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mickey finn

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Everything posted by mickey finn

  1. The problem with most kids nowadays is the think they are on an equal footing to adults, in fact most seem to think they are on an equal footing to their own parents.
  2. Then you deserve everything you get, which ought to be nothing.
  3. As a cyclist myself I am appalled at the number of cyclist that seem to be oblivious to the fact that the dark nights have drawn in and have not lit themselves up, I see them every single day to and from work and I'm amazed at how many there are.
  4. I agree, find out where they live and smash their parents cars up.
  5. On my trip to and from work every day the worst offenders are almost exclusively cyclists, and I'm a cyclist.
  6. You dont have to pick them up, just throw your apron on them or hit them with the chain.
  7. Seeing anyone in pain is bad but I cannot imagine seeing my own kid like that, Best of luck to you all Happy Daddy.
  8. Come up with more money and better ideas for a start.
  9. I've had a go in my mates new Type R Civic and its a beast.
  10. Hopefully this will calm down after the initial shouty American start and settle into something a bit more palatable.
  11. Horrible crappola, glad I got it for nowt on torrent site, had I paid even a penny for it I would have topped myself.
  12. He is a misery guts but credit to the lad he doing extremely well.
  13. Hi annb, maybe we got our wires crossed a little, her English wasn't brilliant.
  14. It wouldnt be enought. ---------- Post added 13-11-2016 at 22:35 ---------- ^^this^^
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