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mickey finn

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Everything posted by mickey finn

  1. There would be little left round these parts, I can think of at least six big targets that are so close to Sheffield the blast areas would be overlapping, in fact many cities, Sheffield included, would be hit by more than one warhead, but as said earlier the further up north you go the better your short term chances are, ultimately though you can expect a severely shortened lifespan.
  2. I wouldn't expect anything less from the vile Abbott.
  3. There is something really odd about the lass, when she talks and the body language she uses its almost like she doesnt really have a clue whats happening, how dire her situation is, she appears emotionally stunted, numb almost.
  4. He should have asked Caitlin to press the turbos. He had some tough times in real life, although to be fair he kept the Columbian economy propped up for many years, RIP.
  5. I walked the dog over there on Monday and you should have seen the crap they left, it made me feel ashamed to be human, mountains of utter vile crap all over the place.
  6. Wow, the sheer ignorance of you, are you a fully paid up member of the grey squirrel and Dutch Elm disease appreciation society.
  7. Anyone who parks on Herries Road on the run up next to Scraithewood must be mad, the high banks on one side and the woods on the other give excellent cover for anyone robbing cars, even when I was a kid it was a prime spot for it, also the steps up the bank give you a perfect getaway on to Adkins Road, every match day there is glass on the paths.
  8. Unfortunately Parakeets are on the invasive species list and will have to be monitored, they have the potential to be incredibly destructive to other species and to crops, both Ring necked Parakeets and Monk Parakeets are on the general license and can be shot, in fact the aim is to eradicate both species completely.
  9. A terrible thing to hear, Hollis was always a very sad character, also immensely talented.
  10. I think many of the complainers would notice the difference, and that on its own would shut most of them up.
  11. You didnt miss much, knocking nails into elderly drivers and using a dead womans wedding photos as the hammer, made a serious subject look cheap and nasty.
  12. He visited my sons school last week, charming and very engaging young fella, the kids also loved him.
  13. I really want to watch this but getting the time is almost impossible, Alita looks incredible, there is a video on Youtube that shows a split screen with the finished article on one side and the actual scene with the actress complete with black suit covered in dots and face covered with dots and a strange twin camera setup that points at her face, very interesting indeed.
  14. I lost faith in Bruce's films a while back watched his remake of Deathwish and liked it.
  15. My cousin and his mate were on Bullseye and said Jim Bowen told them when they lost that he would see them for a drink after the show, they did indeed see him after the show but said he was one of the most arrogant individuals they had ever met and talked to them like they were crap afterwards.
  16. Some of the comments people have posted on various facebook pages including the SY Police page have been incredibly cruel regarding her ethnicity, this is a young lass for crying out loud, hope she is found soon safe and well.
  17. He was a very politically involved individual so on reflection I think you are correct, even though I didnt agree with a most of is politics I did find him very funny and very intelligent and only 57, I hate cancer.
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