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mickey finn

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Everything posted by mickey finn

  1. What a strange individual you are, why even post such drivel, although not the first time, remember the bizarre and pointless appearance you made on this RIP thread. ---------- Post added 26-09-2017 at 19:34 ---------- If you are quick you can nip over to the entertainment section to nail the two RIP posts, their almost begging for it
  2. How did you get on with the drive John Habs, you sorted it out yet ?
  3. I know a few lads who are heroin addicts who hold down pretty decent jobs, are reliable and who are good at their respective jobs.
  4. Always been a Tory voter myself but I'm surprised this thread has had such little interest, Mr Michie was a great character.
  5. No, addicts should not be killed, in fact I cannot think of anyone that should be killed.
  6. Dont take it to heart Halibut, I post on here mainly with tongue in cheek I have never had a family member hooked on this crap but having been born and lived on a roughish council estate all my life it was inevitable many people I know have fallen foul of this stuff, also many people I know have had their lives ruined by other peoples addictions, I have seen addicts do terrible things to the people around them and throughout all that I have never seen them as anything other than troubled human beings. Just to add that my flippant remarks on here are because I see the OP's post as a wind up.
  7. I'll agree on some points but human, most of them are sub human....off with their heads.
  8. A proper old school Labour MP, RIP Mr Michie.
  9. Still doesnt change the fact that people generally dont care, its the lesser of two evils as far as the general population are concerned. ---------- Post added 24-09-2017 at 11:17 ---------- I remember many moons ago when someone kept letting their dog crap at the top of my footpath, luckily I never transported any of it into my house or car, I did however transport one of its turds three roads away, I then transported it down their path, then it was transported on to their own doorstep, about a kilo of it, it did the trick.
  10. Stop talking nonsense, of course there are bad dogs, on the matter of dog fouling however then its 100% down to the owner, anyone who cannot adequately clean up after their dogs shouldnt be allowed to have one....ever.
  11. I hope you dont think all smack heads are a walk over.
  12. As long as you are ok Danny Boy thats all that matters, lets hope karma pays them a visit.
  13. Have you checked the voltages on the psu's.
  14. I've said this before, anyone who thinks they are ten men regarding confronting burglars should realise that anyone who has the town halls to break into a house risking a possible violent confrontation is likely to oblige, I've grown up with lads like this and some of them will take anyone on, they are not all little unfit pale faced smack heads.
  15. Looks like a jay to me, seen a few today in the trees round the Northern General hospital.
  16. I could have lived with the draw at a push but not that absurd judges scoring, a more knowledgeable Alvarez will be a different animal next time out, but then so will an older Golovkin.
  17. Hardy was rubbish in Legend, mind you he is rubbish anyway, just the odd movie here and there that might be just noteworthy but on the whole he is nothing more than a pretty boy with a reputation for being extremely awkward and moody, the reality is he is one of the worst actors in the business.
  18. Unfortunately it didnt, a ridiculous decision by the judges has made boxing look like nothing more than a corrupt money making scheme judged by idiots, I had Golovkin 4 rounds up on Alvarez. Pathetic judge Adalaide Byrd has always been known as one of the worst judges in boxing and MMA history and with scores like 118-110 for Alvarez you can see why fighters and promoters always try to stop her from judging their fights. Another mockery and another rematch whilst the clock of old father time ticks away for an ageing Golovkin, things might be just right for an Alvarez win next time round.
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