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Everything posted by peak4

  1. Indeed so, other than maybe from journalist's perspective. I wish her the best, so long as she maintains this outlook. In here own words on Twitter Abtisam Mohamed @Abtisam_Mohamed May 14 I try not to think too much about being the first.. I'm just an ordinary woman who grew up in Burngreave who wants to do right by my city and all our communities
  2. Fortunately it sounds like a European hornet, rather than an Asian one; the latter should be reported as per this article. https://www.wildlifetrusts.org/wildlife/how-identify/have-you-found-hornet European ones aren't particularly aggressive, but can be large enough to be quite intimidating. https://www.naturespot.org.uk/species/hornet
  3. Big outbreaks over here in wild bird colonies too. Is the rearing of cattle in France less intensive than The US? One of the great fears is that Avian Flu (particularly H5N1) becomes endemic in US cattle, which gives the virus a far greater chance of mutating to a form which is infectious between humans. I think this is one of the drivers for more preparations. I hope whatever we do here works better than HMG preparations following Exercise Cygnus This is an article in Nature, but it might be behind a paywall; I'm struggling to get archive.ph or similar to show it at the moment https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-01333-9 I think archive.org has it in full, but it sometimes times out https://web.archive.org/web/20240510230015/https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-01333-9
  4. I was a member when I lived in Sheffield, and started a second account for over here in Buxton when I briefly had two houses on the go. Just tried the local group here and it works fine. This URL should work if you have an account https://nextdoor.co.uk/news_feed and take you to your local feed when logged in. I really wouldn't go down the route of recommending friends and neighbours though; they may not thank for for it.
  5. England’s adults’ hospices have faced a real-terms cut in their Government funding of £47m in the past two years, according to new data from Hospice UK. Insufficient NHS funding means many hospices are struggling to keep up with inflation and rising costs. Hospice UK has gathered data from Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) across England which shows that there is not a single part of the country where Government funding of local hospice services has not fallen in real terms in the last two years. Report finds current set up of hospice funding 'not fit for purpose' The actual APPG report is available from the next link A new report by the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Hospice and End of Life Care has found that despite a law passed in 2022, the way hospice services are commissioned in England is not fit for purpose. As a result, the cross party group of MPs found that services hospices provide for dying people and their families, and the support they provide to the health system, are at risk.
  6. I believe it's the government of the day who decides that this corporation is due 20% tax, so they could set a higher figure if they chose. No-one is telling the corporation how to spend the rest. The UK has a very high level of income inequality compared to other developed countries. The Scale of Economic Inequality in the UK The Equality Trust By 2023, the richest 50 families in the UK held more wealth than half of the UK population, comprising 33.5 million people. If the wealth of the super rich continues to grow at the rate it has been, by 2035, the wealth of the richest 200 families will be larger than the whole UK GDP. The NHS, surprisingly to some, spends less on admin than many other developed countries. Just maybe if we spent a bit more on high quality admin and organisation, then we could use that admin spend better and more efficiently, rather than constantly firefighting. Comparing the NHS to the health care systems of other countries: five charts Kings Fund
  7. The same is true of gin for instance; most of what we see here, since the recent popularity increase, is designed to go with mixers. I plead guilty, as we probably have the best part of a dozen different ones here at home. 😊 On the other hand, try some Jenever (Genever) Dutch/Belgian gin, particularly the Oude style, to be drunk neat; it's every bit at complex as a good tasting rum or whisky (or wiskey for that matter). Similarly Ouzo, where we normally only see No12, or maybe Lidl's Korifeos; head for the Greek mainland, and there are wonders to behold; Mini or Sans Paraille are amongst my favourites. Speaking of Lidl, they currently have a Greek week, where along side their Ouzo, they are offering Cretan Raki; in my opinion far better than their ouzo variety. Labelled as Tsikoudia, it's not aniseed flavoured like ouzo or Turkish raki and has quite a different flavour; this one is distilled from grape must, like eau de vie, though there is a honey variety available on the island. In Crete, it normally comes in used water bottles on the local market, made by someone's granddad, but the Lidl version isn't too bad. This was taken at a Tsicoudia festival whilst we were there a few years ago
  8. This one I believe. See Reuters report; worth reading the whole article Scotland health minister’s speech about racial injustice and lack of diversity in politics misrepresented online
  9. Yes you're quite right of course. I thought I could remember that name from not long after I joined, but added a space in the name when I searched. They last posted in 2010; I joined in 2008 after I'd been nattering to Mort over a beer or three.
  10. I'm guessing you might mean Plain Talker, mentioned earlier, who sadly died a little while ago. In later years, she had her forum description as "Happy Hijaabi"
  11. I miss the likes of Basilrathbon and Alcoblog's posts; perceptive and amusing, without seeking to be deliberately offensive. Very sad to hear of my old friend Mort's sudden passing a little while ago, though I think she'd ceased to be a mod some time previously.
  12. Waterhalls, or John Crawshaw at Hillsbrough for me. I used to like the ones from the pork shop at Chesterfield Market, but sadly now closed. Also, lunchtimes only, fresh hot ones from a Chinese takeaway on London Road, also now closed. Alternatively, hop on a No65 and get off at Geoff Mycock on Buxton market place.
  13. That was my initial thought, but looking at a height profile, I'm not sure you could see past Houndkirk Moor to either Higgar Tor or Carl Wark
  14. yes I appreciate that, but I wasn't sure you could see the image at the time, and I'm not sure all other posters picked up on it. Seen from Rother Valley way, wouldn't you be looking over the top of the eastern edges, so I'm guessing a rock formation on top of the moors somewhere. I wonder if there are any other landmarks visible in the right direction?
