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Everything posted by peak4

  1. Were you actually prosecuted/sent on a speed awareness course for 34? I thought the normal ACPO recommended threshold of prosecution began at 10% + 2mph, i.e. from 35 upwards.
  2. Some quite useful pdfs half way down This Page
  3. LED Hut is worth a look, but if your lights have dimmers, they may need changing for LED compatible ones, so don't forget to factor in that cost as well.
  4. Really? I accept they aren't in use in Sheffield, but how about the last item on This Link i.e. "Speedspike"
  5. Because it's the law; See The Road Vehicles Lighting Regulations 1989 No. 1796 PART III Regulation 27 Manner of use prohibited 11 Any other lamp Used so as to cause undue dazzle or discomfort to other persons using the road. I nearly took out a cyclist going in the same direction as me a few months ago; some imbecile on a cycle, coming towards me on the Snake pass, had 3 forward facing ultra bright lamps plus a piercing narrow beam lamp on his/her helmet staring straight into my eyes. Fortunately I stood on the brakes as I couldn't see the road at all, and only later saw a cyclist on my side of the road; They were riding sensibly and had a bright rear lamp and a good bright front light, angled reasonably. This is why motorised vehicles have dipped, as well as main beam, headlights. I'm extremely courteous to cyclists; we all have to learn to share the road together and have as much rights as each other to use the highway network.
  6. Whenever you do get the rubbish removed, just ensure the contractor can give you a waste transfer note; that way you should be covered if it ends up being fly-tipped somewhere.
  7. Several different petitions depending on the areas you feel strongly about. See HERE
  8. Someone I once knew, now sadly deceased, failed his test when he wound the driver's window down and threatened to give another driver a pasting. I suspect it was during his time injecting anabolic steroids.
  9. I don't, I just take the floor out when I need to change the gearbox again.
  10. Yes they will, or at least most banks will; The Royal Mint's Website says the following; "What should I do with my round £1 coins after Sunday 15th October? Although you cannot spend your round £1 coins after the 15th October, they can continue to be deposited into a customer’s account, either business or personal, at most High Street Banks including RBS, NatWest, Ulster, HSBC, Barclays, Lloyds, Santander, Nationwide, Clydesdale, Yorkshire Bank, Halifax, Bank of Scotland and The Post Office. It may be possible to exchange round £1 coins at these banks and the Post Office provided you hold an account with them. Specific arrangements may vary from bank to bank, including deposit limits. It is recommended that you consult with your bank directly. You can also donate any remaining round pounds to charity. We have joined forces with BBC Children in Need for Pudsey’s Round Pound Countdown. For more details visit: https://www.bbcchildreninneed.co.uk/pudseys-round-pound-countdown" My only caveat to that would be another comment from the same site; "What do I do if I think I have been given counterfeit coins? Using counterfeit coins is illegal. If you have a counterfeit or suspect that a coin may be a counterfeit, please hand it in to your local police station." i.e. the banks will only accept real ones, and since such a comparatively high proportion are forgeries, holding on to your piggy bank may be disadvantageous.
  11. I've linked to this video before, but this seems an appropriate thread to include it again. Blue Light Aware video In my opinion, well worth a few minutes of your time.
  12. You could do worse than having a word with Hoyland Dismantling
  13. Wait a bit longer (Sept 28th) and go to the new Sheffield store; http://www.thestar.co.uk/business/exclusive-how-ikea-is-preparing-for-sheffield-customers-as-opening-date-is-revealed-1-8697056
  14. Should be written on the top left hand garage pillar if there's any vacancies.
  15. Which will be within your included minutes. Unfortunately if you are elsewhere in the country and want to get through to the nearest local 101 service, there is a fixed 15p charge, explained HERE
  16. Works for me; my tariff, only available with a SmartMeter has free electric 9-5 of a Saturday or Sunday. Sadly not both.
  17. I guess you need to explain to folk what it's all about. He may be biassed, but you could try viewing this guy's take on it as a start.
  18. No, but the link I provided does provide the correct quote "Our priority must be public safety and I will take whatever action is necessary and effective to protect the security of our people and our country. That includes full authority for the police to use whatever force is necessary to protect and save life as they did last night, as they did in Westminster in March." I honestly don't think ez8004 was misrepresenting anything at all; OK, ez8004's quotation marks were one word early, but that doesn't really change the meaning.
  19. They weren't actually his very words. At least give the whole of the quote accurately, and then please try reading the link I posted earlier to put it into context. 4.20 onwards if you don't want to listen to it all. "I am not happy with the shoot to kill policy in general. I think that is quite dangerous and I think it can often be counterproductive. I think you have to have security which prevents people firing off weapons where you can and there are various degrees of doing things, as we know, but the idea you end up with a war on the streets is not a good thing. Surely you have to work to try and prevent these things happening. That has got to be the priority."
  20. This one seems to be getting quoted quite a lot of late, I can't say I'm a wild Corbyn fan, but I hate to see anyone being deliberately misquoted. I suspect that the Guardian may have different political affiliations to your good self, but this seems to be a reasonably impartial report. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2017/jun/05/theresa-may-attacks-corybn-shoot-to-kill-stance-as-bbc-clip-is-shared-online The Independent one quoted earlier seems to back it up nicely.
  21. You could try Shiply or one of the other on-line quoting companies
  22. Ah you've come across Schrodinger leylandii as well have you?
  23. I can only assume that few of that 40% have driven this particular Sheffield to Rotherham route in its current guise.
  24. As did I, on a regular basis, from the late 1980s through until I retired a couple of years ago. I still use it regularly, just not on a daily/weekly basis. I actually think that, even then, the LH lane was correct for Sheffield Rd to Magna. The lane markings were slightly different and the arrowing did say "Left", but I'd argue then that the intention was that there should be two left turn options (M1N & RH) and one straight on (Bawtry Rd). Indeed the big white road sign implies the same, M1N @ 8 o'clock, Roth @ 10 o'clock, Bawtry straight on @ 12 o'clock. Further, the Left Hand approach lane did not require you to cross any lane markings under the viaduct to head for Magna in the left hand lane under the flyover, so I'd argue that you were correct all those years ago with your occasional foray into the left hand approach lane. Now it seems that they've reconsidered (in name at least) what's left, and what's straight on; you currently have one "Left" option (M1N) and two "Straight On"s, Magna, and Bawtry Rd: N.B. they are different "Straight On"s, each requiring a different lane on approach from Meadowhall (Sheffield Rd) Go back to GSV and use the option on the top left hand corner to scroll back to 2009. I'm not sure you can use that facility on a phone, but it certainly works on a full size PC/Laptop.(you can go back to 2008, but there's cars blocking the view of the arrows on that record). The lane designation did not mention M1N, just a left arrow, though M1S was signwritten, no mention of either Rotherham or Bawtry. p.s. They amended the "Left" arrow in the left approach lane to "Left & Straight On", some time between 09/09 and 05/12, but unfortunately also changed the lane markings between 09/11 and 05/12, so that one now had to cross the broken white line lane markings in order to get to the exit they clearly wanted you to take. In my own opinion, had they just added the straight on arrow, but not changed the broken white line, we might not be having this rather prolonged discussion today. We would likely be having a similar one with folks cutting each other up at the next junction heading for Bawtry Rd.
  25. Just out of curiosity, did anyone read the documents I linked to earlier regarding the design and marking of roundabouts? The other pertinent question is: How many of the folks commenting on this thread have actually regularly driven the route, from Sheffield Road, to Sheffield Road, heading towards Rotherham? i.e. the route that the white car intended to take; please note that I typed "the route", not "the lane(s)"
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