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mickey finn

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Everything posted by mickey finn

  1. Where did I say I "continue" to watch it, I have only ever seen it whilst flicking through channels and that is enough to have gauged the level of childish toilet humour and lowest of the low level of bad quality actors the writers have used to target their toilet humour badly acted comedy loving fan base.
  2. They love the canteen dont they, it must make a few quid.
  3. I use Costco twice a week and have never experienced rudeness from staff, in fact they are always extremely helpful and professional, as for queuing for half an hour, that claim is absurd, I have never had to wait that long even when I have shopped there at Christmas. Best off going and making your own mind up instead of cherry picking opinions to suit.
  4. Grrrrrrrr, you lucky bugger I do understand your views on this though mate, there are people from all walks of life that are having this terrible thing happen to them, most of them do not have the financial backup to make it happen more smoothly, they face much more hardship and this in turn makes some of the decisions a lot harder to make.
  5. Coming from someone with a hatred of wealth
  6. I once had a slash at the side of the road, doesnt mean I can tell Paula Radcliffe how to run a marathon.
  7. Start with the Roma, can you please list all the benefits, thanks.
  8. There is nothing normal about you and your horrid obsession with money
  9. There must be several tons of chewing gum on the streets down there, the place is a total mess.
  10. The only way they could make this crappola any worse is if they replaced all the current bargain basement actors they scraped off the bottom of the barrel and replaced them all with clones of David Walliams.
  11. My eldest lad quickly found out the limitations of the horrible Amazon operating system when he was four years old, he hated it, he loved the Android tablet we replaced it with, same when we passed the Amazon on to his younger brother at the same age, we had to replace that with an Android tablet because he saw the games his older brother was running on his Android and the Amazon wouldnt run them.
  12. Along with thousands and thousands who haven't heard about it yet, at least you got away without any trouble. But they still are, and one of the reasons is this.... Moderators hide it away in the tech section where most people never venture. Awww cutey
  13. It could also be just 3 houses causing all the trouble, I've seen an area with about 400 houses in it literally brought to its knees by just one or two families of scummers.
  14. That trick was inappropriate at any time never mind on a chat show, maybe Ramsey should be replaced by Frank Skinner as the host, he is much better at it.
  15. Not any more, he has been in character for so long he no longer knows the difference himself, he's all toilet humour anyway.
  16. It would be a pointless exercise, but I would imagine a massive majority of muslims are appalled by this and other attacks.
  17. I was genuinely ill after visiting Halfords, what of it, I was also ill after visiting Grimsby.
  18. It wasnt that long ago that Pc Barbara Lynford was awarded £600,000 because colleagues made remarks about her breasts, watched pornography while on duty and used their radio system to rate attractive women.
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