaw and Steven Cocker making a Barlow Knife (from his recent talk). This is one of the final events for our Lottery Heritage Fund project: ‘Sheffield Treasure: Celebrating 200 Years of Excellence in Cutlery Making’. Don’t miss this opportunity to see new and original footage from the collection.
  4. It sound like you're trying to drive, and teach, responsibly. The mirror is a reasonable assistance, and shouldn't cause a problem with focusing sunlight, as you would use a convex, rather than concave one. A bigger problem might be theft/vandalism, depending on where you live. Personally, where there is restricted vision across a footway like you have, I tend to very slowly pull about 1/4 to 1/3 of the way out and pause; That way anyone on a bike/scooter/e-bike etc, has time to react, going round the front or waiting for me. The Marlin has a very long bonnet and low seating, so it's a particular problem for me. I'm not going into the legalities of cycling, electric propulsion/assistance, on the footway; I would still feel bad regardless of liability, if someone was hurt. N.B. I've not had any formal re-training since I passed my test. Maybe visit a forum such as IAM or similar The other possibility, is a reversing camera, with the actual camera pointing out diagonally from the front bumper in the direction where you have restricted vision; check with your insurance first though. I bought a cheap one for use in the workshop as a magnifying viewer for use on the lathe etc, and just changed the focusing distance to make it for close up only. You could even pick up one with dual input and have a camera facing each way.
  5. Have a look at the Twitter replies to the video I posted earlier; Sheffield Online-Twitter [X] seems to have a certain following. https://x.com/onlinesheffield/status/1794680996249706960 The same video was also posted by a Sheffield councillor Maroof Raouf Council website link As you can see, the replies are mainly a bit different, though less numerous; the very last one below the More Replies button might be of interest, though I suspect the poster might have jumped to the wrong conclusion. That's twice there has been a #riot on the streets of Sheffield involving weapons. @syptweet what are you doing to ensure the public can feel safe after today's events at Woodbourn Rd and Attercliffe Rd? https://x.com/MRaoufNES/status/1794530536054202448
  6. Why would anyone? This is a local forum, so a victim's family or friends might be further upset by reading it all over again. The story was widely reported as a news item, so is it appropriate to cause further distress by expanding on it here?
  7. I got disturbed part way through typing my previous post, so missed your earlier query Here's the Sheffield News Facebook post, now with 2.8K comments; I'll let you read them yourself, but largely uninformed speculation https://www.facebook.com/100063612483091/videos/1533493434217136/ Sheffield OnLine which has the comment from the woman in the cafe opposite https://www.facebook.com/onlinesheffield/posts/pfbid0i2qLpFkPF39rXVwWEAQsqtHo6qwRJMNVNd3hVpFVrJRKekKANiNuNyNik2J1rCbql and Sheffield OnLine Twitter Look at the replies on this one.
  8. Are we talking about two different incidents here? In my two previous posts, I'm referring to the very shaky video on Attercliffe Road, just up from the old Banners store, shot in early darkness with street lights on. That started being mentioned somewhere around page 5 on this thread, with various speculations from folk who didn't see anything in person themselves. The earlier incident on Woodbourn Rd, was the original reason for this thread, which is in daylight, and apparently involved Ethiopians raiding an Eritrean party; nothing to do with bikers. BBC news link, so yes it was reported on at least one national outlet, and also by The Yorkshire Post see also The Star, Daily Mail, Yahoo, MSN, GB News etc. This screenshot is from the Attercliffe disturbance, which thus far hasn't had much coverage, other than wild speculation on Sheffield Forum, Facebook, Twitter [X], and maybe other social media that I don't follow.
