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Everything posted by peak4

  1. Very pleased for you well done. All the best
  2. Well it's an aspiration, rather than an expectation, certainly if some aspects of this forum are anything to go by. 😉
  3. Probably because I haven't defended him, just putting the speech into context, as it's clearly not about hating white people as some would have you believe. No I don't think his choice of words was good by any means, though I get the argument he was making well enough. He's a professional politician and should know better than to frame a valid argument in the way he did. Even more so, when he's brown, Muslim and left of centre, as he should be well aware that other sections of politics will seize on anything he says and try to find a way to deliberately misrepresent his thoughts. One only has to look at the way the likes of Zara Sultana or Naz Shah have been intentionally misrepresented, and the amount of death threats subsequently received. (Elle & BBC links) The former is currently the most abused MP in parliament, and the latter still regularly accused of being a "grooming gangs apologist", even though she won a libel case about exactly that. The same of course is true of some commentators on the left about right wing politicians. Lets have politicians & pundits, of all flavours, try and return to respectful discussions about sensitive topics, without the point scoring, so we can build a fairer society for all.
  4. HB is a problem certainly, ask any wildlife trust, but hopefully won't cause as much damage structural damage as knotweed to property if you keep it under control. I've seen photos of knotweed growing between floorboard, and out of mains sockets, filling kitchen cupboards when the owner returns from holiday etc. Certainly one to take seriously and spreads up to 7m underground before popping its head up again.
  5. Grab a photo, Google search does well as a rule with common plants. If I have mobile data reception, I sometimes search with Google Eye direct from the phone's camera, or take a photo, upload to the PC and use Google to search from there. This is a commercial site, perhaps touting for business, but they do have a reasonable section on identification https://www.pba-solutions.com/japanese-knotweed-news/plants-mistaken-for-japanese-knotweed-pictures/ See also, I'm not advocating a particular commercial solution; this is who's coming tomorrow, but under a contract from the developers, not me. https://www.jksl.com/japanese-knotweed-identification/
  6. I had to leave for a bit to have tea, to the second bit of my reply; are you sure the plant is Japanese knotweed, as you mention nice flowers that the bees love. For the first time this year, I've seen flowers on our neighbour's crop, and they are tiny.
  7. As it happens, I've got a company coming tomorrow to spray some on a neighbour's land under a builder's warranty scheme. I would report it to the landowner, in case they are not aware; local councils etc do seem to take it seriously. It's not illegal to have on your own land, but you could have major legal difficulties if you allow it to spread to a neighbour. I live over in Buxton now, and it's common over here as the Victorians used it to stabilise railway embankments, as well as for decorative purposes in gardens. We are very fortunate in the UK, as we only have one sex of the plant, all traceable back to a single specimen from what I remember. As such, it only spreads via cuttings, rhizome fragments etc. When they built an adjacent property to us, the principal contractor had to remove the top 5 m of soil, and encase the site in weed proof membrane. It's treated almost like hazardous waste; there were covered lorries leaving the site numerous times a day for several weeks. If it's within maybe 10m of a property, you might even struggle to get a mortgage unless there is an insurance backed warranty/treatment plan in place. N.B. do not let any bits get stuck to your boots, lest it take root in your garden; a bit the size of a little finger nail is enough to start a new colony. On the bright side, apparently it makes nice jam 🙂 https://www.wildwalks-southwest.co.uk/japanese-knotweed-jam-recipe/
  8. Which is why I posted the whole video and an explanation of how it has apparently regularly been posted out of context. It's a real problem with selected/edited video clips; another example would be the violence outside a pub in Birmingham recently. I no way would I justify the assault(s), and I hope everyone involved is prosecuted. Many of the videos doing the rounds only start with people piling into the veranda at the pub. They fail to show that the guy assaulted was egging them on and squaring up to folk beforehand. Even the landlady has banned him for inciting the violence at her premises. Granted, the assailants should have walked away and not risen to the bait. https://news.sky.com/story/birmingham-pub-punter-who-incited-violence-will-be-barred-after-counter-protester-attack-13192106
  9. I do agree with the comment and wasn't having a dig at you at all. There's plenty of racism around between various communities in the UK; I've seen too much myself, and obviously a wider issue world wide too. I was specifically referring to Humza here, who seems to have been referenced by a couple of other posters without any explanation as to why they think he's racist.
  10. It's not, but I'm having a wild guess that this is about another one of Musk's inflammatory outbursts; probably based on misinformation about a speech in the Scottish parliament, but he doesn't seem to care about facts of the use of a search engine. As I recall it, the actual Humza speech/monolog, was complaining about racism, but has been widely shared out of context. I really do wish folk would include some sort of link when making these accusations, so the rest of us know the basis of their allegations. Scotland health minister’s speech about racial injustice and lack of diversity in politics misrepresented online Reuters Also from his own Facebook page at the time Some uncomfortable truths from yday's anti-racism debate in Parliament, but they have to be said and I hope heard. My remarks were directed to my fellow Government colleagues. It is easy to point fingers at the Opposition, but we have to accept we have not done enough to advance progress for ethnic minorities who are just as Scottish as anyone else who lives here. I see this as a personal failure and so recommit myself to making sure I work towards a fairer and more equal Scotland for all.
