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Everything posted by peak4

  1. If that is the case, you may wish to mention it to the Data Protection Registrar.
  2. This Guidance would suggest 1st October 2012, but do read it yourself.
  3. The law certainly permits it, which was clarified in a 2006 test case.
  4. I believe that is pre POFA, so there is no liability for the keeper, only for the driver. Provided that neither Kirbylad nor yourselves have identified the driver, it should strengthen your hand. For specialist informed advice, rather than relying on a local forum, I's suggest registering and creating a new thread HERE on Pepipoo Scan, and redact any personal identification from everything you've received, host it somewhere, and post a link in your new thread on Pepipoo. Do not identify the driver on your thread. ---------- Post added 26-07-2016 at 09:28 ---------- Because BW legal do take court action, though some would argue incompetently. They have up to six years to take formal action, so keep an eye out for paperwork from Northampton County Court, as an undefended claim will be found in their favour. Have a squint HERE and then do your own research elsewhere. Also, I'd suggest you both have a brief look at this post on Pepipoo
  5. You may wish to read posts 846 & 879 on this thread before contacting him.
  6. As per the previous post; he may have it activated, even if he hasn't realised it yet. If it does work OK, it may be worth while not remotely locking the device yet, in order to further track it's movements.
  7. CameraTrace and Stolencamerafinder might be worth investigating. Also for the MacBook Good Luck
  8. Er it's Blue a Amazon and reading between the lines, it seems to have gone missing between Monday 20th & Tuesday 21st. The Star seems colour blind, and can't read a calendar. I hope you get it back undamaged Ana. I'm pretty sure it was there when I walked past on Monday evening about 18.30
  9. Driving licence photocard renewal Or on that page there is a link; Branch Finder Enter S5 in the location, tick "DVLA Photocard Renewal" from the "Services" drop down menu, and don't forget to change the date, or it defaults to the current one.
  10. The cut it up into numerous smaller holes, and re-distributed them all over Sheffield's roads.
  11. Amended the wrong link I think, It was the one pointing to your open letter that I was referring to. Trust he's on the mend.
  12. Very well said, but I think this link may need correcting, as it comes up with "sorry this content isn't available at the moment"
  13. Good luck, but do bear in mind, that even if your appeal is rejected, it must also be rejected in the correct manner. The rejection alone may even give you ground for submitting it to adjudication, even though your appeal points may actually be invalid.
  14. But as you say yourself Obelix, that is "Guidance" rather than the actual law, so I believe it is a bar to prosecution. Hence my comments about consulting folks at pepipoo as well, once all the material facts have been established. i.e. is the street name correct? is it in a CPZ? etc. Then after that, were the representations to the council dealt with correctly, if the council rejects them? Obelix, I'm sure you realise this, but for other folks reading it, this dialogue relates to a decriminalised parking offence, where the council must get pretty much everything correct for a successful prosecution. A criminal offence such as speeding, DWDCA etc. allows for certain errors on the NIP. i.e. Contest the NIP by going to court, and the errors on the NIP become largely irrelevant, as the trial will be based on the facts of the alleged offence.
  15. You're quite correct, but that means the area is part of a controlled zone, albeit Highfield, not Central. This means that plates are not required to supplement the yellow lines as you are expected to have seen the signs on the way into the zone. Personally I've never thought that reasonable, particularly when they are placed somewhere like THIS i.e. the way into Highfields zone from St Mary's Gate. I suspect that puts paid to any arguments regarding lack of timeplates. The issue of the ticket being issued for the wrong road however........................?
  16. I wouldn't rely too much on the spelling, but I'd consult the experts over at pepipoo to make sure you get the correct wording for your next action. I suspect that SCC will deny your representations, but that you would win on adjudication. N.B. I'm no expert, so ask someone who knows. Looks for folks there with high post counts. e.g hcanderson, mrmustard, dancingdad etc. but do scan and post both sides of the PCN, suitably redacted of course.
  17. Google Street View doesn't seem to show any signs in Nov last year either. Where were you parked exactly? Sheldon St, or Arley Street, as shown on the ticket. I'd still go to my first link earlier and post up the facts as suggested. If you were outside the car park, then isn't that Sheldon St? If so, you might just find that the contravention did not occur. ---------- Post added 13-06-2016 at 22:16 ---------- But how did he know the parking was illegal if there were no signs? Yes an educated guess maybe, and would I have parked there; probably not. However, there are other single yellows where parking is permitted during the day, but not in the early mornings or late evenings; outside the Hare and Hounds at Dore springs to mind for one. Outside a CPZ, single lines require a plate, as far as I'm aware.
  18. You could try asking HERE Scan both sides of the PCN, host them somewhere, and post up in your initial thread. This Map would suggest that it might be outside a CPZ, And Thus require signs explaining the times for the lines Good luck
  19. I would suggest it's to do with prohibited goods, e.g. Lithium-Ion batteries shipped without their parent device.
  20. That sounds interesting; does the rod attach end on, or does it need to end up looking like a flag on a pole? Can you see what colour the original soldering was? That always assumes it was soldered of course; could it have been spot welded in the same way that internal wiring in a valve was? See this rather good film of a French ham making a valve himself. I find it captivating. I assume it's outside the glass envelope??
  21. Pretty much any, if you use the right flux and get the temperature correct. (though it doesn't stick to brass, it alloys with the outer surface of it.) My first link earlier explains the process. The flux removes the oxide layer, though it should be clean to start with, and prevents further oxide forming during the soldering process. Heat the workpiece up, and use the heat from that workpiece to melt the solder. That way, the solder will flow correctly and not sit as molten solder balls on top of a workpiece that's too cool to allow the solder to flow into the joint. In the ideal world, the joint should be mechanically secure before soldering. That way you should achieve maximum strength and durability. What's the project?
  22. I'm a little confused here, but then again I'm still on my first coffee. Are you sure about your terminology? In rough order of melting points; Soft Solder- Plumbers and Electrical 180-220C depending on the lead content (or absence) Hard Solder- the various Silver Soldering alloys 600-800C Brazing- Essentially using a brass alloy as the filler rod. 850C+ If the gizmo you're trying to mend/make is brass, then it's likely to have a melting point of about 900C. Normal brazing rods have a melting point of somewhere around 850C, so you're in serious danger of melting the workpiece as well as the brazing rod. See Here Or Here The second link are only at Dinnington, which isn't too far away
  23. Good luck, if you struggle, let me know and i'll try and assist, though I don't claim to be an expert. (nor do i have any Oxy-Propane unfortunately)
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