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Everything posted by peak4

  1. Sadly gone bust. If you're still struggling this evening, let me know as I think I've got a tap the correct size, so I could make you a couple, but it's over in Buxton. I'm hoping to go over this evening and back Friday afternoon/evening. I can't remember offhand is my M10 fine is 1mm or 1.25mm
  2. If the conventional fastenings companies can't supply, try a motorcycle shop. Used on various bikes. or ebay of course
  3. Obelix, yes there is a legal requirement for the vehicle to be insured under the CI rules. However that responsibility to comply when applying for the VED, is placed upon the motorist; The DVLA will then do regular data scrapes to pick out, and write to, those who have failed in fulfilling their legal obligations. I believe that the first contact is a reminder before prosecution is commenced. From the second link I posted previously (on p6.) Motorists will now be able to tax their vehicle at the Post Office® without having to show any evidence they have insurance. Furthermore, car tax applications made online will not be validated against the MID before they can be accepted. (my emboldening) i.e. it is cross checked, but not at the point of purchase of the VED, only subsequently. (unless you're in Northern ireland, when I think you still need to produce an insurance certificate when buying VED at a Post office) CIE gives DVLA the ability to identify each month those who keep uninsured vehicles in a way previously not possible.
  4. To save me typing it all out again, I covered some if this, with appropriate links In this post last year.
  5. CQC Report HERE in case you weren't aware you could download it. Overall "Good"
  6. Sounds like a dating site for real ale lovers. Especially if driving to the course. http://news.sky.com/story/motorist-handed-ban-after-drink-driving-to-job-interview-with-police-force-10767710
  7. Try and chill out, Smart Parking aren't well known for court; http://www.bmpa.eu/companydata/Smart_Parking.html COURT ACTIVITY Tickets Issued 2015 Tickets Issued 258,045 2016 Tickets Issued 348110 2017 Court Hearings None 2015 Court Hearings 0 2016 Court Hearings 0 2017 Court Hearings 0 Further good advice on Pepipoo And reasonable advice on This Facebook Group See also MSE, Parking Prankster etc.
  8. From my own experience where I live, there's a mixture of roads with double yellows on corners and roads without. Those without do have some odd parking, due to the number of residents with cars, but possibly counter-intuitively, the restriction in visibility at crowded junctions does slow folks down ,and effectively acts as a traffic calming measure. Those roads with open junctions and double lines regularly see drivers taking corners at speed, frequently without looking properly. In some of the smaller side roads this causes problems, both for pedestrians and the drivers coming the other way on a road with cars parked on each side, and thus few/no passing places. Invariably, the driver racing round the corner into a blocked road, is also the one who refuses to give way. I think personally that narrow roads could perhaps do with just enough length of double lines on the most minor leg of the Tee junction to allow space for one vehicle. i.e. to let a right turner clear the main road, whilst allowing traffic already on that side road room to escape. Where the junction is wider, let folks park on the corner, albeit unofficially, to maximise the amount of parking spaces for residents. I can't help thinking that some of the people who come on here pontificating about how others park on narrow roads, such as those in Crookes/Walkley, don't actually live there, or if they do, they are fortunate enough to have private drives.
  9. That will be this one then; https://www.yorkshirewater.com/sites/default/files/24338%20Code%20of%20Practice%20Leaflets%202015_Whose%20Pipe%20Web.pdf
  10. Any reason for not using a USB stick instead of DVDs e.g. https://www.mymemory.co.uk/USB-Flash-Drives/Integral/Integral-128GB-Evo-USB-Flash-Drive
  11. Try HERE on London Road P.S. Great minds think alike Granma
  12. http://www.sheffieldbusinesspark.co.uk/transport They seem to run a car share scheme, or maybe invest in a folding bike, you can take on the train & tram.
  13. Many folks use tablets, netbooks, and laptops without mobile data access, so it seems like a good idea to me.
  14. I would double check the terms of your lease before laying spanners on the vehicle.
  15. Try a tube of Silicone Window Sealant rather than no-more-nails.
  16. Coda, their architects seem to have a couple of spellings for the address; both wrong. http://www.codastudios.co.uk/work/project-krynkl/ p.s. you could try this link, rather than Taxman's
  17. I'm guessing you're using a plastic vessel for holding the rusty bits in the solution (washing soda?) I was thinking that a load of lengths of re-bar, arranged round the outside periphery of the tub, with the tops tack welded to a length of scrap thinner bar to join them, both mechanically and electrically. This would give you lots of surface area and also surround the rusty bits, hopefully making the whole process faster and more even. I just did a quick Google image search on the emboldened text above to find something to illustrate my reply. Something like this but with the tops just welded together via another common bit of bar. Seems unnecessarily complicated to do it the way this person has, since they clearly have a welder.