  11. I've come across them previously and was preparing an answer, with a few links, but got distracted by a previous post. Concern over extreme opinions Totnes Times Councillors have expressed concern about a group distributing extremist newspapers from the Shady Garden in the centre of Totnes. The group gives out copies of The Light, a free, far-right and anti-semitic newspaper which features conspiracy theories. It claimed Covid was a hoax and supports other extremist themes. They set up a marquee in the garden every Saturday which also features a giant banner for UK Column, a website featuring conspiracy theories and antisemitism. UK Column: Covid conspiracy theories run wild on the channel for lockdown sceptics The Times via archive.is At first glance the slick production looks like the work of Sky News or the BBC but this is not a conventional news channel. Brian Gerrish, a former Royal Navy lieutenant commander, nods in approval as his co-presenter tells the audience: “The Public Health England report seems to show very clearly that should you fall ill with Covid-19 as a vaccinated person, you’re much more likely to die as a result.” https://hopenothate.org.uk/case-files-uk-column/ HNH, so several members here will immediately dismiss it. UK Column is a conspiracy theory-oriented online media outlet. Founded in 2006 by Brian Gerrish and aiming to “highlight the rise of a dangerous political dictatorship”, UK Column was originally a small newsletter but has grown into a website that produces a regular stream of articles, video content and occasional offline meetings. The site received a considerable boost during the COVID-19 pandemic, and remains a significant voice in the UK conspiracy theorist alternative media. UK Column also has areas of overlap with the far right. For example, the site has focussed on Drag Queen Story Hour, in step with a broader far-right backlash against the children’s storytelling events, which UK Column presented as a deliberate plot to “brainwash” children. Far-right ideologies promoted by the outlet include the “Cultural Marxism” theory, and even the “Kalergi Plan”, a variant of the White Genocide conspiracy theory that alleges that a sinister plot is underway to wipe out white Europeans.
  12. Seems sensible to me, particularly if the wearer has fair skin; sandals to keep the feet cool and socks to prevent sunburn.
  13. Whilst there's nothing posted here on SF which seems inaccurate, beware what you follow/believe on other social media The BBC and other reports are likely correct, but have been hijacked by at least this account; This account doesn't look to be the chap who was involved.
  14. Reclaim at least is/was funded by Jeremy Hosking apparently; have a look at both links from Wiki. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reclaim_Party
  15. I did post a couple of links in a different thread about the opening ceremony. No reason why it should have been offensive to Christians for religious reasons; as an artistic display maybe, but that wouldn't suit the culture warriors as much. It's a shame that the organisers didn't respond with the actual explanation, though I believe it was even available in writing at the time. Some are angry about the "anti-Christian depiction of the last supper" at the Olympic Opening ceremony. Threadreader link to a Twitter post Some are angry about the "anti-Christian depiction of the last supper" at the Olympic Opening ceremony. (@elonmusk and @realDonaldTrump among others) A Dutch art historian explains it's not the last supper but a Dutch painting of the Olympic gods. Olympics opening ceremony tableau sparks controversy among Christian community Today The opening ceremony’s artistic director, Thomas Jolly, confirmed that Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” was not his inspiration for the performance.
  16. Absolutely these riots are driven by racism as the earlier linked article by David Olusoga seeks to explain; The topic started about the riots themselves, as a spin off to remain respectful to those affected in Southport. The Lewis Goodall link seems to confirm previous events were pre-planned by far right groups. There is still an issue though that that folk who wouldn't normally seek to riot get drawn into it by those racist thugs who start the violence in the first place. A decent article here by Lizzie Dearden; Intro from her Twitter post - I was at this woman's sentencing on Friday - she was jailed for 20 months The court heard that she was vulnerable and homeless, having recently fled domestic violence. She tagged along with friends to the protest after bumping into them outside a shop ‘People just like rioting’: why swift justice may blur real motivations behind UK rampage Guardian [ I'm not suggesting that swift action isn't necessary by any means] Experts raise concerns that speed of court hearings could cloud complex reasons behind large-scale disorder and curtail search for lessons.
