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mickey finn

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Everything posted by mickey finn

  1. Good idea, unless you have anti chewing gum footwear.
  2. If it was a real gun the bullets are likely to have gone through both sides of the bus, if not they will be on the floor of the bus or embedded somewhere in it, easy to find. Looking at the video the big window didnt even look like it had been penetrated by the projectile, it looked bad because it shattered due to the vibrations and flexing of the bus, whatever it was it was a stupid act.
  3. Keep repeating yourself and keep quoting kinetic energy figures that are totally pointless to this thread, nobody cares about your .270 Winchester no matter how many times you keep telling us about it, the fact is I have seen low powered bb pistols shatter car windows with ease, specially the first shot, although a second in quick succession will obviously see the power drop off, thats all I'm saying dear. The damage to the bus windows was just as likely to be pebbles, they act in a similar fashion to steel bb's and can be thrown by the handful using very little force and will easily cause that sort of damage, unless it was someone hidden in the bushes with a .270 Mannlicher.
  4. Copper plated steel ball bearings will break glass much easier than lead pellets, despite the fact most bb guns are low power Co2 guns, steel bb's transfer their energy differently from lead projectiles.
  5. Catapult use is on the increase, specially amongst young lads, they will kill a fox dead in its tracks at 20 yards so a bus window is nothing to them.
  6. I hope you never start a thread about me Mel
  7. Looks like the queue for a United Colours Of Benetton advert, Sheffield style.
  8. Looks like they might have a body. Conflicting reports actually, some say he has not been found, its all a bit strange. ---------- Post added 20-08-2017 at 11:27 ---------- The latest news articles say that all the bodies and injured have been accounted for and the parents of the little lad have been taken straight to the morgue by police.
  9. I can get to work in about 8 minutes, although getting back on the same route can sometimes take about 40, they are the longest commute times I have ever done.
  10. Not really mine either but he was a great performer, loved him in V For Vendetta.
  11. I thought RFID chips were dead easy to copy, delete and reprogram without any invasive procedures, maybe I heard wrong.
  12. The sticky stuff remover that medusa linked to is pretty good stuff, I have used it before and it worked a treat, the stuff I used was from the Betterware catalogue. For the replacement sleeves try Park Cameras, they do leg wraps but they are not cheap, in fact loads of photography places sell them in all sorts of colours, mind you they are not really essential things so the tripod might look fine without them once its cleaned.
  13. Depending on the diameter of the tubes you could try cycle shops, you can get black sponge foam tubing that usually fits over the handlebars. This is the sort of stuff I was referring to.
  14. Most Beatles stuff, anything that is just Paul McCartney and most heavy metal.
  15. Why do you want image stability, monoculars are usually low magnification so dont really need it. Sunagor do a 10-20x image stabilised monocular but its absurdly over priced considering Sunagors low quality optics.
  16. I changed my S3 rubber strap to a black steel one, it was less than a tenner off ebay, I have a couple of Tags and more than a few Seiko's and the likes but I always seem to wear the Samsung, I prefer smart watches with round faces, better selection of watch faces to choose from, like croat77 says, get a cheapo one to test the water.
  17. Strange that, I know lads who have committed all of the above and got out in a lot less than your quotes.
  18. I hope you dont mind but I'm having this post laminated.
  19. I have the Samsung Gear S3 Frontier with a black metal strap, very well made and there are some great free faces available for it, gives the Tag Heuer Connected a run for its money for a lot less cash.
  20. They hit it off at first then Hardy turned nasty, he is a moody young fella.
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