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Everything posted by peak4

  1. I can't help feel it says more about the author Ross Clark and his own agenda than Mpox itself. Desmog link Yes WHO has declared an emergency, which highlights the issue of transmission from DRC to other countries. e.g. the NHS needs to be alert to possible cases, and the existing UK's infectious disease tracing system might need putting in motion; N.B. the existing one, not the C-19 version. It's been used successfully for years for thing like STD or TB outbreaks. HMG link The big difference the author chose not to mention is the means of transmission, (and the related differences in actual transmissibility/infectiousness.) The other one, is that the world already has experience of dealing with MPox outbreaks as I mentioned in earlier posts, but see also; https://sph.umich.edu/news/2022posts/monkeypox-it-may-be-the-next-pandemic-but-its-different-than-covid.html
  2. There is a 70+ page thread just on Andrew Tate, oddly with several folk defending him. Here's a link to one of my own posts https://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/topic/481250-andrew-tate-whats-your-opinion/page/64/#comment-8838984 Open the first URL and scroll down to the section on misogyny; perhaps also note some of the posts immediately preceding mine on that page.
  3. Only been out for a couple of hours; I see several folk have chosen to use this thread for more diversion from the core subject, which is a review of extremism generally. Yvette Cooper was largely referring to the promotion of extremism of various types, and the sources, primarily on-line, with respect the damage it causes and what can be done to combat it. The link in the first post is to a Yahoo story, which in itself is based on a Telegraph one; The Telegraph seems to have gone for a clickbait headline; the article is here. https://archive.is/ukxru Have a read of the article itself, and do a search on "terror" They seem to be trying to cover that headline with lines like this; "This could mean teachers will be legally required to refer pupils they suspect of extreme misogyny to Prevent, the Government’s counter-terror programme." whereas Cooper doesn't seem to have said that, though it's hard to say without a verbatim press release. Has anyone spotted active on-line promotion of misandry? If there are, then report them so they can be included in any review . Individual cases of female on male violence should be dealt with in the same way as any other violence; granted, some police staff seem to need need more education, and should have paid attention to Nazir Afzal and Kier Starmer's message of listening more to the victims of alleged crimes. For what it's worth I have several male friends who have been subject to domestic violence; in at least one case, the police seem to have sided with the abuser.
  4. Splitting the reply into two, as the previous one was getting long; See also Sky, which seems to avoid "terrorism" as well https://news.sky.com/story/home-secretary-yvette-cooper-to-crack-down-on-people-pushing-hateful-beliefs-13198972 From The Guardian, who I'll not link to as terrorism featured in the URL, though the article seemed OK The home secretary, Yvette Cooper, has vowed to crack down on people “pushing harmful and hateful beliefs”, including extreme misogyny, as she announced a new approach to fighting extremism. The Home Office has commissioned a rapid review to inform a new government counter-extremism strategy on how best to tackle the threat posed by extremist ideologies online and offline. The review will assess the ideological spectrum and is intended to address “gaps in the current system” that leave the country exposed to hateful or harmful activity that promotes violence or undermines democracy. Officials will assess “the rise of Islamist and far-right extremism” alongside “ideological trends” that have gained traction including extreme misogyny. The scheme also aims to assess the causes and conduct of radicalisation of young people online and offline. Cooper has previously said the last government’s counter-extremism strategy was nine years out of date. She believes the review will lay the foundations for Labour to deliver on its manifesto promise of preventing people from being drawn towards hateful ideologies. It comes after a decade of warnings from the police and former government advisers about the need to address the rise of hateful extremism and the proliferation of dangerous material online. [ of note in this Guardian article, the comment by Dame Sara Khan] Last week Dame Sara Khan, who was Rishi Sunak’s independent adviser on social cohesion and resilience until May this year and acted as a counter-extremism commissioner under Theresa May and Boris Johnson, said the Tory government had left the UK wide open to far-right violence by ignoring red flags and stoking fires with a culture war agenda. In a damning intervention, she told the Guardian: “The writing was clearly on the wall for some time. All my reports have shown, in a nutshell, that firstly these extremist and cohesion threats are worsening; secondly that our country is woefully unprepared. We’ve got a gap in our legislation which is allowing these extremists to operate with impunity.” Cooper said: “For too long governments have failed to address the rise in extremism, both online and on our streets, and we’ve seen the number of young people radicalised online grow. Hateful incitement of all kinds fractures and frays the very fabric of our communities and our democracy.
