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mickey finn

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Everything posted by mickey finn

  1. But they asked about a specific breed.
  2. For who, murderers, why stop there, I reckon my mate should have his 12 year old boy lobotomising seeing as that Ritalin aint working.
  3. These are not bad for the budget but my mate had to send 2 of these back from Amazon, the first wouldn't see the memory card and the second literally just turned off and wouldn't come back on, his third however is still alive to this day after two years on his motorcycle helmet and doing pretty well.
  4. Not really, I just dont think it solves anything at all, also some people have been executed for crimes that were committed on the spur of the moment and not in the slightest bit planned, how can killing someone for that be right.
  5. I used to but the older I have got my views have changed, I do not agree with it any more.
  6. Sorry H maybe the post wasnt clear enough, I was simply taking Anglefire1 to task on his post, it was not about something i would ever want inflicting on another person.
  7. Imagine if it was your lad that had killed someone, if you dont care about how I despatch him then you won't stop me killing him by injecting him with Domestos and sticking a sword up his jacksie until it reaches his heart....your rules remember. Mickey Finn.
  8. If they get wiped out they might be a sale on, who knows there could be some bargains to be had, or not.
  9. Animal, lets hope he never sees a single day of freedom.
  10. A term used by idiots to describe anyone they think are lower than them.
  11. And entertainment free at the same time, rubbish
  12. We have eight 6mp cameras round the house, one of them is a pan and tilt camera, we also have a high power infrared flood light on the rear of the house, the picture quality is amazing.
  13. Not just the price, long gone are the days of the tv repair man, home brew electronics are almost dead in the water, add to that the price and then factor in the crap stock levels they carry its no wonder they have problems.
  14. It was closed at about 7 o'clock when I was out that way, I heard Woodhead was closed due to stranded vehicles.
  15. Must be a different type of cat to my torty, with her its all take take take, if there is love it is most definitely on her terms.
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