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Everything posted by peak4

  1. Assuming you were waiting for one of the club's customers, contact the club directly as they should be able to get it cancelled.
  2. Just type "Springett care home" into Google and read any of the first half dozen links; it's really not that hard to find out, though there may be a different number of links by the time you read this.
  3. Interesting article HERE regarding sleep apnoea, and the onset of dementia. I'm sure there are other sources for the info with more detail.
  4. The actual legislation is HERE with the CPS Prosecution Guidance HERE so normal dedicated satnavs, car radios etc. are excluded. However, there are still other offences which may occur, such as driving without due care, in a position not to be in full control, without due consideration for other road users etc. Plenty of accurate info at this link as well.Link-1
  5. Does anyone know if the 52 currently runs to the Crookes terminus after 7pm please?
  6. Just been informed of this article via a friend on Facebook. Well worth a read, just waiting for the next part now. Part 1 Part 2 now published
  7. Assuming it's the diesel TDV6, they have something of a reputation for breaking crankshafts. Lots of info on specialist forums, so here's an example.
  8. With an ECU controlled modern engine off a Disco 3?
  9. I'm sure that's true, and would your insurance cover someone without a licence? If not, that's a decent sized fine and 6 points each. :-(
  10. What we're done in the past, is to make sure we can get into central London from the arrival airport, then booked a Megabus in advance from London to Meadowhall interchange. Booked in advance, they were as little as £3 per person. That way, even if the flight was delayed such that we missed the last train, we still had what was effectively an insurance policy to get home for £3 plus the taxi fare from Meadowhell. Never needed to use the ticket, but reassuring to have. We have used it in the opposite direction to travel to the airport on the way out.
  11. Not logged onto the forum for some time; "Last Activity: 11-02-2018 22:47" Hope he's OK, I live(d) in Crookes, but don't know of anyone doing the relevant car restoration, so couldn't casually make conversation in passing.
  12. It's a pretty simple arrangement, though may be confusing if you've never seen the innards before. Essentially the float floats in the petrol and is attached to a little needle, the pointed end of which normally faces upwards. The pointed tip is usually either polished brass, or may have a rubber (viton) tip. As the petrol dribbles into the carb float bowl, the float, and thus the needle, rises up until it blocks the valve, thus cutting off the fuel supply. Depending on the carb, the float sometimes has its pivot in the float bowl, and sometimes on the main body of the carb. The latter is easier to check in situ, place a bowl under the carb, turn off the fuel, remove the float bowl, and whilst gently raising the float, turn on the fuel. It should be easy to observe if it's leaking, or where the fuel is dribbling out. If there's no leaks, and the valve shuts off OK, it implies that the float height is incorrectly set, allowing too much fuel into the bowl, such that it overflows. This isn't good anywhere, and certainly not in a boat.
  13. Float needle valve sticking, a bit of grit in its valve seat, or incorrectly assembled onto the float.
  14. A Daily Mail article; also worth reading.
  15. Here's a sensible non-sensationalist report from someone who actually knows what happened.
  16. Not the movie, but there's this as part of the Buxton Festival fringe. I guess it's a bit short notice and too far for you to travel.
  17. Here's a few for starters; http://forums.pepipoo.com/index.php?showtopic=116215 http://forums.pepipoo.com/index.php?showtopic=89537 http://forums.pepipoo.com/index.php?showtopic=95746 http://forums.pepipoo.com/index.php?showtopic=102839 http://forums.pepipoo.com/index.php?showtopic=89866 If you're going to give advice, please back it up with some verifiable source, so as not to mislead folks with personal opinion. All that the current discussion on here seems to have done, is to push the genuine advice further back in the thread, so someone coming here seeking good advice is less likely to see it. Like Zoco, I say again, if you want advice on legal matters, please go to somewhere that has specialist legal experts, rather than armchair lawyers; in the case of PPC tickets/invoices, MSE or Pepipoo are good places to start. I'm no expert or armchair lawyer, but I do know enough to appreciate how poor is my technical knowledge on the subject of PPCs. ---------- Post added 13-07-2018 at 10:56 ---------- In which case, your ticket must have come from a BPA member, rather than an IPC one. At least the former has some semblance of a genuine independent appeal process. i.e. POPLA Many folks believe that the "appeal process" for IPC members i.e. The IAS, is somewhat of a kangaroo court. Last I saw, and I haven't got time to look for the link at the moment, they claim to reject a minimum of 80% of all appeals as a matter of business as usual.
  18. Good luck, I think it's a judge in a room, rather than a normal court appearance, though I've never been there myself. Any chance of a link to your MSE thread, so we can all learn something, even just to prove that ignoring everything is no longer a good move. All the best for your excursion.
  19. Doesn't help the OP, but had a similar issue with mine after it had updated to Android 5; reverted it to 4.4 and back reasonably fast again.
  20. I'm not there at the moment, and Google Street View's resolution isn't that good when it comes to zooming in on signs from the road, , but make of this what you will. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.3677958,-1.5103917,3a,15y,47.41h,79.19t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1smoELkCJeYJUxqwHA6Bg7Zg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en To be fair, I think there are other entrances without signs. p.s. I should say I'm not anti dog at all, and actually do like them. Given a slightly different lifestyle, I'd probably have one myself.
  21. They already are, see section 14 of this link; it's pretty specific. Sadly it doesn't stop selfish idiot owners from ignoring it, because their precious little Fifi or Fido wouldn't harm a flea.
  22. If you were genuinely shopping there, then Aldi should be able to get it cancelled. Either speak directly to the shop manager, or I think there is a number on their web page for customer services.
  23. Add coots to your list; saw one at Potteric Carr playing dead when attacked by a stoat a few years ago.
  24. Ian, Both Leeza and Steve seem thoroughly pleasant folk, and their food is wonderful, but sadly hard to come by in Sheffield. We normally stock up at Macclesfield Treacle Market, but check out their web page for other venues. They even visit Buxton occasionally, which is pretty good for us.
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