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Everything posted by peak4

  1. Cromwell Tools, or Tool Station assuming you mean Dome Head pop rivets. Williams Bros is certainly worth a call
  2. Is it actually your own bottle, or does it really belong to BOC/AirProducts or similar? As far as I know, most are, or should be, on rent from the owner who will make sure they are certified/pressure tested. Adams Gas, and Hobbyweld, amongst others do a rent free service, where you initially buy the bottle and then pay for exchanges, a bit like Calor gas do for propane/butane bottles.
  3. No, as it stands at the moment, the police/camera partnership don't even know who was driving at the time; they're not psychic. Whether the driver went through the red light intentionally or accidentally is immaterial to the powers that be. The cameras don't normally arm until a second after going to red. Amber should have been illuminated for 3 seconds prior to that, which still mean stop, (unless unsafe to do so) and technically the offence is complete if any part of the vehicle crosses the line during the red (or amber) phase of the lights. I assume the letter you have received, as the registered keeper of the vehicle on the DVLA's records, is asking you to identify the driver under section 172 of the RTA. It may well be that on the same letter, there is the offer of a course or fixed penalty, in the case that the registered keeper happens to have been driving at the time of the alleged offence. If, as registered keeper you fail to respond, naming the driver unequivocally at the time of the offence, within 28 days, then you will almost certainly be convicted of a section 172 offence. This is likely to be a substantial fine, a mandatory 6 points on your licence, and a crippling insurance hike for the next five years. It gets a bit more complicated if the vehicle is registered to your company, rather than you personally. It is sometimes advised that you could ask for the photos on the pretext of helping you identify the driver; beware the 28 day clock is still running. You are not entitled to any evidence at this stage, until you reject a course or fixed penalty, and instead elect to take it to court. If found guilty there, the fine is likely to be higher + costs + victim surcharge. I would suggest getting the form sent off naming the driver; which may or may not be you personally. I'd also suggest taking a copy of everything and get a free certificate of posting from the Post Office. It's often advised to get someone to witness you putting the forms in the envelope as well, since folks have been known to get a certificate of posting for an empty envelope. At this stage, you are not pleading guilty to anything, just letting them know who the driver was at the time. Did the paperwork arrive withing 14 days of the alleged offence? If not, there may be a potential defence, but get advice from someone who understands the intricacies of the law. Equally, don't take anything I've written as completely accurate, but it should give you the gist of the issue. Have a further read over at Pepipoo.com
  4. If the OP is correct in his post, he asked for the chap to be put off at "Coleridge Road" specifically. As far as I'm aware, the bus stops on Attercliffe Common are named. Guess what the one outside the Institute of Sport is called; Google Street View Yes you got it first time- Coleridge Road.
  5. Welders gloves are a lot cheaper https://www.machinemart.co.uk/shop/product/details/red-welding-gloves?da=1&TC=SRC-welding%20gloves Good Luck
  6. Not necessarily, 4-6 points or a ban of 7-28 days, see Page 141 of the sentencing guidelines HERE for a pdf download. I would assume judged by the MPH number associated with the smiley face speed indicator, just before the brow of the hill which precedes the right hand corner.
  7. I'm with you Dutch. I thought that from the contents of the first post we might be able to have a sensible contribution to road safety, and hopefully to prevent at least one further accident. That was the only reason I allowed myself to be drawn in to a cycling thread with a couple of posts earlier (37 & 47). I should have known it would descend into so much drivel yet again.
  8. I really do think that you may need to re-visit the highway code, as do many of us if it's a while since we passed our tests. Regarding "Filtering" this is quite a good download and well worth a read for all road users; http://www.think.norfolk.gov.uk/downloads.asp?i=160 OK it's primarily aimed at motorcyclists, who clearly shouldn't be filtering down a cycle path if there is an unbroken white line delineating it, but the general principals apply.
  9. Firstly I'm clearly glad you're OK; I never normally get drawn into one of these cycling threads on the Forum, and I'm certainly not a cyclist basher, literally or metaphorically, you'll be pleased to hear. I'm not suggesting for a minute that you were at fault in this instance, as I wasn't witness to your unfortunate incident, but your comment about checking blind spots does concern me a bit. By the nature of the name, they are a blind spot, so it may well not be possible to check to see if there is anyone there, however hard the driver tries. Yes check mirrors obviously, be aware of what you've just overtaken, and also look over one's shoulder if it's appropriate to do so. I actually got gently reprimanded by the examiner after passing my car test as she thought that I was looking over my shoulder too much. I'd had a motorcycle licence for years, but only just passed my car test a few minutes previously. Fortunately the examiner was also a biker, so she understood the concept of a lifesaver glance. I'm sure the reader will know what I'm getting at, regarding thinking about what you've just passed, but if it's not obvious, please consider this example; I've just passed a cyclist, perfectly properly without endangering anyone, but I can't see them any more. Have they turned off or are they now sitting in my blind spot? This utube clip shows just how big a blind spot can be for an artic. The next clip is a pretty good illustration of the point I'm not posting these clips to foment yet another cycle bashing thread on here; filtering between traffic, on either side, is perfectly reasonable and legal, for both cyclists and motorcyclists, but please think about how you go about it. Give both yourself and the other road users a chance of coming off unscathed, that includes pedestrians in a world of their own crossing stationary queues of traffic. I regularly see cyclists, motorcyclists, and small car drivers position themselves in the blind spots of various commercial vehicles; it's really not a good idea. Until recently I used to drive a Fiat Dolblo for my employer. This had a nearside blind spot big enough to lose a small car in, let alone a bike or motorcycle. N.B. Even small vans sometimes have large blind spots. Personally, whilst it's difficult sometimes to predict if a driver has seen you, I always try to give them a sporting chance by making sure I can see their face in their rear view mirror. I mention the above in the hope that it makes even one driver more careful of their road positioning, and saves somebody getting squashed. For your interest I'm commenting as the driver of a variety of vehicles, Cycle, Motorcycle (both Sports and Trail), Small Commercial (i.e. van with no rear windows), kit car, and a couple of 4x4s. Please think defensively whatever you're driving; that doesn't mean dawdling along either, it's perfectly possible to make good progress whilst being aware of what's going on around you.