  5. I do wish that statements like these from Yvette Cooper were formally issued on a government announcements site first, so that it could be compared to potentially biased press releases. It might help to prevent clickbait headlines such as this one above. I struggled to find something more objective than this one in the Independent; some news sites have the "terrorism" comment in the headline, others in the URL; Indy avoids it in both. I can't prove it, as I've not seen the press release itself, but I suspect she may have intended "extremism" with respect to misogyny, rather than "terrorism", though it's obviously a review of both. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/home-office-yvette-cooper-misogyny-extremism-b2597992.html Misogyny to be treated as extremism under new government plans to tackle rise in hatred Home secretary Yvette Cooper orders the review of Britain’s counter-extremism strategy in the wake of unrest fuelled by information online Extreme misogyny will be treated as a form of extremism under new government plans to tackle radicalisation online. Home Secretary Yvette Cooper has pledged to crack down on people “pushing harmful and hateful beliefs” and to “kickstart” a new approach to fighting extremism. Ms Cooper has ordered a review of Britain’s counter-extremism strategy under plans to combat the radicalisation of young men online. The analysis will look at hatred towards women as one of the ideologies examined, along with Islamist and far-right beliefs among others. ........................................ The Home Office says it will look at the rise of both Islamist and far-right extremism in the UK, as well as wider ideological trends, including extreme misogyny or beliefs that fit into broader categories like fixation on violence. It will also look at the causes and conduct of radicalisation of young people, including the proliferation of dangerous material online.
  6. To try and address some of the points in order Road Tax = VED and rates are shown here; not sure that this Labour government have changed anything https://www.gov.uk/vehicle-tax-rate-tables/rates-for-cars-and-light-goods-vehicles-registered-before-1-march-2001 My own vehicles are all before 2001, so are a fixed VED, which is a lot less than a higher spec new car/van. A cheap runabout, post 2001 can be found with a low VED Some of my garage is 40+ years old and tax exempt anyway. The CAZ is nothing to do with a Socialist Council, was brought in under a Tory government, and is the end result of the government losing court cases to Client Earth regarding air pollution (nowt to do with CO2, which gets covered by VED) What do ClientEarth’s legal cases mean for local authority plans to deliver nitrogen dioxide compliance in England and Wales? opens a pdf Lots of issues with "scrap collectors" who need to be licenced under environmental legislation. Register or renew as a waste carrier, broker or dealer HMG Householders, or others, who employ unlicensed collectors, who then flytip, can be prosecuted as well as the tippers themselves, who's vehicles may be crushed. Fly-tipping & the law Keep Britain Tidy Fly-tipping is a serious criminal offence for which you can be prosecuted. The courts have various powers available to them to tackle fly-tipping, including imprisonment, unlimited fines and an order to deprive rights to a vehicle used to commit the offence. It’s vital to always pass horses slowly and with plenty of room. British Horse Soc, watch the video Like with cyclists, it's sometimes advisable to ride two abreast in order to prevent vehicles overtaking somewhere dangerous.
  7. Looks like just one from this variant's outbreak in Sweden at the moment; there's other cases around, such as Germany and Pakistan, but they might be the older one from 2022, but until it's sequenced, no-one can be sure. The 2022 outbreak seemed to have a death rate of about 1:500, whereas the current strain is more transmissible and is currently running at 1:300 in DRC Article on vaccine production here of one of the newer specific vaccines MPox Vaccine Manufacturing in Africa ‘Unlikely’; Donations Are Most Likely Supply Channel, says Bavarian Nordic Official Health Policy Watch Sweden Detects First Case Of More Virulent Strain Of Mpox Forbes
  8. Before anyone chips in with another Dr; this one is a bona fide Doctor, but has in PhD related to nursing training methods, rather than Doctor of Medicine. (He received the Ph.D. for his work on developing methods of teaching via digital media such as online videos) Dr John Campbell Wiki link, but plenty of others Monkeypox parallels In July 2022, Campbell posted a video in which he promoted the misleading idea that "parallels" could be drawn between the 2022 monkeypox outbreak and SARS-CoV-2 virus, because the pathogens were being studied in laboratories prior to an outbreak occurring. The misinformation was embraced and amplified by Jimmy Dore and his comedy co-host Kurt Metzger, achieving wide currency on social media.
