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mickey finn

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Everything posted by mickey finn

  1. Yeah he is old. Same old same old, at least the last mayor had a healthy pulse.
  2. I agree, he outclasses all the others by miles, I like the show, its relaxed easy viewing, but I do think his talents are wasted.
  3. I agree, it was more of an off the cuff remark, I hated how the show was going, maybe it wasnt really him, maybe his power over the production was exaggerated by the media and he had to do what he was told.
  4. I loved him in the early days but once his ego was allowed to grow out of control and make it all about him and hardly anything about the cars I started to hate him.
  5. You can thank the vile Clarkson for starting this off.
  6. I'm surprised we don't have a wildlife section, it would be good to know what others were seeing in and around Sheffield.
  7. I think this rise is make believe, no doubt johnny foreigner will get the blame.
  8. I spoke to a couple of them ages ago and they said they were not travellers, that said the mess they were creating was just as bad, they were however very nice young lads to talk to and were pretty intelligent.
  9. He was probably saying "Billy Connoly, Billy Connoly, Billy Connoly, Billy Connoly, Billy Connoly, Billy Connoly" 🤮
  10. Me neither, and I'm a life long Conservative party voter.
  11. Its strange how some people have this romantic notion that the armed forces should have carte blanche to do what they want, nobody should be above the law, when they break the law they should be held accountable, just like anyone else.
  12. A good innings 97 but still sad, RIP Doris.
  13. Idiots, plain and simple, hope your pooch is ok.
  14. Every confrontation between a cat and a fox that I have seen has had the cat easily coming out on top.
  15. Never heard of it, anyhow back in the real world I watched one on the CCTV in the front garden about an hour ago, also seen the occasional badger on the front too.
  16. On the plus side at least 90p of that will probably make its way to a good cause.
  17. Agreed, in fact just one large bomb on the capital would send this country back to the dark ages, it would take many years to recover from it.
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