  9. To be fair, on a large screen monitor, it appears to be a back-patch bikers club involved on one side; various commentaries claim it was near their clubhouse. That appears to be substantiated, both on here and elsewhere. I'm not going to start speculating which club, but it doesn't look like Hells Angels, Satans Slaves, or The Druids. The other group seem to be masked up and dressed in black. The comments on Sheffield News FB group, about it happening at 3am seem to be refuted by someone who said they were at a party in a cafe opposite, and claimed it was about 10pm; their own event, due to finish at 3am was curtailed, with the shutters being pulled down by the cafe management for the customer's safety. Clearly there were plenty of actual witnesses, viewing from directly opposite, so the facts may well come out in due course. Lots of comments spread over a couple of Sheffield Facebook groups, one with north of 2500 posts, so I can't be bothered to trawl through them, though I read quite a few yesterday. I only found the woman in the cafe who claimed to be an actual witness; on the post I saw, she didn't identify the groups; she may have done so elsewhere. Most of the rest of the comments are pure speculation from people who very obviously were not witness to the event; indeed many are from individuals overseas. Seems to be a fair split of people claiming two biker clubs, and others blaming "cultural diversity", religious affiliations, and other such terms. Very clear that many of the folk speculating are quite keen for it to be race/religion based, many of them aren't even in Sheffield.
  10. "An tEarrach Ceilteach" is hardly the most reliable of sources, and they are quoting Norman Brennan anyway, (adding "Hells Angels" which Brennan didn't). Why didn't they quote the folk who claim they were locked in the cafe opposite; maybe doesn't fit the agenda?? Another "An tEarrach Ceilteach" spurious quote, as seen in the previous post; "Texas motorcycle gang [Texas Cossacks photo in post] raises funds to repair the Sheffield UK Hells Angels club after it was attacked. Two nights of clashes in Sheffield have left two seriously injured" [They didn't look like HA back patches on the Attercliffe video to me, nor Slaves or Druids.] Brennan's comment specifically above the Attercliffe Rd video; [as far as I know, he's ex/retired officer from The Met, so unlikely to have seen what happened.] "BREAKING NEWS; A 2nd Night of Disorder & Tension in Sheffield in South Yorkshire where yesterday TWENTY TWO people were hospitalised & TWENTY FIVE people were arrested; A very serious public disorder Incident but hardly any National Media coverage" The Woodbourne Rd incident was widely reported, though the Attercliffe Rd one seems to be quiet at the moment; I'm guessing back-patch biker clubs would be unlikely to be very co-operative with either the police, or the press. Another "An tEarrach Ceilteach" gem, this time quoting Bridgen as an authoritative source. also "Rishi to step down before election. Britain to reinstate war time PM before elections" on another post
  11. Or Rwanda (amongst others) Rwandan Meddling Is Deepening Congo's Deadly Conflict Bloomberg, via archive.ph Fighting involves scores of armed groups, deep ethnic tensions and at least five national armies, and has reached a peak not seen in at least a decade. Rwanda has deployed about 3,000 troops to eastern Congo, according to three western officials in the region, and trains M23 rebels at a remote camp near the countries’ border, five ex-fighters who trained there said. It’s unleashed an unprecedented flood of arms to the rebels – including fixed-wing drones, Israeli-made grenade launchers, drone jammers and Russian SPG-9 anti-tank grenade launchers, according to UN investigators and data shared with Bloomberg by a military contractor hired by the Congolese army to fight M23.
  12. Don't give them ideas.....................................Oh wait a moment 😉 Conservative MP ‘planned to put pensioners to work picking fruit' The Metro A Conservative ex-minister has broken new ground in the migration debate – by suggesting we could put pensioners to work picking fruit. Owen Paterson reportedly wanted to ease migration pressures by abolishing the agricultural workers scheme which allowed migrants from Romania and Bulgaria to work in the UK and enlist retired people to do their jobs instead.
  13. And therein potentially lies a problem; Sam Vimes ‘Boots’ Theory of Socio-Economic Unfairness Terry Pratchett "Perhaps one of the most popular quotes from the Discworld series is Sam Vimes’s ‘Boots’ Theory of Socio-economic Unfairness, propounded in Men at Arms: The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money. Take boots, for example. He earned thirty-eight dollars a month plus allowances. A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an affordable pair of boots, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. Those were the kind of boots Vimes always bought, and wore until the soles were so thin that he could tell where he was in Ankh-Morpork on a foggy night by the feel of the cobbles. But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that’d still be keeping his feet dry in ten years’ time, while the poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet. With the fifty-dollar boots, Vimes knew that he would save money in the long term and that his feet would be dry for many years, but lacking the money for that initial outlay he is caught in the trap of spending more money over the years, and a significantly longer time with wet feet."