  9. Yes considering it's from the chap who tried minimising the risks associated with AIDS etc. 😉 It was the comment I'd linked to earlier in the thread, just regurgitated again; I believe Coleman made it at around the time that there was an emerging problem in the US centred around the gay/queer community. It's covered here, and shows that said group(s) acted quite responsibly in trying to get vaccinated and minimise spread into the wider population; https://www.queerhealth.info/projects/monkeypox
  10. Nor me, but I sometimes wonder if it would be better if some such threads were just locked from further contributions for the reason I posted above. I know I've typed stuff in the past, not just on that topic, and later found it deleted when the whole thread vanished; it's annoying when a lot of time may have been spent identifying verifiable informative links, formatting & typing etc. Sometimes I can understand it, as there have been previous comments bordering on illegal, as recent court cases have illustrated. Even this comment though is in danger of diverting from the topic's heading, so I'll pause there
  11. Any sensible and responsible commentator/campaigner in the public eye really shouldn't have been making such observations in the first place. There was always the possibility of misrepresentation and misunderstanding, as well as just plain stupidity. Accidental Poisonings Increased After President Trump’s Disinfectant Comments Time Some Americans Are Tragically Still Drinking Bleach As A Coronavirus ‘Cure’ Forbes Explored a little more here as some of the reports were based on surveys with a small sample size. Did 4% of Americans Really Drink Bleach Last Year? Harvard Business Review It did lead to an official US CDC pdf publication; but note the date, very early on when most people didn't know that the primary transmission was airborne. I'd been following the transmission research myself while I was recovering from an earlier infection. Knowledge and Practices Regarding Safe Household Cleaning and Disinfection for COVID-19 Prevention — United States, May 2020
  12. Regarding publicising various demos, it looks like the author(s) of the list of solicitors, charities, immigration offices etc, has possibly/partially been identified as the same person/group working towards instigating the violence in Southport; the original premise for this thread; clearly I can't vouch for the authenticity of this, though I gather a dossier has been sent to UK police. The whole article is worth perusing and is both enlightening and quite scary in many ways, even though these extremists are very much in the minority, they can seriously influence the overall narrative here in the UK. Mr.AG: The Mixed Race Finnish Neo-Nazi Behind the UK’s Race Riots BY RED FLARE • 16.08.2024 [lots of screenshots in the article to back up their claims] We can reveal that the Finnish neo-Nazi who encouraged the United Kingdom’s worst race riots for a century is Charles-Emmanuel Mikko Rasanen from Espoo, in southern Finland. Using the pseudonym ‘Mr.AG,’ Rasanen, who is just 20 years old, was behind widely-publicised arson threats to English immigration-related services. On the encrypted messaging app Telegram, Rasanen was one of the administrators of the Southport Wake Up chat, which had 14,000 members before it was closed on 5 August. The chat was set up following the mass stabbing in Southport on 29 July and played a key role in organising the riot which took place outside a mosque the following evening. After a list of 39 immigration-related services in England was posted with a call for simultaneous arson attacks by one of the administrators, Rasanen used his Mr.AG account to repeatedly post a guide on how to commit arson attacks in the chat. The Southport Wake Up chat also included calls to murder ethnic minorities, anti-fascists and government ministers. One of the allegations in the story is that are PA were aware/involved along with Mark Collett, pictured here in a Times article with a former girlfriend
  13. Slightly pejorative language there; Kent Online report here; I've no idea who publicised the anti-immigration protest, though it didn't seem to have a very large following, reminiscent of Sheffield & Doncaster. https://www.kentonline.co.uk/dover/news/police-in-town-centre-as-counter-protesters-expect-far-right-311517/ Among the small anti-immigration group was Dean, from Ashford, who did not want to give his surname. “It’s people like me with families that are worried about illegal immigrants, and it’s nothing to do with race or religion, it’s about the protection and safety of our children,” he said. “I’ve come here today because I want to see the reaction of the so-called far-left that are calling me a fascist and a racist, and as you hear we’re being absolutely surrounded by them. We’re being bullied, recorded and called Nazi weirdos, and I’m far from that. “They want to start, they want to cause trouble, and yet the government are supporting their narratives compared to just an upstanding British citizen that wants to support their family and Britishness.” The demos often seems to be framed as "protecting our children" or something similar; there is a potential danger of ignoring the biggest dangers to kids by the press and activists in concentrating on a single narrative. Protecting children from violence and sexual abuse Stella Perrott Bylines Read the whole article to correctly frame the last paragraph/conclusion. How can we as a society understand the risks children face – and what can we collectively do to reduce them?
