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mickey finn

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Everything posted by mickey finn

  1. When I phone our lass it takes her so long to get to her phone it usually goes to answering service. ---------- Post added 07-05-2017 at 12:21 ---------- Get a bigger bag ---------- Post added 07-05-2017 at 12:22 ---------- My wallet has literally months worth of receipts, hardly ever any money though
  2. You can have a polite word for a starter. ---------- Post added 07-05-2017 at 12:18 ---------- There are some sections of society that are harder to nail down than others, dirty junkies being the main ones.
  3. Used to think she was a bit full of herself but she seems nice on that money saving show she is doing in the evening, and yeah she is gorgeous.
  4. You do realise that only a teeny tiny percentage of motorists have a problem with cyclists, in fact the number is not even worth bothering about, in fact you can almost fit cyclist haters that frequent this forum into a convenient profile
  5. Wilder is not an elite fighter, Joshua will demolish him, as would Fury.
  6. I saw a lad doing it on a single speed bike, he admitted defeat about 200 yards from the Mortimer Road turn off, he must have had legs like Bruce Lee.
  7. Sheffield "grandmother", she's only 60, she should do some prison time.
  8. Why this joke is still on Labours front line is beyond me, she is a patronising idiot and the sham Labour party deserve her.
  9. Very well acted, Stephen Graham very much on form, very upsetting story though.
  10. Look North always like to make us look good here in Sheffield, like when they only show street interviews with the biggest "ee by gummers" they can find.
  11. If I'm honest I too prefer flat gentle cycling as opposed to the brutal hills that are dotted all over Yorkshire
  12. It was a great event, another huge turnout for the race. I love the quiet time as the spectators slowly start to arrive, then the excitement as the support cars and police bikes scour the route in front of the racers, then you get the quiet bit until the helicopter appears in the distance, all of a sudden everyone is up for it, the riders are here.....fantastic day. ---------- Post added 01-05-2017 at 12:51 ---------- Yorkshire has some of the best cycling routes ---------- Post added 01-05-2017 at 12:52 ---------- This ^^^ ---------- Post added 01-05-2017 at 12:58 ---------- Athletes miss events so they can take part in others all the time, whats your point.
  13. Youth triumphed over experience....just.
  14. It will be unbearable in Stocksbridge, Fox valley will be a total nightmare because of the crowds.
  15. Klitschkos age has been rearing its head for a few fights now, although the one that fought the monumental idiot Fury was an anomaly, a fighter coming off a loss is dangerous so he could be a real danger to Joshua despite the age.
  16. Good luck getting on to the Shirecliffe allotments, them lot are like the mafia
  17. I once had one that stuck in the up position and nothing would move it, felt like metal to metal contact, I drained all the fluid out and refilled it and it was ok, I think there could have been air in the system, I'd be checking the linkages and failing that the cylinder, gotta be careful with safety though, always use stands.
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