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  1. Reading about Cyclops in Sheffield reminds me when I worked at the Cyclops Works for about eight years as a maintenance electrician. About the late 70s, the factory had a 12,000 tonne press that could flatten steel plates up to a foot thick. The cranes used to be driven by women as well as men and I remember one called Ivy who could curse as good as she got, the reason they got rid of the women crane drivers was because by law they had to have their own toilets and British Steel decided it was time to go, before that toilets were shared. The company used to be owned by Cammell Laird and over the main gate was a large wooden camel, one day whilst working in the pump house we found a big wooden camels head in a cupboard which we gave to the then Manager David Guy. The main line of production when I worked there was armoured plate profile cut for the armies Challenger Tank which was sent to VSSEL a company in the north east who built the Challenger Tank. Just to finish, some of the over head cranes were AC and some were DC big control gear and the tower on Carlisle Street is the main high voltage sub station.
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