  14. Unfortunately he has, though I'll not bother linking directly to his own site, as that will likely help provide more advertising income https://www.simplelists.com/nfu/msg/19916788/ These folk make a significant income by peddling (sometimes dangerous) nonsense; consider the recent conviction of a chap from Lincoln who was making £1400/month from Twitter spouting far right hate messages. AIDS denial Wiki Writing for The Sun newspaper in 1989, Coleman denied that AIDS was a significant risk to the heterosexual community. He later claimed AIDS is a hoax, writing, "it is now my considered view that the disease we know as AIDS probably doesn't exist and has never existed". The Status of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Sub-Saharan Africa Five million adults and children became newly infected with HIV in 2001, 3.5 million of them from sub-Saharan Africa. Three million people died from AIDS-related causes in 2001, and 2.2 million of these deaths were among sub-Saharan Africans. There's a separate thread somewhere for conspiracy theories, so may we return this one to MPox please. It's not a new disease, though it looks like this recent variant may be more virulent. This article from 2022 is interesting and informative; primarily aimed at the US gay community, but still contains plenty of relevant information. https://www.hrc.org/resources/monkeypox-and-what-you-need-to-know HRC
  15. I also didn't want to go spamming the forum with the same post etc; I seem to recall it happening quite a bit by one particular contributor to the various Covid threads.
  16. CAZs aren't about CO2 though, that gets covered by Vehicle Excise Duty. It's about NOx and particulates. I have to be careful myself as my van is 2007, so not exempt; that it's private and not business use is immaterial. Folk can check registration numbers here; note that this is for CAZ not London ULEZ or congestion charges; rules also vary from area to area. https://vehiclecheck.drive-clean-air-zone.service.gov.uk/vehicle_checkers/enter_details
  17. That shows good sense and a genuine willingness to learn more; I do wish more folk would do similar. I was only a month or two after my car test before I bought the Landrover, but was always out and about on the motorbike, so familiar with road sense anyway. It didn't take long to realise driving a Landrover is rather different to the Peugeot 205 that my instructor used. 🙂 A possible thought, which you may have already had, when the clocks change an it gets dark early, tray and arrange for one of your lessons after lighting up time; not so important for city driving, but it's quite different when there's no streetlights. Hope all goes well for you.
  18. Anyone of course is free to think whatever they desire. Forum contributors/readers may wish to have a listen to the broadcast, though personally I'll be out in the workshop. May I refer those interested to have a read of this post on a different thread; saves typing it all out again. https://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/topic/491877-demonstrations-riots-and-disorder-across-the-uk-following-the-southport-attacks/page/170/#comment-8854731 I think there's a separate thread somewhere regarding conspiracy theories.
  19. Back to Mpox Because Smallpox is no longer the threat it used to be, vaccinations against it are frequently no longer given outside special risk scenarios. This Twitter account is often quite informative on medical stuff such as vaccines etc; Link below rolled up via Threadreader https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1824100811351244818.html We DO have a vaccine for Mpox. It’s the Smallpox vaccine, which successfully eradicated a disease that killed more than 300 million people since 1900. A massive global vaccination campaign put an end to that disease in 1977. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/monkeypox-outbreak-epidemiological-overview/mpox-monkeypox-outbreak-epidemiological-overview-8-august-2024 HMG Stats
  20. 1974 Landrover, bought be me in '87: still have it but not been out for a while as it needs a new set of tyres.
