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Everything posted by Charlotte_24

  1. Even half an hour would do, didn't mind at first but my workload has steadily increased too and now i'm expected to also do the job of a staff member the manager let go to save money.. with no payrise, of course So yes, seems i will do overtime for free, just not out of choice.
  2. Sounds like a tough position to be in, does the dog bark a lot? Maybe someone could call round on the pretence of a noise issue and check out the dog's conditions?
  3. It's all very well looking, i've been doing that for months with no luck. There is no flexibility at all, i've even been told that i have to either take sick days as holiday or not get paid for them (i'm not a temp).
  4. does working through your lunch break (not that i ever actually get one!) count? i have to do this every day
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