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mickey finn

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Everything posted by mickey finn

  1. I'll always remember the great lady for knocking ten shades out Scargill and leaving him in tatters, loved it.
  2. Agreed, also get crappy football onto other channels and away from mainstream ones.
  3. That pic was took immediately after the incident, Guinness in both hands, cool.
  4. One of your poorer efforts Cyclone, I know you sometimes purposely flame threads, or as you put it, play devils advocate, the burglar has family and mates who could well have the same mindset as him, they will not leave this and you know it and it will be obvious to everyone nearby where this incident happened. ---------- Post added 04-04-2018 at 19:35 ---------- Is the arrest just normal procedure when someone dies though ?
  5. I hope there is no retribution for the fella but on some of the estates I have lived on those particular yobbo circles will use any excuse for a bit of violence.
  6. Sounds like a cool name for some new Adidas trainers, the Stompie Moeketsis.
  7. Some of the nut job burglars who I have known in the past would absolutely make you pay for causing them harm, so would the burglars family and scummy friends, on many rough estates you would have to move away.
  8. There was never any doubt really.
  9. I doubt you can easily upgrade the storage on most lappies that use flash memory, it will be soldered to the board.
  10. Unlocked, not that good but worth it for super fit Noomi Rapace, 4/10
  11. So any comments I make about Hitler are irrelevant because I'm not old enough.
  12. This is the new look Joshua, leaner, fitter and not looking for that knockout, went the distance without breaking a sweat. ---------- Post added 01-04-2018 at 17:04 ---------- Oh dear
  13. I'm totally not writing Parker off but I do think he is up against it with Joshua, I could be wrong though hackey lad.
  14. The only thing more incredible than that statement is the fact that you believe it.
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