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mickey finn

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Everything posted by mickey finn

  1. You seem to know a lot about the situation, maybe you should get some legal representation.
  2. Being criticised for her singing would be more appropriate.
  3. Aye she will have been in tip top mental health, you know, dying and all that
  4. Maybe when dealing with people in such poor mental and physical health the workers should purchase some thick skin from the real life shop, that or get a job as an ambulance driver in Tunstall, it beggars belief that people should let someone in that condition fend for themselves.
  5. Thank you ---------- Post added 19-02-2018 at 21:50 ---------- Grow up......
  6. Storm in a tea cup blown out of proportion by a jumped up ambulance driver.
  7. I find it difficult to understand why anyone would have a problem with it, it is madness.
  8. I have some pretty decent clothes, in fact loads of em, thing is I still focus on a set of comfort clothes and thats it, some proper money wasting going on.
  9. Yes nikki they are appearing all over the place, lets hope this vile vandal stage is over with soon as this is a great idea.
  10. This thread has turned into a joke, honestly the narrow mindedness of it all beggars belief.
  11. They have succeeded in rougher cities than ours, much rougher, on the whole it has been a very successful business venture around the world that has been played out many times so they know what to expect, by the sounds of it they always have vandal problems for a few weeks until the dirtbags get bored.
  12. Saw a few today that were smashed up,all around Fir Vale, in fact I must have seen about a dozen of them if you include the ones being ridden in that area.
  13. I heard off a few people that one landed down near the brook on Parson Cross.
  14. I'm sure you can download maps to phones and tablets for use offline later, that way you only need a gps signal and not a data one to use navigation.
  15. Wow, she's a long termer, I think once you get into it you stay with it, for me dropping in and out is no good because there is so many things about it I dont understand.
  16. I have tried to watch it more than a few times but I just cannot get into it, I agree though, it is a very big money earner for the BBC and is globally popular, I must be missing something.
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