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mickey finn

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Everything posted by mickey finn

  1. You would think they would bend over backwards to help spot a fake, its madness.
  2. Exactly, he does seem like a decent lad though, he is enjoying the fame too, lets hope he livens the role up.
  3. Some of the biggest rip offs are in the small shops at Meadowhall, they literally sell cheap tat you could buy for next to nowt off the internet and sell it as a premium quality product just by making the shop look Italian
  4. I have just this minute been watching Crimewatch, an elderly couple, both suffering with cancer robbed of all their life savings and jewellery, damn Busdriver 1's stupidity tax.
  5. Its not us that should change our habits, the shops should become more competitive, if they continue to charge silly prices then they are doomed.
  6. Your all heart, do you think it's a stupidity tax when an old war veteran loses everything to one of these scammers
  7. I dont live in a world where I have to rely on looking it up on the computer for anything, but you are WRONG anyway as has already been pointed out.
  8. Until this last few weeks we have had nothing but good service off them, also they have knocked a tenner off the last bill and are doing the same for the next, they usually get on top of problems very quickly but this month has been out of the ordinary.
  9. I was sat outside the doorway at Meadowhall yesterday, the Argos doorway, there were a few people smoking weed without a care in the world.
  10. We have been having serious problems with everything Virgin for the last month, today we have intermittent phone outages and full drops to internet connections, nightmare.
  11. Growing up we used to get thousands at a time landing on the houses, they would whistle like mad then all of them would stop and stay totally silent for about ten seconds then they would all take off and swirl around for a bit and then disappear over towards Shirecliffe tip, murmuration at its finest.
  12. Thank you for that, just read the story about the lad, Jerome Rodgers, absolutely tragic. ---------- Post added 31-05-2018 at 17:49 ---------- I would imagine it is more popular now than ever before, probably by a very large margin.
  13. People in cars tend to think they are safe, that is until someone gets out of their car and fronts them out.
  14. Another worrying thing is the rise in children committing suicide, as a parent of an child with Aspergers it is cause for concern but children right across the spectrum are increasingly taking their own life.
  15. Its as much about the bloke, had it not been for him the child could have died.
  16. I know six males personally that have ended their own lives at various ages, don'y know any women that have though.
  17. A year ago I could phone my doctors and get in the same day or at the very least the next day, now you simply cannot get in within TWO weeks, what the hell has happened in the last year ?
  18. Nearly a grand for that, you could get 15 or so decent t-shirts for that amount of cash.
  19. Cowboy outfits like Kier rewrote the book on bodge jobs, utterly appalling.
  20. Thank your lucky stars you don't live next door to a phet head (usually female), these are the lowest of the low, even smack heads look down on the league of the toothless.
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