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mickey finn

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Everything posted by mickey finn

  1. At cruiserweight he was only beat by one person and that was Carl Thompson, and that was Hayes fault not Thompsons, other than that one blemish at CW he was an awesome fighter. Haye didnt do bad at heavyweight, he destroyed about 8 or 9 of them, it was the two decent ones he struggled with but I'll stand by what I said before, at his peak Haye would have beat Fury, Bellew and caused Klitschko a massive nightmare.
  2. The Dark Tower, not a bad way to waste some time but ultimately never lived up to the hype, always a pleasure watching Elba though, best part of the movie was the music at the end credits called Roland Of Eld by Tom Holkenborg, an epic piece of music,6.5/10
  3. A prime Haye would have wiped Bellew out with ease, in fact it would be a total mismatch, todays Haye is broken, flat footed with none of that legendary snap to his punches and very very injury prone, on the night the fitter man won, shame that man had to be Bellew, one of the most vile cretins in boxing. ---------- Post added 06-05-2018 at 20:41 ---------- Bellew will hopefully step into the ring with a real proper fighter if he gets his shot at Andre Ward.
  4. I'm aware of that, I was referring to how quickly the accusations escalate. ---------- Post added 03-05-2018 at 12:17 ---------- :hihi:
  5. Typical SF, loads of people who were not there filling in all the blanks and coming up with someone who will go on to hurting people
  6. Who cares, I hated the crappy circus that surrounded all this but ultimately I hope they get loads of money and they stay together and have a good family life, if the money helps then all the better.
  7. It was absolutely brilliant, great to see Lloyd & Rose Buck as well, they are absolute legends.
  8. If its the Panasonic Lumix FZ1000/2000 you are wanting to look at then go to Jessops at Meadowhall as Harrisons don't stock the them.
  9. The RX10 mk3 has a 24-600 lens. ---------- Post added 25-04-2018 at 17:19 ---------- The Sony is a fantastic camera, nip in to Jessops and have a play, take a memory card down and they will let you take some pics outside the shop and you can have a look at them at home, as soon as you pick the mark 3 up you will feel for yourself the difference in quality compared to other bridge cameras, at any price. ---------- Post added 25-04-2018 at 17:22 ---------- Not only does the mark 3 have a 24-600mm lens, it also stays at f4 throughout.
  10. This ^^ And very much this ^^ ---------- Post added 24-04-2018 at 19:43 ---------- Killed in the line of duty, it can come with that job. ---------- Post added 24-04-2018 at 19:45 ---------- Vile post
  11. You would have been better just googling them instead of making yourself look a bit daft.
  12. If you are looking at a bridge camera at the 1k mark then forget about the Nikon P900, all it has going for it is an absurd zoom lens, not much else, much better performers are the Panasonic FZ1000 or its bigger sensor brother the FZ2000 which has much better 4k video, if you can stump up an extra 300 quid then you can get the Sony RX10 mark 3.
  13. Three Days of the Condor, quality 70s thriller with Robert Redford, Faye Dunaway and the excellent Max von Sydow, 9/10
  14. Fury will never face either of them, he is too busy being beat by himself.
  15. Yeah he is a bigger hitter than Joshua, if he does catch him with one of them bombs then Joshua will be in trouble.
  16. Wilder can bang, that's it, he has no skills that are worth mentioning and has been seriously looked after, his style or rather lack of it will be Joshua's biggest problem but ultimately he will get picked apart.
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