  14. Surely that story you refer to in The Grauniad is the whole premise for this thread. It's also covered by other media too https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/05/23/afd-expelled-from-hard-right-group-in-european-parliament/ Telegraph https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/05/22/le-pens-party-cuts-ties-with-germanys-afd-nazi-ss-scandal/ Telegraph - 2 https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/germanys-afd-bans-candidate-over-ss-remarks-dtf6rdcjv Times https://www.timesofisrael.com/germanys-afd-bars-candidate-from-eu-election-after-his-comments-on-nazi-ss-members/ Times of Israel Even the Mail & Express refer to AFD as Far Right https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9322065/German-far-right-AfD-party-surveillance-Nazi-era.html Daily Mail https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1881298/germany-saxony-migration-afd-max-aschenbeck Daily Express
  15. Marine Le Pen seems to be trying to distance herself from those who's politics she used to embrace, though not necessarily form the politics themselves. Is Marine Le Pen actually far right? It depends who you talk to Independent 2022 Le Pen’s policy proposals have only changed slightly from her 2012 and 2017 manifestos, but her image – and her party’s – has undergone a radical refurbishment over the last few years Bannon plan for Europe-wide populist 'supergroup' sparks alarm BBC July 1018 This was about his attempts to start up "The Movement" In France too he has shared the stage with far-right leader Marine Le Pen, who reached the run-off in the 2017 presidential election only to be heavily defeated by Emmanuel Macron. Only Alice Weidel of the far-right AfD said Mr Bannon's ideas were "very exciting and ambitious". By August, AfD seemed to be going off the idea a bit Far-right German leader sceptical of Bannon's anti-EU push Euronews Aug 2018 He said the AfD only had close contacts with Austria's far-right Freedom Party (FPO), junior party in Austria's coalition government. Former AfD leader Frauke Petry had always wanted to work with France's National Front, but that had not worked out. [more on Austria later] But by April the following year Germany's AfD invites ex-Trump advisor Steve Bannon to conference The Local April 2019 A spokesman for the Alternative for Germany (AfD) confirmed to news agency DPA that Bannon has been asked to attend the 'Conference for a free media,' to be held on May 11th in Berlin for right-wing journalists and bloggers. "We are arranging the details," an organizer told the weekly Der Spiegel, which said that British anti-EU politician Nigel Farage, leader of the Brexit Party, has also been invited. Germany's AfD invites ex-Trump aide Bannon to media conference Reuters April 2019 Still not much joy with The Movement though (fortunately) Bannon, a former chairman of the right-wing Breitbart.com website, has met several of Europe's populist groups with the aim of advising them before May's European elections but his efforts to act as a power broker have so far fallen flat. Last year, he met France's far-right leader Marine Le Pen and he has said he plans to work with right-wing Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. I Guess he must have spoken to a few folk somewhere, as by May 2019 Steve Bannon Says Jewish Leaders Support Nationalism, Praises Nazi-Friendly AfD Party Observer May 2019 I'll leave you to read this one fully. "These people are good, descent people," said Bannon on Fox. Hopefully purely coincidence, I don't know. by Dec2020 ; [I said I'd return to Austria] Austrian police seize weapons intended for German far right Al Jazeera Dec2020 Haul of weapons used to ‘establish a far-right network’ in Germany, Austrian interior minister says. The Austrian police have seized a huge cache of automatic weapons, explosives and hand grenades intended to arm far-right “extremist” groups in Germany. Austrian Interior Minister Karl Nehammer said on Saturday five men aged 21 to 53 with links to neo-Nazi groups were arrested following a series of house searches. Meanwhile Nigel Farage to Skip U.K. Election So He Can Focus on Helping Trump New York Times, via arcive.ph The populist British politician, a driving force behind Brexit, said he would not run in the July general election, citing the global importance of the American campaign.
