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mickey finn

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Everything posted by mickey finn

  1. The thought of that tramp in power is sickening
  2. Inferno is an appalling movie, would score same as you. Wonder Woman, 8/10
  3. As Ghozer says it is almost impossible to find anyone to help with these matters and even if you do you might be driving miles to take them there, you have to be realistic about these cases sometimes and let nature take its course. ---------- Post added 09-07-2017 at 17:09 ---------- Would that apply to a kitten if she found one too.
  4. The last thing I'd do is expose some poor soul to my naked body, it would be life changing for them.
  5. is what its like watching Broken, it looks good but it sucks every bit of life out of you.
  6. Been looking at some components just this morning that I need and Bardies would have been perfect, bummer.
  7. By far the best thing about him is he was killed by a drone attack a while back, other than that he was a monumental waste of oxygen.
  8. Watched three episodes and thought Bean was pretty good but the stories and the characters were so mind crushingly depressing I decided to bail out before they ended up writing an episode about me.
  9. I remember the old days of the Studio 5,6,7 when the volume used to get way too high, all that moaning.
  10. I used to ride enduro and motocross many years ago and I still have fond memories of the smell of Putolene and Castrol R
  11. Sounds like you did the right thing Louise, sounds like you really loved Charlie, try to do away with any guilt and replace it with the knowledge you gave Charlie a great life full of love and a dignified end, these feelings you have are only natural and show you are a decent person, hopefully it wont be long before you have a smile on your face when you think about the times you spent with him
  12. The only reason I avoid Rivelin is because it is crap.
  13. Hahaha its still got it, its still the funniest forum around
  14. Such a shame, always loved it in there, like a little gold mine.
  15. Vintage car show at Wortley Hall on Sunday, only a few minutes drive from Sheffield.
  16. Admittedly it does look pretty cool and the lighting is not over the top but it will never see a game in its life, I think I got carried away because I hadnt realised just how far computers have come on in the last five years, I opted for an I7 cpu when an I5 would have easily handled Photoshop and the likes, that said I am thinking about doing a bit of video editing so maybe it will all come in handy.
  17. Absolutely agree with Ghozer, I recently had one built after my old pc died and I mainly used it for photo editing, it was a pretty high end one in its day so I got carried away with the replacement pc and before you know it I was knocking on the 900 quid mark with water cooling, illuminated fans, LED lighting, masses of RAM, solid state drives, it became a gaming rig and a massive waste of money.
  18. Labour are weak, pathetic, a political joke.
  19. The great Baroness Thatcher will be turning in her grave at May's poor performence.
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