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Everything posted by Charlotte_24

  1. Fair do's, just thought there may be a specific reason. Carry on
  2. I think tenants should be wary of any agent who isn't. Can i ask the reason for this research?
  3. I'd suggest looking into Nether Edge and Sharrow (S7), they have a good mix of people and wouldn't be too far from the city centre.
  4. Yes, but i'm also speaking from a professional point of view.
  5. Can i ask you, as a landlord do you also factor in what the agent will charge a tenant when selecting one? I have heard several people say that they've seen a great house at decent rent, but wouldn't go for it as they didn't want to deal with the particular agent marketing it (not the same one every time).
  6. Personally, i think anything over about £50 is too much. And it isn't just the application fees tenants need to take into consideration, for example will you be charged for renewing your contract? Will the agency charge to provide a reference when you leave? Will they charge you an additional check in or inventory fee?
  7. A tenant has the right to quiet enjoyment of the rented property, landlords entering without prior notification are breaking the law. Even calling round can be construed as harrassment, PT above is correct. I would second the advice to get dated photos the day you move out, gather as much evidence as possible because if she tried to retain your bond you can appeal this with the DPS.
  8. Very similar to me, except i put 2 people in the house. I qualified too.
  9. It looks to be the one advertised on the website in TinaE's signature. If so there is a contact phone number.
  10. You can shop around for your own if you wish, as long as you have one it doesn't matter whether you or your agent arranges it. I would be questioning why it has taken them until late February to chase a letter they claim was sent in October (bearing in mind the regulations came in on 1st of October).
  11. It sounds as though you're renting, can you ask the landlord? If not maybe you could find out from the council, however the exact age is really only relevant for rebuild value.
  12. Well i for one was guilty of putting it off for a long time, kept meaning to go but i never had the time. After watching something about Jade on This Morning i was straight on the phone making an apointment, got in the same day (luckily a day off work) and just got my results back all clear. I will be going on time in future!
  13. Well from personal experience i can recommend Bloor & Co, i've also heard good things from people who've used Property Partners, Oak Estates and Shef-Lets. A quick search on here or Google should bring up their information
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