  16. The whole situation seems to have been a bit odd for years. Here's a few links to be going on with, though I've not been following it closely; The Tribune one is interesting https://www.iq-mag.net/2018/04/rupert-dell-leadmill-harassment-e370k-judgment/ https://www.sheffieldtribune.co.uk/p/the-leadmill-says-its-fighting-for https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-66735507 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-69040548 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-69043341
  17. Meanwhile, Labour MPs discussed US/UK Brexit trade deal with Trump allies Independent Exclusive: Senior Labour MPs were guests at the Heritage Foundation, the USA’s leading right-wing think tank, in Washington DC this week The Heritage Foundation has earned a reputation for being at the heart of a shift to the right in the Republican Party. The Heritage Foundation Sourcewatch Founded in 1973, The Heritage Foundation is a right-wing think tank. Its stated mission is to formulate and promote public policies based on the principles of "free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense." It is widely considered one of the world's most influential public policy research institutes. The Foundation wields considerable influence in Washington DC, and enjoyed particular prominence during the Reagan administration. The Foundation maintains strong ties with the London Institute of Economic Affairs and the Mont Pelerin Society. [IEA link from Open Democracy] Remember the IEA; allegedly the ones behind Truss/Kwarteng's budget. EuropeanPowell @EuropeanPowell Twitter Senior Labour MPs were guests at the Heritage Foundation, the USA’s leading rightwing thinktank, in Washington DC this week. This is where we see the continuity of right-wing libertarianism and 'exit' strategies smoothly taken on board by Labour. Brexit is a relay race where both Cons and Labour eagerly exchange the baton of vulture capitalism. It is no coincidence that obscure deregulatory projects like Freeports and SEZs were put forward by Boris Johnson and Shanker Singham (the brains behind Brexit) as the entry point for the Singapore-on-Thames model intended to further separate the working classes from the asset classes. Divide and conquer. Sunak's 12 Freeports and 74 SEZs are tax evaders, and money launderers dreams come true, free from the EU's publicly owned ports deemed at odds with the UK economy, this was stated in a Jan 2024 Govt report on the REUL bill.👇🏻👀 https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/65ba2e3ae9e10a000d031140/retained_eu_law_parliamentary_report_june_2023_december_2023.pdf Two days before leaving the EU the Dept for International Trade tweeted that it would be developing ambitious new Freeports to ensure towns and cities across the UK would begin to benefit from post-Brexit trade opportunities, free of regulation, free from taxation, a goldmine for venture capitalists, private equity, big pharma/agri/tech/tobacco/healthcare Sarah Elliott, head of the US unit at Legatum and wife of Matthew Elliot (a key figure in the Leave Campaign) who was also present at Labours meeting with the right wing thinktank The Heritage Foundation, added that Labour are “definitely putting an olive branch out and showing an openness to work with Republicans.” 'The much coveted US trade deal would be a major victory for a Keir Starmer government if Labour could succeed where the Tories failed' So just think about that, 'a victory for Starmer' but chaos for ordinary working people and small businesses, as councils go bankrupt, public assets and services are sold off and absorbed by big business, corporate governance in SEZs is absolutely on track to perforate holes in the fabric of the nation.
