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mickey finn

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Everything posted by mickey finn

  1. Now Maplins and Bardwells have gone we are buggered, needed a few components myself this weekend but there is nobody local who sells them that I know off.
  2. As a parent of a child with ASD when I look back at some of the kids who were in my school I can easily identify some of their behaviour as typical of those with learning difficulties associated with ADHD or those on the Autistic spectrum and I am in my 50s, many of those kids went on to have appalling lives as adults.
  3. It was no doubt just a figure of speech she was using, some say the same about the John Lewis tv advert, doubtful they really think that.
  4. The fact you find her "pathetic" says much more about you than it does about her ---------- Post added 15-11-2018 at 23:06 ---------- :hihi:
  5. Its for the kids, its all lit up and colourful, kids love it, long gone are the days when kids were happy with a handful of tuberculosis or dust for Christmas, misery guts
  6. Saw a group of about five kids with them on the bit of spare land between Earl Marshall Road and Rushby Street, they looked like they were just having a bit of fun with them, just sticks with a bit of washing line or something similar tied on the end, no broken glass, nails, screws or barbed wire.
  7. Correct, there is not a street in this country that the police will not go down.
  8. :thumbsup: ---------- Post added 10-11-2018 at 19:47 ---------- :thumbsup: ---------- Post added 10-11-2018 at 19:47 ---------- How do you think Diana would look like at 71 ---------- Post added 10-11-2018 at 19:48 ---------- :thumbsup:
  9. Really, you usually have a lot to say when it come to apologising for other peoples behaviour.
  10. I can tell by your posting style you have already lost.
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