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    Hunters Bar
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    engineer thingy

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  1. I think your daughter is doing well because you are in her life. Don't underestimate the positive impact that you can have just by being there. Life is not all about roses, sometimes there are thorns! But what matters is having someone to share the roses with, but also having someone who will kiss the cuts when the thorns have hurt. The other thing... and this is often overlooked, your daughter will thrive on having someone to care for because it give them a reason to be... Many people think about paying back - think about paying forwards... you are giving to the next generation and should be applauded!!
  2. That and the ironmongers next door.
  3. Interesting perspective - this is an alternative one. https://www.chathamhouse.org/2023/10/why-has-hamas-taken-hostages
  4. Do you mean you need to prove where the funds you are buying the new house with came from? Bank account records should be sufficient.
  5. Never understood that argument - they could park down any sidestreet on a double yellow (because they can) and chase off the miscreant at which point the bus lane would be empty - instead they often park in illegal (to the rest of the populous) or dangerous positions (like in that video) or end up causing as much of an obstruction as those they have ticketed. And actually all we would need are cameras not extra cars on the roads.
  6. Plenty of space on Norfolk Street where they won't be causing an obstruction or a hazard to cyclists - but no, they need to create that hazard and park on the pavement. Silly silly warden!
  7. But there was plenty of space to park which wasn't blocking a designated cycle lane.
  8. Because that is their nature... need I say "tree felling"?
  9. If you report the potholes and the council does nothing (as it often does) then you can claim if your car is damaged in them.
  10. What? You can change the result... wow!! <grin>
  11. Hmmm... wrong - e.g. Ecclesall was a Lib Dem win according to the link Anyone calculated the turn out?
  12. Just saying a leopard doesn't change its spots... the historical evidence is that SCC pays no attention to the wished of the electorate.
  13. At last the government are prioritising lives over money https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-65288852
  14. So, they consulted in 2019, 2021 and then changed their proposal... and made recommendations for implementations without further consultation... it seem we are agreed on that... The telephone line was only promoted through the website. There was no discussion about what was in scope and out of scope - anyone with any sense would not have made the ring road in the boundary, they would have said the ring road was the boundary... but no - money rules... this was all about the SCC raking in more money through fallacious decisions based on almost fraudulent consultations - similar to consulting across student areas out of term time. They are a bunch of charlatans, and they know it - Kate Joseph appears to lead by example! Perhaps just based on historical knowledge - as you know, Planner1, I went to a public consultation session. I stood up and asked that my comment be minuted and actioned. No minutes of the meeting were ever produced or published, and hence no actions were ever taken or rejected... thus proving the sham nature of the SCC public consultation process. If you are going to stand up for process, then make sure the process actually exists rather than just being a mockery of the electorate.
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