  21. I would suggest the solution to the riots is to deal with the far right influencers who use the genuine concerns of the UK citizens to bolster their support, often by misrepresentation or blatant lies; I would suggest that includes a few mainstream politicians and quite a few journalists. The previous government deliberately throttled the asylum process, in order to introduce longer and longer waiting lists, claiming it would act as a deterrent. Other countries sped up the process and provided the very educational classes you (and I) would advocate. Here's a German example. Learning German as a refugee Stephanie Höppner 06/10/2017June 10, 2017 Asylum seekers lacking language skills have poor chances in the job market and earn less. The German language is essential in finding an apartment, participating in society and pursuing an education. Who is allowed and who must participate in an integration course? That has changed considerably over the past years: asylum seekers and those with a "tolerated right to stay" were excluded from the courses until 2015 as the condition for participation was a residence permit. Since October 2015, asylum seekers and people who have been granted temporary stay and who have a good chance of remaining in Germany are allowed to participate in the courses. That includes people from Syria, Iraq, Eritrea, Iran and Somalia. If asylum has been granted, the integration courses are an obligation for refugees - provided that a German city's foreigners office has commissioned it. The courses are offered everywhere in the country - whether it be by adult education centers, welfare associations, clubs or private institutions.
  22. Well she is, but I suspect you may have misunderstood her intentions Wigan MP Lisa Nandy said she was appalled that the Britannia Hotel in Standish was being used to accommodate vulnerable asylum-seekers again, several years after both the Home Office and services operator Serco accepted that it was completely unsuitable for the purpose, and had done so with no notice or consultation with the police, council, herself or the local community. ................................ “The Home Office must stop treating councils and communities with contempt and work with our local authority to ensure suitable alternative accommodation.” She said she was appalled that Home Secretary Priti Patel hadn’t even "had the courtesy to respond" to a letter of concern she had sent her on the issue. Some of the mums are pretty smart too One mum said: “The behaviour of a small number of men from the Britannia Hotel has been causing a lot of upset. “They clearly need educating. If you flee from your own country and want to be accepted in a new one, then you need to learn the new country’s ways. “The last thing we want is all the right-wing thugs using this as an excuse to bring their toxic messages to Wigan again and whipping up racism.”
  23. Obviously the video wasn't faked, but has anyone been able to link it to that asylum hotel/hosted, or even an asylum seeker? Britain First, Patriotic Alternative etc would like you to believe the association, which they claimed a link (allegedly) which no doubt did fuel the riot there. Mobilising the mob: How far-right fuelled asylum hotel riot with malicious rumour and misinformation ‘Misinformation and rumour’ over viral video showing a teenage girl being harassed saw hundreds converge on Suites Hotel, Lizzie Dearden writes Tuesday 14 February 2023 12:37 GMT Independent Police have not established whether the man in the footage is an asylum seeker, or if he lives in the Merseyside area, and say that local concerns have been fuelled by “misinformation and rumour”. The enemies within: How the pandemic radicalised Britain Liv Post Clearly some people believed the message (which may have subsequently verified) The riots have been blamed on everything from the economy to Elon Musk. But the networks that mobilised violence on our streets were forged in opposition to vaccines and lockdowns Connie’s fears, and the fears of others in the town, stemmed from a video of an asylum seeker who had been placed in the Suites Hotel by the government, albeit briefly. In the video, he approaches a 15-year-old girl in nearby Kirkby and asks for her number. “You don’t do this in this country. You go to jail if you do this,” the girl replies. The video was widely shared online, the Knowsley rumour mill went into overdrive and before anyone had the chance to take stock, a large cloud of acrid smoke had risen above the streets of Kirkby and missiles were raining down on the police. Even by the time of this case, it looks like there was no firm evidence of the identity of the guy in the video Three women cleared over Knowsley asylum hotel clashes BBC (but it seems the narrative from the far right groups sharing it worked quite well) The jury had heard Ms Elliott, of St Helens, was shown on camera shouting: "Get them out". In a police interview, she told officers she believed men in the hotel were "raping" children. She said she had never been to a protest before, and added: "I won't be attending another protest again, that's for sure." The court heard there was "ill feeling" in the local area after a video, appearing to show an asylum seeker from the hotel asking a 15-year-old girl for her phone number and a kiss, was shared on social media.
  24. I've no idea why that suddenly posted whilst I was typing Excellent article by The Secret Barrister here; Two tier justice? Cutting through the online myths ;the secret barrister, August 14, 2024 Much has been written, tweeted and amplified about the English and Welsh criminal justice system’s response to the recent incidents of public disorder, very little of which is accurate. Below is a quick primer on the truth behind some of the more popular and virulent myths.
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