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Everything posted by peak4

  1. I guess you've already had a look on Pepipoo, but HERE'S A LINK if not
  2. Sad to say, whatever you use, if someone wants it enough they will get it; as we have seen, even locked in one of the little steel bike garages. The following video shows either how poor even the best chains are, or how good the best bolt cutters are Some of these chain weigh almost as much as a lightweight bike. Arguably Almax is one of the best, but just not practical for a pedal cycle, other than at home. p.s. U locks, snake locks and cables chop just as easy as chains I think all you can do is make your bike a more difficult target than those surrounding it.
  3. I should read post 846 onwards, then head to MSE or Pepipoo for sensible advice.
  4. I assumed, wrongly perhaps, that you are/were a professional driver; perhaps you should read the 4th pdf down in the following link. http://www.think.norfolk.gov.uk/motorcyclists/hugger-rider-skills-downloads I do think that some bikers and cyclists should read it too, including the embedded videos in the series. p.s. make sure your sound is turned up and listen to the commentaries.
  5. Personally I'm in no position to offer advice, but on another forum I frequent, Sheila at bailiff advice online seems very highly regarded. Certainly I understand that you will be dealing with an expert in the field, rather than unverifiable comments on a general forum, (though I do appreciate that there are one or two genuine legal experts on here)
  6. Possibly worth reading/signing the petition here, depending on your point of view of course. Seems to be taking off quite nicely. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/114003
  7. Goodyear seem to make something https://tiresize.com/tires/Goodyear/Eagle-F1-Asymmetric-All-Season-255-40R18.htm though I don't know if you can get them this side of the pond. Good Luck
  8. Indeed, but so is this http://forums.pepipoo.com/index.php?showtopic=102756
  9. To bring this back to the OP's original post, as opposed to yet another anti-cycling rant. If the bike was doing 30MPH, then I would argue that they were filtering at excessive speed, though I would take issue that it would be their own fault if they got squashed. One of the better series of documents on motorcycling stuff is produced by Hugger. THEY ARE HERE the 4th one down is the one related to filtering; and yes it's legal, but common sense decrees that it should be done safely. It makes informative reading for both motorcyclists and drivers. I would argue that cyclists could learn a thing or two as well.
  10. Thankyou Obelix, I sometimes wish there was a "Like" button on this forum.
  11. Which is why, when you're driving round in a big tin box, it's your legal and moral duty to look out for them and not squash them. I do accept that there are circumstances, particularly with commercials, where once the driver has started to turn into a side road, the cycle lane would then be in their blind spot. I would hope that before commencing the manoeuvre, the driver should be aware of this and observe as far back as possible. If someone following them, directly behind, in another blind spot, chooses to dive up the inside, then I can understand that the lorry/van driver would not be at fault. A good friend of mine was killed that way, many years ago. I used to drive a Fiat Doblo at work before I retired; that had a nearside blind spot big enough to lose a small car. I can remember joining a roundabout, from the right hand lane of a 2 lane dual carriageway; I wanted the 3rd or 4th exit, and was in the correct lane. I was also aware of a small black car to my left. We set off at the same time, but because they were to my left rear quarter, on a right hand bend, they were completely invisible to me, however hard I looked. I'd no idea if they had taken a prior exit or were still along side me. I indicated left whilst passing the exit before mine and made sure I didn't cut across; i.e. I went for the right hand lane of the two on my exit. Just as well as the little black car then appeared on my front nearside quarter. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer as they then cut straight across my bows to overtake someone else. Fortunately I was aware, but imagine if the car had joined from the next entry, rather than mine. I'd have had no idea they were there. I always reckon, that if I can see the driver's face in their mirror, not just their mirror itself, at least I'm giving them a sporting chance of seeing me. is most enlightening. Your avatar speaks volumes by the way.
  12. have a look at this link and see if it helps. I would have thought you should be using the resolution centre. https://www.paypal.com/uk/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=xpt/CaseManagement/customerservice/EducationBuyerOverview
  13. I'm absolutely flabbergasted that any experienced driver could post that comment. OK on this occasion you saw him/her, as I would hope that any observant driver would. Are you complaining that he was a motorbike in a cycle lane filtering past? A cyclist in a cycle lane is likely to be quieter, smaller and even harder to see, so are you also suggesting that cycles shouldn't pass other traffic whilst they are in a cycle lane. I'm dumbfounded. Whilst the majority of multi vehicle accidents involving motorcyclists seem to be the car driver's fault, I would accept that many of them could have been avoided if the biker had used a bit more common sense, but in no way should it excuse the blame to the person legally at fault. By the way, I have motorbikes, a couple of 4x4s and a car; I cycle occasionally as well; when I'm using any of them, and even on foot, I minimise the time I spend in someone else's blind spot, but even that doesn't help if some fool can't be bothered to look properly whether they are indicating or not.
  14. There is a follow up on this which might be worth a read; http://parking-prankster.blogspot.co.uk/2015/11/phil-hilsden-sentenced-today.html I've no idea at all if there is any link between Kirkbylad and Kirkbyinfurnesslad, so please don't think I'm casting aspersions against someone who may be a wholly innocent party. It's more a warning on who you do business with for parking appeals.
  15. Scroll right to the next photo http://s809.photobucket.com/user/pennangton/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20151025_133317_zps70thpxny.jpg.html?w=480&h=480&fit=clip
  16. Whilst I accept it's a bit late now to assist your partner, SCC have a link to designated M/C parking in Sheffield. First time I've seen it myself; I've searched before but never found anything.
  17. I know, and indeed used to park there myself before they re-did the area a few years ago. I presume you mean HERE The trouble is,that you need either to pass that sign, or ride over the pavement past THIS ONE Yes I would agree that it's a pain, but as far as I can see, your only possible way out of paying the ticket would be to follow my earlier suggestion. (or another similar forum I suppose, but do make sure that you follow informed legitimate advice before you rack up an even bigger bill)
  18. I suspect it isn't an official bike park; if so the ticket will be genuine. All is not lost however as you still have some time to research before you pay. I'd suggest that you scan both sides of the ticket and de-personalise them, by blocking off registration number and ticket serial number etc. Create an account and post the details along with the scans over at Pepipoo, (Clickable Link) where you are likely to get advice from folks who do actually know what they're talking about. A Google Street View link would also be advantageous, provided it shows the current road arrangements, and isn't out of date. All of the above assumes it is a Sheffield cCuncil ticket, and not an SYP one.
  19. Very sorry to hear that; I never had the privilege of meeting him, though I do have a couple of his pocket knives.
  20. If you don't mind something slightly more robust, CEF do H07RNF ; I assume you are aware that the sheath is only rated up to 50 degrees, so I assume the spot doesn't get too hot
  21. That will be because TalkTalk is a Virtual Network Provider; i.e. they don't have their own network of base stations. I think they use Vodafone, in the same way that Tesco use O2.
  22. Their Twitter Feed suggests that it was due to air traffic congestion.
  23. Cyclone, Not relevant the the OP's issue, and I don't think there are many in Sheffield, but some of the newer red light cameras are "Redspeed" "Speed on Green". I've a vague feeling that the one on Fred Mulley Way in Attercliffe might be one of these.
  24. I'm not sure you should be asking for joints on an open forum; I thought that only happened on the Dark Net
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