  15. Wait for a clear day, and add a photo and compass bearing. A long way to pick out Hen Cloud, What elevation are you?
  16. The photo shown now is certainly The Roaches area, as this pdf shows (Hen Cloud I think). © Graham Hobster Or here from a slightly different angle https://www.mountain.rescue.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/MREWSafetyAdvice.pdf
  17. Hmm, I must admit, I thought he wasn't re-standing at the next election; watch this space.
  18. I think the Guardian's just reporting the investigation by Greenpeace, but the content whilst shocking, certainly isn't surprising when you consider some of the other stuff Susan Hall 'pay-per-mile' social media image slammed by Labour as 'fake news' The Tories also claimed in a recent party political broadcast that Sadiq Khan has ‘secret plans to impose new charges for every single mile you drive’. Conservative Campaign Takes Surreal Turn as Party Appears to Ditch its own Colour, Logo and Name in ‘Fake Newspapers’ Red leaflets posing as newspapers have been landing on doorsteps ahead of the local elections – but there’s little mention of the party behind them Before the current batch, my own MP Derbyshire MP Robert Largan accused of 'fake' newspaper con It's fair to say that the person with the real legal rights to the High Peak Reporter name wasn't impressed. 🙂 Same chap, dodgy data harvesting Hassle in High Peak: Robert Largan’s solar farm shenanigans Why did Conservative MP for High Peak, Robert Largan, campaign against a proposal for a solar farm that had already been withdrawn? He's subsequently found by the ICO notto have complied with his obligations under data protection law.
  19. According to the earlier link, she was elected in 2016 for Manor. Maybe she has an allotment 🙂 Qualifications for standing for election Electoral Commission 1.1 To be able to stand as a candidate at a local government election in England and Wales you must: • be at least 18 years old • be a British citizen, an eligible Commonwealth citizen or a citizen of any member state of the European Union, and • meet at least one of the following four qualifications: a. You are, and will continue to be, registered as a local government elector for the local authority area in which you wish to stand from the day of your nomination onwards. See paragraph 1.8 for further information. b. You have occupied as owner or tenant any land or other premises in the local authority area during the whole of the 12 months before the day of your nomination and the day of election. For more details, see paragraph 1.9. c. Your main or only place of work during the 12 months prior to the day of your nomination and the day of election has been in the local authority area. More information is provided in paragraph 1.16. d. You have lived in the local authority area during the whole of the 12 months before the day of your nomination and the day of election. See paragraph 1.17 for further details.
  20. Here you go https://whocanivotefor.co.uk/person/12398/lisa-banes
  21. Yes, it's disgraceful that they should feel the need to. CST have likely had a presence there for some time, and may or may not have increased their staffing and or visibility. Record funding will protect Jewish communities from harm HMG Feb 2024 Jewish communities will receive dedicated security and protection thanks to the biggest financial commitment ever made by the government to tackle antisemitism. At the Community Security Trust’s (CST) annual dinner last night (Wednesday 28th February), Prime Minister Rishi Sunak pledged to give the organisation, which was established to protect Jewish community sites, more than £70 million over the next 4 years, as part of the Jewish Community Protective Security Grant. The funding will increase security at a range of Jewish buildings across the country, including schools, synagogues and other facilities used by the Jewish community. Meanwhile, in other news Islamophobia report highlights Conservative party’s institutional failings Financial Times. Highly critical inquiry says comments used by prime minister were insensitive to Muslim communities Fortunately there is action being taken to protect other religious institutions too; I wonder now much the necessity for this is due to the previous link. £117m to protect UK mosques and Muslim schools from hate attacks BBC More than £117m will be spent to protect mosques, Muslim schools and community centres in the UK from hate attacks over the next four years, the government says. Home Secretary James Cleverly said the investment would give "reassurance and confidence" to British Muslims. It will be spent on measures including CCTV cameras, alarms and fencing. The announcement comes in response to concerns the Israel-Hamas conflict is fuelling division in the UK. Mr Cleverly said: "Anti-Muslim hatred has absolutely no place in our society. We will not let events in the Middle East be used as an excuse to justify abuse against British Muslims. "The prime minister has made clear that we stand with Muslims in the UK. See Also https://muslimcensus.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/MuslimCensus-x-MEND.pdf Overall, 35%of Mosques experience a religiously motivated attack at least once a year. Of the mosques that have experienced attacks, 83% have been attacked at least once a year. Overall again, 9% report that their Mosque or Islamic institution is the target of attacks “very frequently” defined as at least every 3 months. I'm genuinely curious as to whether the need in Gateshead etc. is a perceived threat, or a real one; if the latter, then it should certainly be condemned every bit as much as threats to any other group or individual. If a perceived threat, then some actvist groups, maybe even the CAA, are achieving their ends. It may be a mixture of the two of course
  22. I'm sad to say if you've seen it repeated on any mainstream news channel, those reports likely pale into insignificance compared to some of the stuff I wish I hadn't seen; no, unusually for me, I'm not posting links to any of the Twitter stuff. I've certainly not visited the Telegram channels etc 😢
  23. A Monorail was seriously considered, but the plans scrapped, just before I arrived in Sheffiled. Thus far, there's been a couple of suggestions, but the Cablecar hasn't got off the ground (yet).
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