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mickey finn

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Everything posted by mickey finn

  1. No but its a really convenient tool used to make Asians look racist. ---------- Post added 16-01-2018 at 22:56 ---------- Mass strikes, financial crashes, the IRA, power cuts, terrible racism and sexism, yeah the 70s were brill.
  2. Dont say that, we are all special in our own ways, we all have something special about us.
  3. Hmmm, interesting, any chance we could see some of your artwork AL ? ---------- Post added 15-01-2018 at 20:34 ---------- I haven't heard of any of them either.
  4. The majority of scummers crapola I see dumped is quite obviously Indian takeaway waste and builders rubbish, not your usual wheelie bin fodder.
  5. Grow up ---------- Post added 14-01-2018 at 20:34 ---------- She was lucky, the type of peace this lot keep is not the peace we are used to.
  6. Not had any problems with Virgin before but for the last 10 days or so keep having long periods where the internet connection drops and it could take 8 or 10 attempts to reconnect, considering it takes more than 5 minutes a time to go through its connection procedure this can get really annoying, in fact on more than a few occasions I have had to stop myself ripping it out of the wall and chucking it down the garden.
  7. This was all about using the situation for theft and nothing more, vile rioting animals.
  8. Another storm in a teacup created by a group of white nobodies looking to be accepted by a group, any group, self appointed mouthpieces of the ethnic minorities.
  9. You can get it on Amazon but my mate got the stuff for me, it was from a place on Petre Street but I cannot for the life of me remember the name, I think you can get it from Cromwell Tools on Effingham Street, it is in a tube the same as silcone sealant so will need a standard sealant gun.
  10. I had some body kit parts coming loose on my last car and used an adhesive called Tigerseal U Pol, its what the car trade use, I also used it to reseal the rear light clusters when I replaced them, silicone sealant simply would not work when sealing the lights.
  11. Just tested mine on Ookla and getting 285.04 Mbps download speed and 20.58 upload, when I try these speedtests in the early hours the download speed is much nearer the 400 Mbps mark.
  12. O'Sullivan reminds me of Tyson Fury, like a little child who occasionally succumbs to his urges and shouts a swear word.
  13. In such a scene of desperation his urges to steal these items throughout the horror around him could not be overcome, that tells you where abouts he is mentally, sat here in my warm house with a big tv and a take away coming I find it impossible to relate to him on almost any level.
  14. I'm happy that you have a decent life, I wouldnt wish his on anyone.
  15. Not off me Dimple, how can you not feel sorry for a life becoming as sad as this.
  16. Hi life is very sad, his crimes are pretty low, but he didnt rape and kill anyone, much worse crimes exist.
  17. Maybe you have got him wrong, maybe he is using the adult movie term of double tap, although I think yours is the correct one, anyhow, the fella is going to have to live with his actions for the rest of his miserable life, there is no point in making it any worse for him as his life probably cannot get worse.
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