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Everything posted by peak4

  1. I thought you normally just bought new foils and blades; says he who last shaved in 1981
  2. Maybe not worth a special trip, but if you're heading east along the M18 one day Hopewells is worth dropping into at; Unit 1, Denby Way Hellaby Industrial Estate Rotherham South Yorkshire S66 8HR Just picked up a large bag of sunflower hearts for £20
  3. Are they still trading? I drove past the other day and the shop looked empty. They may just have been re-decorating over the New Year of course. Not in Sheffield at the moment, so I can't check myself.
  4. Like you, and others on here, I have almost always carried a small folding pocket knife for well over 45 years, and have never found the need to threaten anyone. However, I do have concerns with the new proposed legislation on offensive weapons. See THIS LINK as a downloadable pdf; you will note that there doesn't seem to be any mention of sub 3" folders; just "an article with blade or point". See the proposals in section C p11 et. seq. which cover extending schools to universities, collages, etc. OK you and I may not actually go into the buildings themselves, but I certainly pass through the grounds on a regular basis, either walking under Western Bank, or near Hallam univ. when going to the bus station. Knowing how badly knee jerk legislation can be drafted, it concerns me that otherwise law abiding folks such as ourselves will suddenly be declared dangerous criminals, without even being aware of it. Also see the proposals banning the internet sales of items to private addresses, so even tradesmen, working from home, will no longer be able to order the tools of their trade for home delivery.
  5. Exactly the same over in Buxton. First time I've seen it here.
  6. Or you could consider buying from John Lewis who, I understand, have a 2 year warranty on their goods.
  7. They seem to be there in Sept 2015 according to GSV
  8. I don't know if he still repairs stuff, but you could try Hillsborough Electrical in Crookes.
  9. Glad you're still with us Alco. All the best for the forthcoming festivities.
  10. I believe Shiply has a service where you just enter the ebay item number, then sit back and await quotes from couriers. I can't check now for you as their web site is offline for scheduled work. Just make sure you check out the feedback from the courier companies. There may be other similar tendering companies.
  11. The same search yields THIS so just change the search criteria. Good Luck
  12. I just typed "Curved glass" into Google and came up with THIS outfit up towards Huddersfield
  13. Bradwell's Ice Cream Quote; "Out and about We have sold through our scooping stockists such as parks, cafes, restaurants and pubs for many years including Endcliffe Park & Pavilion Gardens in Buxton. We have a full list of where to buy and enjoy our ice cream, please call Jane on 01433 620536 or email jane@bradwells.co.uk for further information."
  14. Then the keeper did not show "reasonable diligence" to ascertain who the driver of the vehicle was. Ergo 6 points for failure to furnish plus a large fine and an MS90 conviction on their licence; guilty as charged m'lord
  15. Not too sure about the wisdom of that action, it's all explained in the Relevant Legislation. The actual original motoring offence is of little significance; if the keeper of the vehicle fails to unequivocally name the driver, then they are likely to be found guilty of a separate offence to the originally alleged one; this carries a mandatory 6 points plus the appropriate fine and a conviction that future insurers hate. Just writing "unknown" is likely to see you with 6 points unless you can "show that you did not know and could not with reasonable diligence have ascertained who the driver of the vehicle was." I understand the bar is set quite high for that, or everyone would claim a bad memory. Deliberately naming the wrong driver is likely to lead to jail time for PCOJ, whereas naming the most likely driver unequivocally, or making a genuine mistake, seems to be acceptable to the court.
  16. I'd suggest that may be a misunderstanding of what's happened; The speeding fine was not overturned, as no-one was convicted for speeding since the CPS had no evidence of who was driving. He was subsequently convicted of failure to furnish the driver's details at the time of the alleged offence. It is that which had been overturned, seemingly as the form on which he replied, was not correctly worded; If I've read the report correctly, the instructions on how to fill out the form, if one didn't know the driver, were incomplete/incorrect.
  17. Not as far as I'm aware, but check with the experts on MSE or Pepipoo.
  18. Only another 4 years to go then, they have up to 6 years to try and collect the "debt", or sell it on to someone else to try and collect it.
  19. Go back to Asda, with proof of purchases and blue badge, collar the manager and ask them to get Parking Eye to cancel. They should be able to arrange that for you, as they are the principal. If they won't, as well as making sure Asda know they won't shop there again, I'd suggest waiting for the notice to keeper, rather than acting on the windscreen ticket. Then, in the meantime, create an account on Pepipoo, or MSE, and ask for advice there. N.B. Beware of some of the Facebook groups as their advice may be, at best, dubious. Do not disclose the driver to Parking Eye !!
  20. You may well be correct, but personally I didn't see much in the list of exemptions, other than relating to cycle lamps between the hours of sunrise and sunset. Certainly there are many references in the act relating to pedal cycles, so "The Road Vehicles Lighting Regulations 1989" is intended to apply to pedal cycles in general. In the case I referred to earlier on the A57, not "a little dazzling", rather absolutely blinding, such that I couldn't see the road, or the cyclist on my side at all. I wouldn't dream of passing a cyclist if I felt it was unsafe for either them or me, day or night; the issue in this particular case was caused by a cyclist on the other side of the road. Used responsibly I have no issue with bright cycle lights; I rather wish they had been available when I was still a regular cyclist myself. I still have a pedal cycle, but the engine's knackered, so I normally use a combination of motorcycle, car, 4x4, and van for my personal transport. p.s. lots of references to RVLR 1989 available in this article
  21. Or someone who's direct debit failed to go through; in this case they even checked on-line to make sure the vehicle was taxed.
  22. Whereabouts is it please, and any link to contact details. Thanks
  23. Useful, but not foolproof, I've had a couple go missing. The DVLA also now do a reminder service for MOTs. https://www.gov.uk/mot-reminder
  24. Here you go, just type in your postcode; https://www.gov.uk/number-plate-supplier
  25. Fully understand that comment, and I don't claim any moral high ground having had points in the past. Whilst I'm not doubting your word at all, do you still have a copy or the original NIP showing 34? The reason I ask, is that a well respected internet group (Pepipoo) claims never to have seen a NIP for less than 35 in a 30. A copy of your NIP, suitably redacted of personal information, would help to inform them, so any advice they offer is more accurate. It is a responsible, well moderated group, with many posters being legal professionals, including serving and retired police officers and even a couple of speed camera operators.
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