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Everything posted by Charlotte_24

  1. What, that can't be right surely?! I work full time and earn less than that! The difference is though, i'd rather work (even at minimum wage) for my money whilst ever i'm able, than take a handout. It's called having a bit of pride.
  2. But on the bright side, it will be ready for the following summer
  3. Oh no, don't get me wrong i'm not saying that all large dogs are likely to cause damage; it all depends on the individual dog. I just used extremes to show that the letting agents argument doesn't stand up
  4. That sounds about right, Lewis Wadsworth are awful for fees; both up front and extra charges. I would also suggest that the OP contact their landlord, it may be that (s)he doesn't realise this is going on. If you've been a good tenant i'm sure (s)he won't want to risk loosing you due to the agency's behaviour.
  5. I totally agree, letting agents should always discuss the landlord's wishes with regards to pets and not just have this blanket ban. The argument above doesn't really hold water for me as you can state that pets are at the discretion of the landlord; and a small well trained dog or cat is totally different to a heard of unruly larger dogs!
  6. We're thinking of having a duck crown and some kind of chicken joint from M&S.
  7. Maybe so, but i bet my wages would be docked.. ahh well *puts gloves back on*
  8. I'm in the same boat here, my hands and feet are freezing and it's too cold to take my coat off!
  9. Oh my, what a sneeky backhanded trick! Firstly, the agency should ask you if you even want to sign a new 6 month agreement, if you don't then you should go onto periodic. This means that the original terms of the tenancy will still apply, but you will just need to give one month's notice if you decide to leave. Secondly, any charges for further contracts should be payable by the landlord. As stated above, it's dodgy ground as there are no real regulations for letting agents; which may mean they won't renew your contract. Have you told them you wish to go onto periodic?
  10. Did they get rid of the coffee one? First roses, now revels
  11. Maybe they're using one of those virtual receptionist services? Either way it doesn't sound very reassuring.
  12. There's 'Happiness' near the junction with Woodseats road, not sure of any others though.
  13. If it happens again get off somewhere well lit and go into a shop or pub, somewhere with other people around if that's at all possible. It pays to be a little cautious, especially a young women on her own.
  14. Oddly enough, that is exactly what i thought the thread was going to be about.
  15. The price seems about right as Cavaliers are expensive, though i personally don't agree with charging to rehome an animal. If they got her from a reputable breeder they should be able to return the dog to them. Check the papers etc. thoroughly, see the dog and make sure she is healthy and well adjusted. Cavaliers can be prone to many health problems, so making sure they've come from a good breeder is very important.
  16. great news that she's starting to settle in i used to put a little bit of water in with my dog's dry food when she was a puppy, maybe that might help her to chew them a bit easier?
  17. I'd agree with that, there is a definite drop in rental prices due to the huge amount of property available for rent now.
  18. Yup, also it will show the error very clearly on the roll which staff then pick up on and have it credited back.
  19. Call the bank or go in, there's a form you will need to fill in so that they can look into it for you.
  20. That's all very well in theory, and if i could go into more detail on a public forum you would understand the situation.. and why i'm looking for another job.
  21. Hmmm, how can i take a lunch break when there's nobody to cover? I can leave my desk, but i can't stop the phone ringing or people coming in. I see your point, but it doesn't actually work in this job.
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