  10. Looks like a spiral roundabout to me. The lane markings aren't a series of concentric circles which can sometimes be seen on other roundabouts. Google Satellite View On some roundabouts you need to cross the lane markings to enter and exit from the correct lane. Here you don't.
  11. You may wish to have a read of this posting over at pepipoo http://forums.pepipoo.com/index.php?showtopic=91362 or this one at parking Prankster http://parking-prankster.blogspot.co.uk/2014/04/parking-ticket-appeals-service.html N.B Read all the way to the end of the comments I know nothing other than this
  12. There was a chap on the outdoor Moor market who sold belts and horsey bit, bridles etc. I've not seen him for a bit though, does anyone know if he's still visiting please?
  13. Really it's probably less about that from what I can see. These companys build a business model based on spurious, broadly unenforceable invoices. Essentially any appeal to them directly is likely to be rejected as they still want your money. Base the appeal on anything you like, in order to get the code and then appeal to POPLA, if the operator subscribes to that body. I'd raise a query where you've just been over at Pepipoo.
  14. the moo, with the greatest respect, I think you are heading down the wrong path, potentially one which could lead to court action in anything up to 6 years time. Instead head over to Pepipoo, where you will find some folks who really do understand the issues regarding Parking Charge Notices. They are a different ballgame to Penalty Charge Notices. Do a search on the particular car park operator, read a few threads, and post a query if you feel the need for support. http://forums.pepipoo.com/index.php?showforum=60
  15. Ravenesque, please do not follow Queenswood's advice. At the very least, go back and read Page 1 of this thread. You could also visit Pepipoo, or MoneySavingExpert if you don't believe what you read on here.
  16. If the sky is clear, please be careful folks. Some useful info at the following two links; http://www.mreclipse.com/SEphoto/SEphoto.html http://www.eclipsewise.com/solar/SEprime/2001-2100/SE2015Mar20Tprime.html And yes, welding goggles or mask aren't dark enough. They can still let enough Infra Red light through which the eye can focus onto the retina, but you can't see the effect until it's too late.
  17. At first glance,it seems their accounts are a little overdue; http://apps.charitycommission.gov.uk/Showcharity/RegisterOfCharities/CharityWithoutPartB.aspx?RegisteredCharityNumber=1139959&SubsidiaryNumber=0 though things aren't always as they initially appear
  18. Well the previous poster managed to read my mind. I was just about to type "looks good to me" Baza, have you been practicing your ESP?
  19. Try The Famous Sheffield Shop near Berkley Precinct on Eccleshall Road. I picked up[ a nice Trevor Ablett Ettrick pruner from there last year.
  20. I'd recommend Warren at WGB Autos 52 Highfield Place. Personally used him for work on both my Discovery and Landrover, and had nothing but excellent service. No direct connection other than as a satisfied customer; I've sent others there who feel the same as me.
  21. To revive this old thread, I was walking past today and spotted new planning notices up for a housing development of a dozen flats with underground parking for 12 cars. I think it was dated 2/2/15. See Here; http://publicaccess.sheffield.gov.uk/online-applications/caseDetails.do?keyVal=NI9O1CNYFY000&caseType=Application Wonder what happened to Paddy's garden?
  22. Franklyn Tools maybe worth a look, depending on what you are after. I think at least some of their stuff is made in Sheffield. I'm a regular user of both Bahco & Halfords Pro spanners and sockets and have no complaints about them. Depending on what you're after, you might consider supplementing them with some Bergen tools as well; arguably bit less well made, but worth considering for items which won't be in use day in, day out.
  23. From Sheffield Online Facebook; HOUSE EXPLOSION IN BATEMOOR There was an house Explosion in Batemoor S8 earlier this morning. One house completely destroyed and 2 others damaged. Rumours are an oxygen tank exploded. Luckily all members of the house escaped the property as no injuries have been reported.
  24. Indeed, that happened to a friend of mine in Bradford. Whilst he was moving the bin, the little scrotes had it away with his car.
  25. Yog, not wishing to rub it in, as I've had vehicles nicked myself, but that Discovery's a Defender. You might want to update the description and thread title. Good luck from a Lightweight & Disco owner
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