  17. I really can't be bothered going through 160+ pages to do a content count, but it feels like there are more posts complaining about shutting down discussion on deprivation, than there are actual comments trying to divert away from it. In reality most folk on here do seem to acknowledge that deprived areas need significant government investment, and that it's some politicians, and a variety of bad actors who seek to fan the flames of residents genuine concerns. Again I've not done an accurate count, but it seems like asylum accommodation is also steered to the most deprived, and often Labour voting areas. It's almost like this was the previous government's policy. Tory run councils and constituencies seem to have done quite well overall when it came to objecting to proposed hostels etc. Thread from last Feb by Lewis Goodall; about Rotherham, but just as relevant to Southport, where the riots were pre-organised and the majority of the folk involved there seemed to be non-local https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1628689559138566147.html There are too many people claiming those orchestrating the rallies at hotels housing asylum seekers aren’t the organised far right. They’re either ignorant or have an agenda. Take a look at the one I went to in Rotherham and judge for yourself.
  18. I did think it odd that the specific subject has received so little attention; then I sat back and thought for a bit as to why it might be.............................. Compare that Imam's post to one here from a sitting MP, amplifying an Elon Musk tweet
  19. Seems to have been diverted again to CSE in Rotherham like so many other threads; Yes an important topic and not to be belittled. Multiple investigations are ongoing, and people are still being convicted of historic crimes; Note that it was Afzal & Starmer who started taking the victims seriously, which led to the first prosecutions. The tragic deaths in Southport were falsely attributed to someone with an Islamic sounding name, which provided an excuse for pre-planned organised protests/riots. One of the "Facebook" inspired arrests seems to relate to this false story. I've seen few people raise the issue of what would have happened if the original perpetrator was actually a Muslim. Here's one; interestingly, I'm 100% certain I was following him on Twitter, but just found that I'm not any more. Several people have reported having followers removed by Twitter without their knowledge.
  20. Sadly I have a suspicion that those arguably who to need to read, and more importantly fully understand, the implications of the content are those least likely to open those links.
  21. Collective outrage seems to be a bit of a thing these days, particularly when it can be used for political aims; those who chose to do so, know very well how easy it is to manipulate the public by playing to their prejudices. Brought over from a different thread with the attribution of the author “You can sway a thousand men by appealing to their prejudices quicker than you can convince one man by logic.” QuoteFancy, but many other sources — Robert A. Heinlein The previous couple of posts refer to The BBC and the Olympics opening ceremony; It's a shame that the organisers didn't respond with the actual explanation, though I believe it was even available in writing at the time. Have a read of the articles and see if you can spot any familiar names. DefundtheBBC: the anatomy of a social media campaign The Conversation The Brexiteers Behind the Defund The BBC Campaign New European vis archive.is Some are angry about the "anti-Christian depiction of the last supper" at the Olympic Opening ceremony. Threadreader link to a Twitter post Some are angry about the "anti-Christian depiction of the last supper" at the Olympic Opening ceremony. (@elonmusk and @realDonaldTrump among others) A Dutch art historian explains it's not the last supper but a Dutch painting of the Olympic gods. Olympics opening ceremony tableau sparks controversy among Christian community Today The opening ceremony’s artistic director, Thomas Jolly, confirmed that Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” was not his inspiration for the performance.
  22. There was something happened in Hull Far-right rioters yell ‘p***’ as they drag Asian man out of his car Metro Foprtunately he was at work, not in the car Care worker 'traumatised' after returning to Middlesbrough home to find car destroyed Teeside News ‘Where else is safe?’: NI care worker whose home and car were targeted in hate attack won’t leave home Belfast Telegraph Hopefully arrests will follow in due course, if they haven't already Here's a different one, and illustrates why folk who post videos claiming something is a current live event, when it's actually from a previous occasion, might wish to consider their position before repeating stuff without checking carefully. Man jailed after fake claim on TikTok video that he was ‘running for his life’ from rioters Derbyshire Police
  23. The sentencing council issue the guidelines for actual sentencing; courts do seem to follow those guidelines fairly closely from what I can gather, but hardly my specialist subject. It seems Kevin Hurley, mentioned in an earlier video, has expressing concerns about those guidelines for a while. He was after all an unsuccessful Conservative PCC candidate, who was later elected as PCC for Zero Tolerance Policing, a political party, of which he is leader [Electoral Commission link] Surrey PCC Kevin Hurley 'wanted to break criminal's legs' BBC
  24. Pretty normal for most/many internal disciplinary processes, suspend immediately, expel on conviction.
  25. No, like anyone else who has promoted violence, as certainly seems to be the case with his dangerous and odious rhetoric, he should be fast-tracked to court; I gather he has already been arrested. That court should decide his fate according to the law, and which charges The CPS advocate. If he pleads guilty, which on the face of it would seem his best option, then sent directly to gaol seems fair if a custodial sentence if felt appropriate. He may well be sent direct to a gaol for a period as per the magistrates sentencing, or on remand to await a Crown Court date for trial (or sentencing) if the magistrates don't feel they can offer a long enough gaol term. Labour rightly immediately suspended him, and should throw him out if found or pleads guilty.; they have their own disciplinary rules to which they need to adhere. Lets not have any loopholes which the guilty can seek to exploit.
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