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mickey finn

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Everything posted by mickey finn

  1. I love them, have a couple of nice Tags and a few nice old school Seiko divers watches and a Gear S3 Frontier, if the other half would allow it I'd have more than a few more.
  2. Sorry my phone messed with his surname, I quite like him in his days as a comedian but since he has politicised himself the joke is on him.
  3. The strangest thing is being told to lose weight by a fat doctor.
  4. Always see the armed response units at the one on Penistone Road, saw them last night taking a well deserved break.
  5. There's nothing finer than setting some big bombs off on your own garden, thats what bonfire night is all about.
  6. Had them with gravy and chips when I nipped in the other night, even my little uns that are really fussy about their grub loved them and wanted more, I liked the place, had a nice relaxed feel to it in the early evening.
  7. I've yet to find anywhere that sells better fireworks than Epic at Tankersley.
  8. Sensitive wee souls on here aren't we, putting someone's job at risk over a tasteless joke.
  9. Firstly, do not make presumptions about any action I might or might not have taken. Secondly, see how easy it is to run checks on the internet and on various apps regarding a vehicles status.
  10. And the award for SF's fastest derailed thread goes too.....
  11. Yeah it does, its easy for us to be a little flippant about it but to those really concerned it must be a difficult thing to live with. ---------- Post added 30-10-2017 at 17:37 ---------- It is almost akin to opening up a restaurant in Nagasaki and naming it Fat Man.
  12. It was obviously named with good intentions so why not just allow them to honour her name and keep it relevant by allowing it.
  13. Then they must be very slow in catching people then, I know at least 20 uninsured, untaxed and untested vehicles that are being used daily by their owners and have been for as long as I can remember and none of them ever seem get a pull, whats going on ?
  14. You will not show up on any ANPR camera unless you have been flagged for some reason, not being insured wont get you on that list.
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