  18. Cheers I hadn't seen that web site before More of her work here https://streetartsheffield.com/artists/florence-blanchard
  19. Neither is this really; Gary Lineker went his entire professional career, 513 games for club and country without receiving a single booking. He does explain why here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U96AcfwCCy0
  20. It's all a bit difficult when folk rely on stories behind paywalls, as it's difficult to put the quotes into context as a whole. Tories shouldn’t have ousted Boris Johnson, admits Nadhim Zahawi Former chancellor says Conservative party got rid of the ‘most consequential leader since Thatcher’ Bear in mind of course that this story is in the Telegraph, Zahawi is standing down as an MP, taking up a new role in a company linked to Barclay, and has a book to sell soon. Nadhim Zahawi made Very Group chairman after standing down as MP Former chancellor will lead Barclay family’s business as it seeks new investment I'm not sure why he is gaining so much attention really; trying to maintain a low profile following his recent tax affairs may be more appropriate. Even his lawyer seems to be having some legal complications at the moment Nadhim Zahawi’s SLAPP results in disciplinary action for his lawyer. Why it happened, and what it means. Tax Policy Associates In July 2022, Nadhim Zahawi’s solicitors, Osborne Clarke, threatened me [Dan Neidle] with libel for saying that Zahawi had lied about his taxes (which, of course, he had). They said I couldn’t tell anyone about their threat, and it would be “improper” and a “serious matter” if I did. This was false; an attempt to intimidate me into silence. I referred the matter to the Solicitors Regulatory Authority. The FT is now reporting that the SRA has taken action, and has referred the solicitor to the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal. He1 may be struck off. I believe this is the first time a solicitor has been referred to the SDT for abusive tactics in libel litigation – often termed SLAPP Johnson of course stood down due to many ministers disagreeing with his handling of various issues including Pincher & Patterson, as well as other matters. Arguably on Pincher & Patterson alone he should have stood down voluntarily. If however he'd remained in post, then there was a likelihood that he would have been suspended for 90 days following a Privileges Committee investigation. I'm not convinced having a serving PM suspended from parliament would be such a good look for the Tories; or any other party really. Privileges Committee investigation into Boris Johnson Institute for Government How the investigation into Boris Johnson worked and what it found. The committee’s report stated that, had Boris Johnson still been an MP, they would have recommended that he be suspended from the House of Commons for 90 days. Had this sanction been agreed by the Commons, it would have triggered a recall petition in Boris Johnson’s constituency. In light of the fact that Boris Johnson has already resigned as an MP, the committee recommends that he not be granted a parliamentary pass – something to which former MPs are usually entitled and which gives access to the parliamentary estate.
  21. Indeed it is, and as I'm sure you're aware, assuming you were in a 30mph area, then it would normally fall below the threshold for prosecution, which begins at 10% + 2mph (in most police areas)
  22. Is it old stock? I never thought of you as a millennial. 🙂 Fray Bentos pie tins to be REDESIGNED because young people can’t open them
  23. That's odd, I thought I'd replied earlier before I went to the shops, but the post is now missing See this old thread on here
  24. I wonder how much may be related to this?? Why Britain is the world’s worst on homelessness Insufficient housing, an eroded social sector and diminished state support made tens of thousands destitute John Burn-Murdoch Financial Times via Archive.ph When people picture homelessness, they tend to imagine people sleeping rough on the street, tipped into insecurity by substance use problems. Viewed this way, one might imagine the US would rank highest in any international comparison. Wrong. The main form of homelessness is people living in temporary accommodation, the main driver is an inability to afford housing, and America is not even particularly close to the worst. The UK holds that ignominious title, with an astonishing one in 200 households living in emergency lodging outside the formal housing sector.
  25. It didn't take long for this thread to divert did it. Nazir Ahmed was born in Pakistani Kashmir, and represented Rotherham, neither of which are Sheffield or Yemen Imran Ahmad Khan Was UK born of mixed race British & India Pakistani origin, and represented Wakefield. I can't see that either of the above are relevant to a Sheffield born prospective MP, who's family are of of Yemeni descent. Since no-one has actually barred discussion on Izzard; Eddie/Suzy Izzard on the other hand, was actually born in Yemen, though it was Aden at the time, has raised a huge amount of money for charity, as well as their political activism. I suspect they could be a genuine asset to the Labour Party, but would unfortunately end up with a focus on the person, rather than their policies. One thing I did find interesting was the full set of 5* reviews for Abtisam Mohamed on the legal site. Almost all of the reviews have a high proportion of Unhelpful 👎 votes, despite the reviews themselves being unanimously positive; it struck me as unusual for a full set of 5* reviews to have so many down-ticks. I wonder why?
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