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Posts posted by Charlotte_24

  1. Tell them to whistle for it, to be quite frank. You have already signed the new AST, they didn't mention the fees at this point (or until many weeks had passed). Don't leave the property early as you will be at fault, if you continue to be harrassed ask for your landlord's details and contact them.

  2. The charges to landlords are varied to within a few percent, but the levels of service are vastly different amongst Agents. As a landlord you have a choice how much you pay and with whom you place your property, the prospective tennant has no choice usually ie. if they want a particular property they have to pay what that agent charges them. They shouldn't be ripped off.

    A good tennant is worth there weight in gold, so if you are lucky enough to have a good long term tennants then treat them well, I attend to any problems immediately day or night.


    Can i ask you, as a landlord do you also factor in what the agent will charge a tenant when selecting one? I have heard several people say that they've seen a great house at decent rent, but wouldn't go for it as they didn't want to deal with the particular agent marketing it (not the same one every time).

  3. Personally, i think anything over about £50 is too much. And it isn't just the application fees tenants need to take into consideration, for example will you be charged for renewing your contract? Will the agency charge to provide a reference when you leave? Will they charge you an additional check in or inventory fee?

  4. Well i for one was guilty of putting it off for a long time, kept meaning to go but i never had the time. After watching something about Jade on This Morning i was straight on the phone making an apointment, got in the same day (luckily a day off work) and just got my results back all clear. I will be going on time in future!

  5. Your landlord must ensure that the heating is working correctly, when was your last Gas Safety Certificate carried out? If your landlord is refusing to carry out essential repairs then your next stop should be Sheffield City Council Private Rented Standards, see link for details - http://www.sheffield.gov.uk/in-your-area/housing-services/private-sector-housing/private-landlords/contacts. Also see - http://england.shelter.org.uk/get_advice/repairs_and_bad_conditions/repairs_in_private_lets/responsibility_for_repairs for more information on your rights.

  6. Everyone who has posted so far has described that they worked for years. Imagine how hard it is for someone who has NO job experience at the moment.


    Getting paid work may well prove tricky, but volunteering to gain some valuable work experience may well be a good option. Plus it will make you stand out from the crowd, and show a potential employer that you are willing to put the hard graft in.

  7. I've been a tenant living in two different properties for five years in total. Both rented through agencies. The one I am currently renting was in an appalling state when we moved in, but it was OK a month earlier when we looked round it......



    First of all i am appalled to hear the way you have been treated, it sounds like you've had a horrible run of bad luck/landlords/agencies.


    It sounds as though you had viewed when tenanted and also signed for it, then come to move in finding it in a poor state? At this point did you challenge the agency,the description of the property upon moving in sounds absolutely unacceptable. Are you aware that private tenants are still able to make a complaint to the local council, who will carry out an inspection and make sure the landlord completes essential works. See the following link for more information - http://www.sheffield.gov.uk/in-your-area/housing-services/private-sector-housing/private-landlords/private-tenants

    Also see this page on the Shelter site - http://england.shelter.org.uk/get_advice/advice_topics/repairs_and_bad_conditions/repairs_in_private_lets

  8. Thanks for your reply. I've allowed 2 dog owners into properties, both signing agreements about making good damage, mess etc. and assurances that their dog was perfect. Neither kept to this and carpets and chewed furniture had to be replaced and gardens cleared of mess after the tenants left. I personally will not have dogs in my properties again. I admit these were bad tenants and I'm sure there are good pet owners but I'm not willing to take the risk again.

    We manage all our properties ourselves, myself and son, using local builders, Corgi gas engineers etc. for the things we can't do and advertise on the internet. We have 4 properties.

    Hope this is helpful.


    Sorry to hear about your bad experiences, there are always some people who will give others a bad name. Were you able to collect references from previous landlords at all? Sorry for all the questions, if you'd rather PM me please feel free, you are just the kind of person i'm looking for feedback from. No worries if not, you've been very helpful already :)

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