  18. Alco, several folks seem to recommend re-bar for that job, so have a word with any building sites pouring concrete.
  19. If you're anywhere near Intake, pop in and see the folks at Beds For Everyone We picked up a decent quality solid oak frame there, to go under a couple of Ikea mattresses. Nothing against BFE's mattresses as they do deem to have a good selection at a decent price.
  20. Roger, It wasn't a "fine", merely an invoice for a supposed breach of contract. This is not criminal law, so they are in no position to "Fine" anyone. Incidentally you're not alone, I got stung years ago, in the first week when they took over the car park on the roof of Broomhill shops. I mistakenly took it as a genuine fine and paid up, only subsequently finding out the truth. VCS/Excel were almost guaranteed to turn down your appeal, as if it was upheld, then they wouldn't get much in the way of income, so they try to hoodwink folks with spurious threats in the hope that they will pay voluntarily. Parking companies have to be a member of a trade association, with an independent appeal service, in order to get the Registered Keeper's details from the DVLA. There's only two, the BPA & the IPC; VCS/Excel are members of the latter. IPC is owned by John Davies and William ‘Will’ Hurley. An appeal to VCS will most likely fail, some would argue that's because they make their own rules. That then "allows" you to appeal to their "Independent" adjudicator the IAS. Again, some would contest their independance, When/if your appeal fails, your handed back to their client (VCS in this instance) who then hand your case over to debt collectors to make threats about debt collection.(I think Excel use BW Legal, but I'm not sure) One of the other popular debt collectors is Gladstones. Guess who owns Gladstones; Yes you got it in one - John Davies and William ‘Will’ Hurley, who run the trade body. There's plenty of reading on the net about the whole sordid affair. See these links; Is the Independent Appeal Service a kangaroo court? Gladstones Solicitors Will Hurley and John Davies member reaches new low Gladstones don't seem terribly efficient either from what I can gather. Simon Renshaw-Smith runs VCS/Excel, so have a search for his name, but Here's a Start He was formerly known as Captain Clampit Incidentally, I'm not against private parking companies per say, just the unscrupulous ones, who make their income from these "invoices", for very little outgoings on their part. There is quite clearly a need for making sure private car parks aren't abused, in the same way that, like it or not, there is a need for traffic wardens. One ethical alternative business model, on chargeable parking, is "pay on exit". Obviously there are others. In answer to one of your points above "The point I made is that this area should be either clearly marked as no parking by continuing the yellow hatched lines at the side of Iceland,or it should be marked with parking bays to increase the capacity of the car park." If they did that, they would lose one of their primary sources of income from that particular car park; I guess you're starting to understand their business model now. See also the following links; https://bmpa.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/203550272-Vehicle-Control-Services-Ltd and http://www.bmpa.eu/companydata/Vehicle_Control_Services.html So they do go to court, but not very often, and I understand that they don't normally win against a well prepared defence.
  21. Don't forget that it's widely rumoured that the IAS appeals service is somewhat corrupt. http://forums.pepipoo.com/index.php?showtopic=99756 http://forums.pepipoo.com/index.php?showtopic=108125 See the rest of that site and MSE for further comments and advice, also if you have a faceache account https://www.facebook.com/groups/fightyourprivateparkinginvoice/?fref=nf
  22. Yellow wool, would almost certainly be fibreglass; stop worrying and enjoy the holiday.
  23. Here you go then, someone far brighter than me in the 16 century; https://math.vanderbilt.edu/schectex/courses/cubic/
  24. You may well have come across John Williamson, but if not some of his stuff worth a read. Seems to be into modding wheelchairs and is/was into model jet aircraft. I seem to remember him modding a chair's controller some years ago, so it would pull wheelies :-)
  25. Assuming you believe the accuracy of the Daily Mirror's reporting, you might find this article illuminating; Personally it's not a paper I read either, but this does seem quite a good summary of events up to nikki-red's posting. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/truth-berlin-christmas-market-terror-9500721?service=responsive
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