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mickey finn

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Everything posted by mickey finn

  1. I shop at Costco almost every week and never think to fill up there, I dont really pay much attention to their station when I park up or drive out, might try them this weekend.
  2. I used the Shell petrol station tonight on the way home, I must be mad, I heard there is a petrol station in Croydon selling at 10p a litre less.
  3. My better half has a Fitbit, it pretty much does all of that but not sure about blood pressure, it was nearer a hundred quid, there must be cheaper alternatives that work though.
  4. I had them for sciatica and they were ok but after a few days of constipation I had to switch to cocodamol to prevent me getting Plymouth Argyles.
  5. I got about £4500 back through Lloyds bank, didnt have to lift a finger as they sorted it all for me.
  6. 400 Tramodol is a substantial quantity though, she must be a right plant pot to think she wouldnt get a pull.
  7. By the sounds of it you could do with one thats better on fuel.
  8. Thats a shame, at its peak the forum was pretty good, mind you facebook is just so much easier a format to use.
  9. So how much have you got towards that new car ?
  10. You sound like an old mate of mine, he would drive to Chester instead of his local petrol station at Hillsborough just to save about £1:80 on a tank of petrol, tight wad.
  11. Wow, go enough times and those saved 2p's could get you that new car you are after
  12. Talkphotography is the king of forums, some very helpful people on there. I thought IJWTGP died a death many moons ago, last time I looked there had not been a post made in months, the website that is, might nip on to the facebook page and have a nosey.
  13. That Garmin is a proper fitness tracker, very impressive bit of kit.
  14. Harrisons sometimes do courses but expect to pay about £90 plus for an hour.
  15. I like being white but have no problems being any colour, as long as I have my health and my family then I dont care if I'm blue with green dots.
  16. I'd rather look at an atom bomb test through binoculars.
  17. My better half always has her Fitbit on, its interesting to see her heartbeat levels when we have the leg over, strangely mine seems to be a lot higher than hers.
  18. What watch do you use Cyclone, you are obviously in to your fitness.
  19. When you say adult do you mean "glamour" You wont find any local groups that are worth mentioning, best bet is to just keep taking pics and trying different settings, the beauty of not having to mess with film is you can hammer away at it without it costing you anything. Jessops do some cheap one to one sessions that are a good way of getting to grips with the basics of your DSLR and the staff who do the walkabout lessons are pretty knowledgable.
  20. Not had any side effects at all, neither has anyone I know who have ever had a flu jab.
  21. :gag: ---------- Post added 05-11-2017 at 19:08 ---------- Sheridan Smith, horrid
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